New to motor homing

Apr 17, 2014
Hello my wife and myself are very new to motor homing.We have just bought a Elnagh Merlin Slim 2.It hasn't got anything with it so can anybody tell me what we need to start please.Sorry if this is a basic question but we have never done anything like this before and we are both very excited to get started.Is there anywhere that does coarses in using your motorhome please?thank you in advance
Nov 19, 2010
HI Jez, and welcome - both to the forum and to the world of motorhoming!
First fo all, you need to get familiar with your vehicle's equipment, and make sure you know how to work it all.
When you say it's got nothing with it, let's start by making everything work. So you'll need a mains hook-up lead. Any fittings which need mains (ie anything with a domestic-type plug!) will ONLY work if you're connected to the mains. There will be a blue connector on the outside of the van somewhere, and you need a cable (usually orange) with blue plugs each end, to connect that to the mains supply on a campsite. To get it all working you're at home, you'll want an adaptor withy a domestic plug on the end.
You'll also need a gas supply (probably a Calor Gas cylinder or similar). If there's an empty one on board, you take it to a dealer to exchange for a full one - but take your credit card!
Since pitches on campsites aren't always completely level, most people find it useful to carry a pair of "levelling ramps." With a bit of common sense you can work out which wheels to put them under, depending which way you're tilting!
Beyond that, it's down to you, and what you feel you need with you to live in the van. Cutlery, crockery and kitchen utensils; your preferred type of bedding; maybe some tools if you 're up for minor running repairs, certainly a roll of "gaffa-tape" ...
I could write a book, but fortunately someone already has. There's a "Haynes Manual" (yes, the people who do those workshop manuals for nearly every model of car!) about motorcaravans in general. you can byu it at places like Halfords, and lots of people find it really helpful.
Keep asking specific questions on here, and there will always be someone who can give you an answer - if you're lucky you might get several different answers to choose from! And before long, you'll be giving advice to other newcomers.
I look forward to hearing more from you!
(Oh, and I've used my magical powers to "upgrade" you, so you won't have to copy those annoying squiggly letters anymore).


Jul 28, 2011
All I can think of to add to Tony's basics are a hose to fill up the water tank direct from a tap (or a container from which you can pour water into the tank - many buy a watering can kept for that purpose only), a bucket or other container to enable emptying of the grey waste tank and a double bubble spirit level to help tell you how much levelling you want.
I put together some basic notes based on our experiences a while ago. You will find them Here and may find one or two helpful.
Jan 23, 2011
Apr 17, 2014
Thank you all for your replies.I have taken everything on board.I will be ordering the book as soon as possible and going out to start collecting equipment hopefully on Monday.Thank you all again for your kind help.Looking forward to our first trip out. Jerry


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