New caravan experience...

Mar 14, 2005
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Took delivery of a new Bailey Ranger 550/6 yesterday (my first van and my first time towing!). I was pretty worried going there as it was bucketing down and blowing a gale - ideal towing conditions!

I arrived at the dealer (Chichester Caravans in Nutbourne) and there 'she' was all gleaming on the forecourt. After doing the number plate paperwork, it was straight into the demonstration. Even though they were really busy, (they had 5 vans going out!) they took ages going through everything taking about an hour. I had ample opportunity to look over everything. They put the new towball on the car (Alko Stabiliser fitted) and after paying, off we went.

I was towing with a 2.0 Hyundai Santa Fe and it felt excellent. I was surprise though how much you can 'feel' what the van's doing. Only had to bring it down into fourth for long hills. Overall, really impressed with the Santa Fe. It felt very solid (65% caravan/ car ratio)

As I pulled into the road, the parked cars were placed in a slalom course so it brought a few people out watching me squeezing it through. There's nothing like the threat of damaging a brand new van to get the adrenalin going. Then onto the main event...reversing it into the drive! Luckily I remembered the excellent advice from the C&CC manoeuvring course so that went well. I would recommend the course to anyone who has not towed before (and those that have!)

I'm really pleased with the van - it's absolutely brilliant (the wife even likes the colour!). Chichester Caravans were also excellent and the only minor slip up was that the battery terminal wires were very loose. We're now getting ready for our first outing with the two kids and two dogs - a CL in Romsey, Hampshire for 4 nights. Then it's off the Warren Farm, Brean Sands for two weeks in July with about 10 other weekends already pencilled in. We can't wait and it's great to finally be 'Outfitted-up'!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Louis just to add to your comments about your dealer,, i wastreatead by Michael Jordan Caravans ( Gomshall) in much the same way when i picked up my new van nothing was any touble for them a First class service .
Mar 14, 2005
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Fantastic Louis!

Congratulations on giving praise for a job well done, more people should try it, and it really works, Dealers who get the praise will do even better where as those who don't will wonder where all their customers have gone - what an incentive to get the trade to self improve. ******
Mar 14, 2005
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congratulations louis,well done. believe me we all know to well the first time we ever towed,its daunting to say the least

just one thing to remember never get complacent in all areas of towing and loading your new van look after your van and it will look after you


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