Well i got round to trying the new Kampa Pro Air 330 today, have to say impressed with how quick it goes up after the initial struggle getting it into the awning rail, my fault for not getting some silicon spray, but I do like how the doors have full fly screen doors fitted so you have two doors if you get what i mean :dry: and the front can be opened up just one side or both, this awing is just sat there by itself in fact I'm going to leave it up for the next few days to weather all of the seams then when we do use it it should not leak....
This shows how the front corners are held in place
One front side open
Both sides open and its self supporting and not pegged down
It's on the smallest pitch available for the next few days to get a good soaking and help it seal the seams, when we use it, it will not be across the window like in the photo, its there for now to stop it getting too near to the shed roof.