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Aug 24, 2015
I feel your anguish Raywood
It's a bummer isnt it when you've plenty of space right at your own front door and cant put it there. We pay for storage about 8mile from us. While we're blessed to have it it doesn't stop the thoughts of having it on the doorstep. So much easier when preparing to head of.
Mar 13, 2007
get a mover fitted. should cost no more than a couple years storage fees dependant on what they are.
I was lucky having enough space to build a garage big enough to fit the van in. ps. also chose a van that would fit in it. :lol: :lol: :lol:. in order to get it in there and out again. it had to be manoeuvred performing 2. 90degree corners down the side alley with 3in either side and a 1 in 5 slope passed several trees and parked cars. out onto the back road where the car was waiting. you could not have imagined a more difficult route from garage door to the car. yet the mover did it with ease in less than 10 mins. without it getting it in there would have been impossible. people say they are the best investment you can make for the van. how right they are.
Nov 11, 2009
colin-yorkshire said:
get a mover fitted. should cost no more than a couple years storage fees dependant on what they are.
I was lucky having enough space to build a garage big enough to fit the van in. ps. also chose a van that would fit in it. :lol: :lol: :lol:. in order to get it in there and out again. it had to be manoeuvred performing 2. 90degree corners down the side alley with 3in either side and a 1 in 5 slope passed several trees and parked cars. out onto the back road where the car was waiting. you could not have imagined a more difficult route from garage door to the car. yet the mover did it with ease in less than 10 mins. without it getting it in there would have been impossible. people say they are the best investment you can make for the van. how right they are.

Great stuff a video of your manoeuvring would be a great marketing advert for whatever brand mover you have. And if you have a manual car, or an auto with twin clutch gearbox, it will ease the life of the clutch(es)
Aug 24, 2015
We have a mover on still it won't do i can't begin to describe our driveway in fact when we first moved in we couldn't even park our car in the drive way as had the handbrake came of the car would've been in through the kitchen window. We had to have a builder to erect a wall of 5ft so the drive coukd be built up with loads of whatever they use for back fill so it could be brought up as much as possible with the front gates which it still has a slope but at least can put car in. To have made driveway level the wall would have to have been approx 9ft high talk about Alcatraz couldn't have that eyesore outside kitchen window.
Hope you can sort of understand my description. Don't know how to put pics on or couldve done sorry.
It's because of the slope and where it comes in contact with the Kirb just at gates they slope in opposite directions from each other creating a type of rise would mean having to contact council because of footpath needing dug up and flattened wether they woukd give us permission is doubtful but even so the cost again isnt even a thought as we've already paid out a fortune to do the amount of work already to it to try making it useable.
Yes a smaller caravan would work but I'm not giving up the love of our db axle to enable storing a smaller one just so it'll fit it.
That's one heck of a manover you do but in your advantage its doable. Hubby is very experienced manovering he was an articulated lorry driver and a bus driver and drove all sorts of military vehicles in army in his younger days so it's definitely not his inadequacy there.
Aug 24, 2015
Wow ive just noticed my avitar pic that I tried and tried to upload has finally appeared its not right way up I know but I can't mend that one.
Maybe I can afterall take a pic of our driveway when we get home we're away on site at present time..and I'll put it on. Seeing is best. Watch this space....
Oct 12, 2013
I too have a large drive and I'm a bit gutted that we don't store ours at home but like some people say it's an invitation for someone to breaking in when the van has gone but it depresses me when I go to work driving about on the bus through little estates and I can see where people have got there caravans in the gardens hidden behind hedges , I'm actually quite surprised at how many people have got them now .
Aug 24, 2015
Ah Craig
I do the same when I see them in other owners drives. We had a very scary incident few years ago I do think I've wrote about it on another thread on here.
We used to park ours right beside our house as there are 4 council garages and lots of space around them.
It stayed there long enough safely well we thought it was safe until 2am one Sunday morning an explosion woke me up when I looked out window our big caravan was on fire with flames leaping from it.
Firemen said vandals had poured flammable liquid into the vent behind cooker and ignited it of course it was wrote of by the insurance company even though we got compensation still didn't retract the impact it had on us plus wary about storing replacement there.
It prob was a one off being very late really a Sat night and bookers being about though our area is normally quiet and a neighbour has her wee caravan there now even knowing what happened to ours.
So we wondered would it be safe enough if it was in our driveway as when that happens you think twice or three times perhaps.
Nov 11, 2009
Craigyoung said:
I too have a large drive and I'm a bit gutted that we don't store ours at home but like some people say it's an invitation for someone to breaking in when the van has gone but it depresses me when I go to work driving about on the bus through little estates and I can see where people have got there caravans in the gardens hidden behind hedges , I'm actually quite surprised at how many people have got them now .

I’m not so sure that with it without a caravan makes any difference to the possibility of a burglary. We were burgled a few years back around mid day. We live in a group of 8 houses all facing onwards towards each other. A while after a house opposite had a small removal truck drive up to their front and the occupants helped themselves. They must have had a job getting their proceeds around the motor home. And only two weeks ago another one opposite had thieves climb the back wall break into the house at 2030 (ish) take jewellery and car keys. The newish Navara was stolen and the newish sports coupe has since been in storage awaiting a new key and alarm system.
So I tend to think that they will try and burgle a property irrespective of whether a van is on the front. The best way is deterrence but even that may not be successful as they can be so quick that they are away before people even realise an alarm may be ringing. But the alarm may act as a deterrent and direct them elsewhere.
Nov 16, 2015
The Tea leafs, are strange, we live at the end of a "Cul de Sac" with a footpath around the edge of the house, we have fitted for the last 35 years, Dusk until Dawn light sensitive lights 7 Watts D fluorescent things, not the ones that come on as people walk by. We have no alarms apart from the dogs, all four neighbours have been burgled , with house alams, strangely they , stilĺ do not have lights on their houses. . But their alarms go off because they have not replaced their Batterys.


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