That's fine - you know they are locked to the corner steady but does any potential thief. If they were to grab one or both in the middle of the night start pulling it away and then realise it's secured to the caravan are they going to put them back nice and tidy again. Personally I have stands on both bikes and if I feel it necessary to secure them lean them "inwards" against each other. It's not easy to carry off two bikes if they're locked together. Alternatively lean them against the hedge and lock them.Chris
I have been fairly careful - I only rest the seats against the van and the handle bars are against the front panel. Unfortunately they have to be that far back so I can lock them round the closed part of the corner steady.
Anyway nice to see the photo of the New Forest - had a super time there last week at Black Knowl Brockenhurst. You did well to catch the pony looking at you. Usually when a pony sees me pointing a camera at it it turns and shows me it's backside.