Mud Paddles

May 21, 2008
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Has anyone used these yet.

What was the reaction from the site warden?

Having looked at their promo vidieo, I have to ask wether they would be allowed on a caravan site?

Before anyone start's, NO I WOULD NOT USE THESE ON THE ROAD.

Steve L.
Oct 24, 2007
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Hi Steve, just looked at the video on their website. They look horrendous! Not only do they appear to chew the grass up (yes, and spit it out!) but trying to fit them to anything other than something like their van with masses of wheel arch clearance must be a nightmare. You's end up looking like you've been mud wrestling!
May 21, 2008
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That was my thoughts too.

First of all, just how much un forseen damage could be done to car tyres and suspension.

Secondly, how many site owners would have heart failure if they saw you churning up their grass.

These might be fine at an auto grass meet, but on a pristeignly pruned and mown site, I think an argument and even private prosecution might ensue.

I have threaded 8mm rope through the spokes of the alloy wheels on my car, which afforded very good grip on a muddy field with minimal distruction to the grass. But even doing thta has problems, as you have to jack up the car to do it, and spin the wheel by hand to ensure nothing is catching. Then of coarse you have to cut the cord off agin before you hit the highway.

Best policy is not to pitch where you can't get to or away from without assistance. Or if you do get stuck as the site owner to use his tractor before you churn up his grass. The are much more apreciative of people who care about their site and will tow you for free.

steve L.
Apr 15, 2008
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I would be extremely careful about using these. Damage to the car is quite possible, in particular you might take out the brake pipes. I know I can't fit snow chains to the front wheels of my car due to brake pipe clearance and thats on a Land Rover!