Thanks Ian, thats one of the bad points about this site but they are hoping to upgrade it into this century soon. We worked 12 hour shifts. I was one of the ones who opposed the introduction originally on our service but after working them for a while I didnt want to go back to 8 hours and 5 day/week working. Like you said while at work you have no time with your family but I got to like the long stretches off, the longer I could be away from the job in one given period of time the better :O) Now I'm in Paradise, no looking at the clock and going to work at 7pm for 12 hours. I go to bed the time I want and get up when I want. No more bolting my food and living on antacids, pure bliss. No more being on duty for almost 12 hours then getting a 999 call or even worse, an emergency transfer to Birmingham, Bristol etc. When the Doc told me I had to finish work it was the first time I could have puckered up and kissed a man lmaoooooo. I was ready for it because in the last few years we had a management who were utter crap. Hardly any experience out on the road or qualifications. Our Divisional Manager was given the job on the criteria that he went to evening classes to get the managerial qualifications. Now since Ive finished they have Chief Executive, his Deputy and the Chairman who have never had ambulance working experience. I truly consider myself to be fortunate to have finished early and young enough to have a decent retirement hopefully ahead of me. I'd rather put up with the aches and pain from my back than have to go back and work under the present management heirachy, in fact I think I'd do myself in first lololol. We have only been caravanning since I finished work. With my payout from my superannuation I decided to buy a second hand van and upgrade my car. In 9 months we went away 17 times and loved it so decided to buy a new van, Abbey GTS Vogue. Enjoy your caravanning Ian.