Neighbours revelation causes headache!!

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May 2, 2005
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Obviously I am not in a position to comment on individual cases, but given the details you have posted of example incidents, ny reaction would be that I don't incident 1, other than the possibility that the suspect could not be positively identified on CCTV. A name and address is a starting point, but not a justifiable reason to drag someone in for interview in itself.

Incident 2....the only thing I can think of is that the cops never got told about it by the area control room until the time scale you refer to. Not right, but thats how things are nowadays. But tell me, how do you know they were "only about 1/2 a mile away in Cowes at the time, watching the fireworks"

Incident 3...he may have been caught, but continues to drive. Ask the local police office....anon call

Incident 4...All these sorts of things are part of larger planned raids. The local dealer is part of a bigger network.

"Quotas".........could not agree more....but tell the Chief Constables and politicians.....NO cop that I know, agrees with the "numbers" game, but we have to do as we are ordered....

Damian, it is also worth noting that the "stats" culture was brought about by the public wanting to know what the police did and by self serving senior management.


Forget the numbers, it's the reasons.....

Lady C.......If I read the first bit correctly, it would be OK to make the comment if I were not in the police....!!!!

I am not suggesting that people join their local NW for insurance alone, but the OP has information that could assist the police and he is wondering if he should pass it on.

He should contact the local police and voice his concerns about reverberations. The police are not stupid, they do not advertise where they get info from. I take your point about the suspect being able to work it out, but surely the place to seek advice about this sort of thing is at the local police office, not on a forum.

On the rural bit......I currently work in a mainly rural area and it is accurate to say that people there are far more willing to give information to the police than in urban areas. The attitude in many urban areas is that "someone else will report it". Problem is that every "someone" has the same thoughts, so no-one reports it.

Remember that any report can be made anon...

Crimestoppers...... 0800 555 111


Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you for your reply, which I shall try and clarify for you.

In 1, the picture was very clear, I know the culprit very well, having lived in the area for many years and know his parents and his wife.

However, nothing was ever done about it.

In 2, the control room used to be in Newport, with local control room staff who knew the Island like the back of their hands.

In the quest for "efficiency" (read cost cutting) the control room has been moved to Winchester, and the control room staff have no idea where the Island is, never mind where specific locations are on the Island, and instead of a max 2 minute wait to get through to th eold control, now it goes to a sifting operator, who then passes you on to another "emergency" operator, who then spends a minimum 20 minutes trying to get a handle on where exactly you need help.

How do I know the Police were as close as I said,,,,,,,,,,because after I had set my dogs on the attackers to get them away from the girl and my wife had phoned for an ambulance, I then walked down the hill from where I live to the Police station where I found over 20 policemen all watching the end of Cowes Week Fireworks from the top windows.

In 3, I personally phoned thePolice and gave them all the infromation they needed,they did nothing.

In 4, please do not even attempt to justify not getting known dealers off the streets.

Known dealers were responsible for getting my daughter on to heroin (she is now off it and is back to normal, but it was a three year battle), the dealers were reported to the Police, along with a lot of evidence,nothing was done,,,,,they still ply their trade, they also know that if I see them and I have the opportunity,I will run them over.

I have already set my dogs on two of them when they came on to my property.

I know a lot of Policemen, and I know that you have your hands tied a lot of the time, but ,,,,,,,, when the plainly obvious is ignored in favour of soft quotas, it has to stop.
May 2, 2005
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Thanks for some more info Damian.

No 1......I cannot fathom this at all. If it were me, the culprit would be charged as appropriate

No 2.......Same here with so called centralised control rooms. If you thik you have hassle, I have on several occasions, given up trying to get through on the radio....even when I need help urgently. Thankfully, the new Airwave


Nov 12, 2009
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The o.p Laird Al wrote in the opening post:

'I had my usual moan about two particular people on the street double parking and making it impossible to get down the street when I have caravan in tow.

On two or more occasions, we have had confrontations with said car owners. We or should say I, gave them three options if they weren't to move.The last option was to call the police and let them sort it out,the latter took place.'

Has it occurred to you Al that if the two people in the street who double parked also had their vehicles keyed by your neighbour they might blame you?

They might retaliate by damaging your car or caravan but you could never really be sure if it was them or your neighbour who apparently has 'form' from what they told you.

I don't know the answer to your dilemma but if my neighbours confessed to vandalising peoples cars I might not be able to prove it at the time but I'd tell them in no uncertain terms that the vandalism had to stop or I'd definitely be contacting the owners with details of their boastful confessions.

It would be up to the owners of the vehicles affected to then contact the police to see what action (if any) was to be taken.
Aug 4, 2004
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I strongly suggest that it is reported to the police as it is your duty to do this. If you can't do this, then you need to resign from your position on the committee. The problem of course is that the neighbours will know who reported them, but then do you really wnat to be associated with people that are basically vandals?

Before any action is taken the police will investigate and ascertain whether any cars have been keyed.

To key a car is a criminal offence and does carry a jail sentence, however I do understand the frustration at the pavement being blocked however a note on the windscreen would suffice prior to informing the police.

I had a car keyed in a car park outside a cinema and this was blatant vandalism however the cost of repair was not a joke!
May 2, 2005
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I assume that this is aimed at me. I am not ignoring your question.

Crime on the it ??

The way of recording / dealing with crime has changed in the past few years, mainly, IMO, because Police Forces have to give certain figures to get their budgets. That is not to say that crime is not there, but everything is recorded now, not just serious stuff........ years gone by a "noisy party" call would have resulted in the culprit being told to turn the music down....nowadays, he/she could be issued with an ASBO ticket (Anti Social Behaviour Offence).....
Jan 5, 2008
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As with so many posts on forums like this, this one degenerated into a "knock the police" issue, with people trotting out their own stories regarding perceived police inaction. Damian if you're not happy about the way a matter was dealt by the police then tell them; make a formal complaint. As as been stated, why the original writer posted to a caravan forum for advice in such a matter, particularly as he's a member of a Neighbourhood Watch group, is beyond me. Report it to the police or forget it - don't post on here expecting someone to tell you what to do - given your position you should know what to do.
May 13, 2010
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Really if you wish to belong to the Neighbourhood watch scheme you have to take the rough with the smooth, if you see or hear something which is of interest to the Police then as part of that scheme you should comply. If you do not wish to report your neighbours then you leave the scheme, whats the point of belonging if you only want to conduct things that are not going to harm you. As a retired Police Officer of the very old school "Shop the Lot".
May 2, 2005
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The general opinion of the public where I work is that crime is indeed on the increase......and I suspect in many other areas also.

People are more aware of crime today.....perhaps due to better media coverage or whatever.

Can I ask you what your perception of crime today you think it is worse than say 10 years ago.......
May 2, 2005
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Really if you wish to belong to the Neighbourhood watch scheme you have to take the rough with the smooth, if you see or hear something which is of interest to the Police then as part of that scheme you should comply. If you do not wish to report your neighbours then you leave the scheme, whats the point of belonging if you only want to conduct things that are not going to harm you. As a retired Police Officer of the very old school "Shop the Lot".
May I just say Trevor that I am more than a little jealous of your retired status.......

I am now just under 4 to go.......years that is.....

Good Health


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi David

I used to get the crime figures emailed to me for our district on a monthly basis but that was pulled due to funding.

I do know quite a bit about crime in our area due to my job. I think drug/alcohol related incidents are definately on the up along with all the other antisocial crime.

We're fortunate in where we live as its described as one of the most desireable areas in the UK, however, since affordable housing, petty crime has rocketed. Read into that what you will.

What I have noticed is that number plate theft is rife.

We're members of the CDRP and these networking groups are certainly the way forward. We share information and make bids for funding for certain initiatives etc. We do have pockets of social deprivation in the district and we do have problems there. All the usual stuff, arson incidents go up in the school holidays etc.

When I was a child, my friend and I got caught scrumping. I have never been so terrified in my life as the landowner said he knew our mothers. The thought of my mother being informed terrified me and I still think about that today. If a child got caught scrumping these days, the land owner might be in danger from being assaulted or worse from some kids.

The only non work related dealings I've had with the police lately was about three years ago. An intruder walked into the house and up the stairs. One of my dogs intercepted him and held him at bay till the police arrived. When my husband phoned them, control said they were already on their way as a neighbour had spotted the youth looking through people's windows. They arrived within minutes and took the kid away.

Sep 23, 2009
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Hi All!

Many thanks for your varied responses and the debates which have arisen.

I realise that this is a non caravan related topic but I thought that this what "chit-chat" was all about to seek advice on such issues.After all,is there not a vast data network on this forum?

I only wanted to see what others would do in my situation to clarify my own thoughts so that I could make informed actions on the matter.

I do feel for the car owners although they have broken the law but equally it is not right for my neighbours to take law into their own hands.These incidents did not happen on our doorstep,so to speak,but on the main road leading into town.

In August the new footbal stadium will be in use and the "keying" could become an issue on our road as its quite close to where I live.

Last night I did attend the meeting and asked the police officer(in confidence) if there had been any reported incidents.He stated that he was aware of a couple of" keying" incidents along that road.I told him of the information that I knew and he thanked me.

Whilst there is little they can do regarding the guilty party,he assured me that he was unaware of the parking problem and measures would be put in place to address this.

Hopefully this will prevent further occurances,only time will tell.

Laird Al


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