Motor movers

Jun 17, 2018
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Hi again caraveners I want your thoughts on motor movers ? I’m thinking of buying one but they are very expensive around £650 but people exchange caravans and the buyers remove them and sell them on for a bargain so does anyone know of a seller who does this because the wife’s backs playing her up so she struggling to put her bit in to push as to say (lol)
Nov 16, 2015
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A price of £650 is rather low for a decent motor mover, but then again my caravan is a fairly heavy one and we have apower touch . And the newer ones are getting cheaper. Go to a dealer near yourself, and ask them. My old dealer would remove the MM from PX caravans and sell them to Europe. The fitter for a MM would take maybe 3 to 4 hours.( incuding tea break ) , for a second hand one with no warranty, I would go for a new one. IMO , In my opinion.
Sep 4, 2017
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Fully agree with EH. I fitted a new PowerTouch Evolution and have never looked back. I doubt I will ever find a slope it will not cope with and my wife stands by like a queen during the moving process. Worth every penny. PS many people don't know you must lubricate the sliding bits to keep it free and easy to use. In the case of a mover I would stay away from SH, too many possibly expensive problems that may occur.
Nov 11, 2009
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Given that power touch have been taken over by Truma and that a number of posts have reported no response to queries and I’ve been waiting four weeks now for a query response I’d be biding my time. Powertouch used to be excellent at responding and support. No point in a five year warranty that may not work. I’ve got the simple crank action cross coupled powertouch which is fine. But any future one would see me moving back to Reich.


Mar 14, 2005
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If you buy from Powrtouch they arrange for a fitter to come to you.(included in the price)
If you buy anywhere else that does not provide fitters, look up Approved Workshops for an engineer local to you to come and fit.(will cost about £150)
Mar 24, 2014
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I was fortunate in that the previous owner left the motor mover on the caravan. As the caravan was less than a year old, all I had to do was contact Powrtouch to transfer the balance of the warranty to me. They charged £50 to do this which I thought a little steep, given that Bailey only charged £35 to transfer their warranty. I think I would be very cautious about buying a second hand mover, I would prefer the ability to claim under the warranty. Slightly concerned to read about the apparent drop in service levels reported by some following the Truma takeover.
Oct 12, 2013
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They are worth every penny you pay for them, we paid about £65o for ours , powrtouch classic, without it I would not get it on my drive but even when you are on site it's great. Just unhook and let the motor mover do the work and inch by inch it to the position where you want it. We've gettin it in positions i could off not pushed it to !!
Jun 20, 2017
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I agree with all the above comments, we have the Powrtouch Evolution on our van and have got into some right tight pitches with it with no drama.
Go new if possible to avoid any hidden damage etc being uncovered during fitting etc.

Jul 18, 2017
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We upgraded our Evo auto engage motor mover to an AWD motor mover. The old mover was 5 years old and removed by the Powrtouch technician and all the parts are there and it is in good working condition.
At present it is advertised on however the actuation bar is for a 8' wide caravan, but one for the normal width caravan can be bought from Powrtouch. One of the motors is less than a year old as it was replaced due to corrosion. The unit can be tested prior to handing over cash. Have a look on for the advert.
Jan 19, 2002
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Internet search brought up who amongst other companies offer a nationwide fitting service - I have no connection with the company, but the website could be a useful guide as they list 'Compare Caravan movers' which gives you the vital statistics for a number of makes from weight to battery requirement. Including fitting they seem to range from about 700 to 1600£ for single axle. I think you would find that most caravan dealers and service centres could supply and fit for you too, although this may be at their premises rather than your home.
Jun 17, 2018
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Just bought another caravan with a motor mover fitted my wife’s said you’re like a kid with a toy, it’s brilliant you can manoeuvre the caravan within 15 mm from the house porch if I did that manually it would have been scratched to hell with the wife shouting to me to you like the chuckle brothers (sadly Barry has now passed) bless him
Oct 12, 2013
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Yes I agree , been there done that shouting arguing , to me to you , STOP !!

But since getting the mover put on our van it is worth every penny spent to be able to put it and maneuver inch by inch into the position that you could not push pull or tow or reverse into .
May 7, 2012
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Our old caravan was 4 1/2 years old when we changed it The dealer said that this was not a problem and not worth getting a new one and so far so good. The mover is a Powertouch so I cannot comment on other makes.
Nov 6, 2006
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Don't dismiss second hand movers. I bought our 4wd Reich as pre owned and although I could have put it into service as it was, I elected to strip it down and had it freshly powder coated, then replaced all terminals with new ones soldered, not crimped. Motors, gearboxes, x2 control units and remote all perfect. Completing the installation as well is very satisfying, and you know everything about the system..
May 24, 2014
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I agree with the above, this is our first new mover since the early days, prior to this we have taken them off each previous caravan and re-installed on the next generation.
Oct 20, 2015
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"Don't dismiss second hand movers. I bought our 4wd Reich as pre owned and although I could have put it into service as it was, I elected to strip it down and had it freshly powder coated, then replaced all terminals with new ones soldered, not crimped. Motors, gearboxes, x2 control units and remote all perfect. Completing the installation as well is very satisfying, and you know everything about the system."

"I agree with the above, this is our first new mover since the early days, prior to this we have taken them off each previous caravan and re-installed on the next generation"

i concur with the above: We've recently bought a secondhand mover from a breakers. purpleline enduro: bit of wire wool and coat of black hammerite, it came up well: did pay a nice mobile chap to fit it - very reasonable. We couldn't currently afford a new one and really wanted a mover, our recently purchased first caravan is a 2003 model. I would recommend this as a way to go with a mover especially if minding the pennies.


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