New to caravanning

May 4, 2010
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I am new to the world of caravanning and I am looking for my first van I would like to know from the massive here what are the best tips for not only buying, but towing and safety too, feel free to give me any advice as I am a complete novice even the basic tips would be a help

Dec 23, 2009
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Hi Jon.

The first thing you need to do is find out what weight of van you can tow safely.

Type in your google search "what caravan can I tow"

Then once you know the weight then you will know what size of van to look for.

Have a look on to see all the different layouts and that will also give you an idea what you can afford

Hope this helps


Mar 17, 2007
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Hi Jon. Welcome. Folks on this forum are really helpful but you may find you get more responses to narrower or more specific questions. I agree with Cath about the first steps. When you have got a clearer idea of the sorts of van you can afford and tow, ask again.

Hope you have fun looking. Once you have done what Cath suggests, it is a good plan to go to a show or large dealership and just spend time hopping in and out of vans to get a feel for the space etc. Take a notebook as you won't remember it all.



Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Jon

If you passed your driving test after 01/01/1997 you will not have a category B+E licence which will affect the weight of caravan you can legally tow. Have a browse through some of the legalities first of all rather than make a potentially expensive mistake by buying a caravan that you can't tow.

Towing Law

The Home Page of this forum navigable by clicking on HOME PAGE in the blue rectangle contains plenty of useful information for those considering taking up caravanning.

When you have established exactly what you can legally and safely tow it might be best to buy a relatively inexpensive used tourer first of all to make certain that you like caravanning. There are a few tips on buying used tourers

Here and

May 3, 2010
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Hi Jon, welcome to the world of caravans, now you've started something! You did well in finding this forum, it's just so usefull and user friendly, I wish I'd found it sooner.

I agree with Mel, you'll be wanting to ask a few more specific questions soon but I suppose you don't know what questions to ask yet do you. So dont jump into anything before you get some advice and there's no shortage of that round here.

The other thing is as Mel says, you need to hop in and out of as many caravans as you possibly can, they all just have such a different feel to them.

The weight of the caravan in relation to your vehicle is the big thing, I imagine you've read up on that by now. So then you need to ask yourself whether or not you need or want to change your car. Personaly I've got a skoda Octavia deisel estate and dont want anything bigger, thats a prioraty for me so all my caravan choices are gonna be based on what I can pull with an estate car( which is loads of choice)

The relationship between towcar and caravan is the big safety/ comfort factor in the decision. I say comfort aswell because if you get it right then the towing is easier on the nerves. (you need to enjoy the travelling as well as the holiday.

You'll hear people talking about 'the tail wagging the dog' This is when the caravan is wagging the car. Caravans can sway for a variety of reasons and this is what we all try to eliminate. Correct weight, carefully balanced packing, good stabilisers on the tow hitch, good servicing and thoughtfull driving technique.

So: get a van thats within your cars ability

get a good stabiliser.

And: don't forget that the caravaners number one enemy is damp,

be carefull of this if buying 2nd hand

Happy hunting.
May 3, 2010
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I might add that of all the people I've met who use 'Alko' tow hitch stabilisers, none of them would even consider using anything else.(Just google alko)

So whilst looking round at caravans look at the stabilisers too, ask someone to show you which are the Alko ones are (they are predominantly red in colour)


Nov 12, 2009
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I'd agree that AlKo stabilisers when correctly maintained are good and convenient to use but I must stress that a stabiliser is no substitute for correct loading and correct tyre pressures.
Jan 22, 2008
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I think if I were you I would go to a site, speak to as many people as possible, experience is the best way, you will get more info and real info from people who use the caravans, not sales people.

Best of luck and welcome to a new world
Mar 21, 2008
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Hi Jon,

First of all look at lots and lots of caravans!

When you have decided on the layout that is best for you and you think you've got everything covered then post again and somebody is bound to point out something you haven't thought of!

Good luck.
Jul 1, 2009
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hi jon go to halfords and go to the books and haynes car manauls look for a green book by john wickersham {think names ok}caravan manuel cost about


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