Mar 14, 2005
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own up someone, surely i am not alone in going to the nec the owner of a perfectly superb caravan (less than 3 years old) only to get a super deal on a new one that we pick up next month !!!!! HOW DID IT HAPPEN ? who knows but we are both lookin forward to going to france in it end of april (3 weeks)
Dec 16, 2003
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Never had the need or want for a new van, personaly I couldn't warrant the outlay even if my pockets were deep enough!

Most of us are just poor caravanners scraping by on pennies ;-)

(sound of violins)

Maybe we could club together and raise the funds for the NEC car park and the entrance fee, but impulse buy of a new van !!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOWIE.

How the other half live!

Are you a politician Crusader to have that kind of money ;-)
Jan 1, 2006
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I only went to get lots of leaflets so I could burn them on my fire when I got home in order to keep warm. it did not work, I could not afford the matches to lite the fire, sob, sob. so I wrapped myself up in the paper and went to bed. other than that a good day was had. no I did not bye a new van but like many others I know which one I will get if my numbers come up on Saturday.


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