Motor movers - which one, why & how to get pricematch?

Jun 25, 2007
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We're seriously considering a motor mover for our caravan which has an MTPLM of 1390 KG to allow us to continue to store ait at Rob's parents' bungalow.

The main driveway is quite steep but we only really need to reverse it downhill for a short distance using the motor mover to get it into a tightish space and the incline on this part isn't that bad. When it's in it's spot it's very secure and it's also convenient for loading etc so it really would be a pity to have to pay for storage elsewhere.

We've done a bit of internet research and it seems that Powrtouch are the most recommended movers on here but the cost is rather high. The best we've found for the model 3 needed for our weight of van is £850 fitted. We've had a quote for an enduro/purpleline mover of £699 fitted. Does anyone know if Powrtouch will pricematch other manufacturers and include fitting as we're not confident enough to DIY? Any tips on securing a discount would be very much appreciated as we've already overspent our car/caravan budget!


Claire and Rob
Nov 6, 2005
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PowrTouch's price match is genuine - you'll need to find the best price either fitter or diy, as appropriate, then contact PowrTouch with the specific references/evidence.

I got them to price match the Enduro, for diy fitment, but another caravanner found a different deal and got them down another
Jun 5, 2005
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Can you tell me where you got your 699 quote from and if you have any luck with pricematching it to Powrtouch as this is just what we are thinking of and every penny saved is another few nights caway

Nov 6, 2005
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Finding comparisons for diy fitment is easy, just use google to find all the suppliers, pick the lowest inc delivery, note all the details and contact PowrTouch so they can verify for themselves.

Finding comparison for fitted installation is harder but similar.
Jun 25, 2007
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Litespeed - are you happy with your Powrtouch 3 Mover? The price you got seems pretty good as I know the extras you mention alone add on about
Jul 4, 2005
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Hi Again Claire and Rob,

Ive not had the unit fitted yet, were off on holiday on Saturday so ive asked them to wait until we get back to fit it. They did say that there was about a two week period before they could fit it so that suited fine.

I dealt with a girl called Theresa at Powrtouch, she was very helpful and certainly knew her stuff.

I would suggest just making them an offer of what you feel is a fair price you would be happy paying, they can only say no...and remember your the customer and they want you to buy a mover! If your not confident in bartering just send them an email, thats what I did to begin with.

Let me know how you get on.....All the best

Simon (Litespeed)
Jan 20, 2008
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if you dont need a full blown motor mover consider a big foot or mr shifta.

i have a big foot and have no problems moving a big twin axle

plenty of ads in caravan mags and on line try01335345494 i have the luxury of both axle mover and the jockey wheel type.

i dealt with motor mover and found them good to talk to.they will send you a dvd to help you decide.

good luck.

Jan 19, 2008
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haydn, Claire & Rob have a steep drive so I wouldn't think Mr Shifta would cope.

If you can, go for a PowrTouch .. I've heard of nothing but favourable comments about them, especially their after sales service.

BTW I've got a Truma but if I knew then what I know now it would be a PowrTouch.
Mar 14, 2005
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just to add we had a powrtouch unit fitted just before xmas cannot stress how good it works and the customer service is as good as i have ever got off any firm. i got them to price match an enduro and it came to
May 25, 2005
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We had a representative from 'Mr Shifter' out with his wheel. Clamped it to the van and tried unsuccessfully not only to get it down the driveway (1 in 7) where it was heading sideways towards a 3' drop! On attempting to get it back up the driveway the whole of the wheel was stripped of its rubber! Sorry, but I very much doubt it wouldn't cope with the driveway in question.

You could, of course, have them come out and give you a demo!

Jun 25, 2007
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Thank you so much everyone! Going to do what most have suggested and go to Powrtouch direct. We're astounded at the price differences that can be achieved with price match - thank goodness we found this forum! Mark's and Crusader's info particularly helpful.

I've spoken to a caravanning colleague today who speaks very highly of her Powrtouch mover - I didn't even know she had one until chatting in the staff room today. She says it managed to move their caravan up a steep, muddy grass bank in Cheddar shortly after the floods last summer with very little effort - good enough recommendation for us!

Cheers everyone and thank you all so very much (especially from our not-quite-as-empty bank account!)

Claire & Rob
Jun 20, 2005
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We had a Powrtouch fitted last november . Excellent and powerful.

Don't forget it is best to have a 110amp leisure battery which is man enough to move our twin axle wyoming.


Jun 25, 2007
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Thanks for that Alan - most encouraging. Fortunately we bought a 110 amp battery when we got our caravan last October just in case we ever ended up without electric hook-up for the odd weekend away so we're all set.


Claire & Rob
Nov 6, 2005
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If your caravanning is always on hookup, don't use a leisure battery - use a car battery, it'll cope better with the high current demand of a mover.

If you're often away from hook-ups you've no choice but get a 110Ah leisure battery although a marine battery would be better, at a price.
Mar 14, 2005
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claire and rob ,glad to be of help. one thing no one has mentioned is the super red box that you can buy to put the handset and brace,key spare battery and emergency connecting cable in( also room for instruction books).i am sure it was
Apr 9, 2006
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Spoke to Powrtouch recently about their new Powrtouch Innovation Single unit, to be fitted by them at our home on our new caravan, due from the dealer early in March. The Innovation is their brand new mover and isn't on sale yet.

They have said if we collect our new caravan and the new Innovation Single unit still isn't available, they will fit a Powrtouch Heavy Duty unit with Powractuator and upgrade it to the new Innovation unit free of charge. If the Innovation unit is released at a lower price than the Heavy Duty unit, they will credit us with the difference.

They have quoted us a price of
Nov 13, 2007
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For what size van do people consider a motor mover essential?

We're looking at purchasing our first van (Ace Award Firestar) with an MLTPM of 1460kg. Should I expect to be able to move this around on my own or with the help of my wife. (our drive is level but gravelled)




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