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Jan 10, 2015
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Hello everybody, me and my wife are new to motorhomes but not to touring, having owned various touring
caravans for the last 34 years. The idea of owning a motorhome started about 1995 and from time to time we
had thought about it, but never seeing anything we would have liked to buy, we put it off,in about 2006 some people we knew
had purchased a Nu-Venture and we where very impressed with it, the size was just right and it contained all
that we required, the only downside was it was rear door, the idea of a motorhome had once again stalled.
After purchasing a computer the world of owning a motorhome had opened up and one day in spring 2014 i logged onto the Nu-Venture web page,the Nu-Rio looked just the ticket,it was built either side or rear door.We
phoned Nu-Venture and visited the factory,the standard layout of the Rio is bench seat one side and dinnette
on the other,Nu-Venture built it for us with bench seats either side and one or two other extras, we are up to now very happy with it and wish we had done it sooner.
Jan 24, 2015
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Hello Everyone
We are very new to all this motorhoming and decided to jump in with both feet by buying a peugeot Neuvo in December. We have only been out in it twice on day trips. We have booked 3 days away in Feb to try it out properly. I just hope we can get everything to work while we are away lol ....I really can't wait
Dec 11, 2010
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Welcome both newcomers. Motorhoming is just as good, if not better, than caravanning so have no doubt that the good times will continue to roll.

We use our van for days out quite often, particularly country shows etc, trips out for a long walk. It's a good way to start getting to understand the van.
Nov 19, 2010
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Hi Julie,welcome to you as well.
Some people who are completely new to the whole thing find a site near home to go for just one night first, to find out how everything works. The advantage of that is that, if it all goes horribly wrong (eg you can't work out how to operate something vital) you can always go home while you find out the answers!
But your 3 day break will do the same job, if it's not too far from home.
Enjoy yourselves, and come back to tell us about your first adventure!


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