New Website Update

Page 2 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Mar 26, 2008
With an all singing all dancing up to date forum engine surely the provision for better advertising would give Practical Caravan extra earnings and a higher profile.

Have the magaziness editor, advertising and finance depts really considered all the benefits of a modern forum engine before making the short sighted choice?

Is an extra income opportunity something to be missed along with the opportunity to please the customers and attract more!

Answers please!
Apr 22, 2006
I msu admit to enjoying this forum and it's magazine but I very rarely post on here as I do not like the fact that if you make a mistake you cannot cirrect it and also the fact that you have to keep logging in.

Given that Haymarket already has another forum in caravan site finder why can they not just combine the 2 or am I being to simple here.

During the course of a week I normally visit about 5 different forums and for hands on advice this is about the best but it tends to lack a social side. Also in chit chat I am sure some emoticons would stop a few of the disputes as it is amazing how one little symbol can translate as tongue in cheek.

The only point that I would offer in defence of Haymarket on cost grounds is maybe they have looked to transfer all the material on this forum to a new one thereby incurring a cost.

I wonder if on a straw poll of the members they would prefer to start a new or even if Gary would enlighten me as to whether there is a cost in transferring the data.

Maybe instead of a free subscription they might get him to review a few sites and pay for his stay.

It is about the only way he will enjoy a
Jan 31, 2008
LOL Since I don't know how the data is stored on this forum without looking, I can't promise that I would be able to save the current data as it stands and transfer it to the new forum.

However, I see no reason why we can't start again with a fresh new forum and I remember it being posted on here somewhere about a year ago that many members were happy to lose all the current data in favour of a new and better forum.

Perhaps another idea would be to lock this forum to new members and new posts thereby keeping it as an archive for, say, 12 months by which time, the new forum would have had a good start and have sufficient information within to be able to close the old forum for good.

Just a thought.


I would come back to the possibly boring point in that it is the content of the message that is important, not the technological add ons. Reading a good book can be as pleasurable whether it has pictures, or not. In fact often better as then it is your brain and imagination that has to do the work.

I agree a search facility that was improved would be nice, but then again it does seem that a large number of people do not bother to even try, if one can go by the number of times the same question is repeatedly asked?? Maybe frustration is the reason. Then again, when asked the same answers are usually given, even if with a Humpf! so does it matter?

One thing I have noticed with all the new technology is...that it is actually not doing anything new. All that happens is that there is a new way of saying the same thing as before. Maybe you push different buttons and have lots of colourfull pictures, but the final answer is still the same. Yes, I accept that using Excel macros can speed up calculations, but by the time you have written the macro, you could have worked out the problem. On the 2nd shot it is an advantage, just as long as your macro is correct?? For the written word, I have yet to see anything superior. Yes, I am oldfashioned.

Mind you in the Xmas Market here in Budapest they were selling quill pens, nibs and wax and seals. They were not gimmicks in as such they were for normal use. Makes the cockles of one's heart warm. Mind you they were also selling fullsize bows and arrows. No gimmicks there or Elf & Safety.
Jan 31, 2008
I think you miss the point, SL. A new website is wanted because....

1) - Emoticons allow the poster give expressions to the written word and allow him or her to help convey meaning. This alone would cut down misunderstandings by over half.

2) - An edit facility allows for corrections which can also be important to ensure the message is clear.

3) - A better search facility would at least help cut down on repeated questions. And those too lazy to use it can ask the question again and those too lazy to reply to it can use the search facility to find previous replies to the same question and link to that instead! LOL

4) - Better moderating tools for moderators and admins. This means that whole posts won't have to be deleted (like the dog thread) but individual posts as required. Posts would be able to be edited, deleted, moved, merged and much more. Members could also be banned by IP address and/or word definition.

And that's just for starters. :)


Nov 12, 2009
The search facility that's on this forum now is of questionable use because it only goes back a limited number of days.

Unless you know the exact title of the thread it's in and/ or the username of whoever posted what you are seeking it doesn't produce a result.

Haymarket have this vast database of caravan knowledge but it's extremely difficult or well nigh impossible for a member to gain access to it. It would be great if we had links to previous topics on the forum. Links don't lend themselves to posting on this site in the way that's easily possible on other forums. I managed to get a link to appear on here but it didn't work so I gave up in the end.

I wonder if they've ever thought of downloading all of the information to, say, hard disks and then employing a data clerk to sift and collate it. Perhaps they could sell a boxed set for Christmas :0)

Just imagine the advert.......

' Everything that you ever needed to know about caravans with added jokes PLUS!!! Absolutely Free!! 101 insults for every occasion bonus disk!!'

I can just see that irritating bloke who sells the double glazing on telly shouting ' YER BUY ONE - YER GET ONE FREE PHONE 0800 111 666 6666 NOWWW!!!'


Mar 14, 2005
PLUS!!! Absolutely Free!! 101 insults for every occasion bonus disk!!'


You're wasted on her Parksy, that comment above is just sooooooooo brilliant.

Lisa xxx


Nov 12, 2009
Aw thanks Lisa

Herself often says that I should be on the stage -

sweeping up


To answer Legsmaniac's comments,

Emoticons may add colour to a message but they are not a substitute for correct prose. If someone wishes to make a post that he/she feels should be regarded as 'tongue in cheek' then it is just as simple to say so. If someone wishes to make a point which they feel is valid, and then thinks well, if someone does not like it, then by adding a gizsmo I am covered either way, will I feel contribute to confusion.

It has been discussed several times that by using the Word program, a message can be checked prior to submission. I do agree that using WiFi can sometimes cause a message to garble itself if the signal is 'lost' halfway, so if it is more than a one liner comment, use Word.

I regret I really do not understand point 3, as it is contradictory.

The advantages to Moderators etc is possible, provided of course the Moderators are fully conversant witrh all the technology at their disposal. However, then it means the Moderators have to be more than just fellow enthusiasts of a hobby, but half decent computer geeks as well. The primary purpose of the Forum is to communicate opinions on various subjects either connected. or disconnected with the hobby of caravanning.

Those that wish to play computer games have, I am sure plenty of outlets.

I think we have to agree to disagree
Jan 31, 2008
"I think we have to agree to disagree"

LOL I think so too. None of the moderators on my forum are "computer geeks", in fact, far from it, yet all of them are able to use the moderating tools available to them with ease. It's not rocket science. Obviously, you have no experience of using a forum such as those I use else you wouldn't have posted what you did.

I still think you've missed the point on emotes but never mind. Each to their own.

As to the search facility, I believe Parksy has explained the problems above.


Nov 12, 2009
David wrote:

'This seems a pretty poor excuse for continuing with a forum that is so behind the times I would have thought that it brings the Practical Caravan brand into disrepute. How come the caravan site finder (sister website) has a fully functioning modern forum which is hardly used and we are expected to struggle on?'

David later wrote:

' Moderator, I would like an answer to my post?'

The Moderators aren't employed by Haymarket Publishing who produce the magazine and host the website including this forum. We are forum members who voluntarily monitor this forum to try and facillitate the smooth running of it and the connection that we have with Haymarket is only via email through administrators who are nominated by Haymarket. They offer support and advice from time to time and carry out administrative and technical duties for the website as a whole.

I've seen the Caravan Sitefinder forum which all members of this forum can access via the Practical Caravan homepage and all that I can offer at the moment in the way of an answer to your question is the promise that I'll bring your question to the attention of forum administrators.
Aug 12, 2007
"I think we have to agree to disagree"

LOL I think so too. None of the moderators on my forum are "computer geeks", in fact, far from it, yet all of them are able to use the moderating tools available to them with ease. It's not rocket science. Obviously, you have no experience of using a forum such as those I use else you wouldn't have posted what you did.

I still think you've missed the point on emotes but never mind. Each to their own.

As to the search facility, I believe Parksy has explained the problems above.
"None of the moderators on my forum are "computer geeks", in fact, far from it"

LOL! That would be me then, Gary **rolling eyes smiley icon thingy** ;-)
Mar 26, 2008
How backward thinking is the Practical Caravan management?

If they can't keep up to date with a modern forum engine can we assume that the Editor and Journalist's are behind the times with the rest of their thinking.

A business that shows little respect for the clients is a business that is out of touch with the target end user.

Reading this thread it appears that Practical Caravan has strung the volunteer moderators and users on with the promise of a new forum engine for a long while.

That's no respect at all.


Mar 14, 2005
Quote "Reading this thread it appears that Practical Caravan has strung the volunteer moderators and users on with the promise of a new forum engine for a long while."

About two and a half years so far!!!!
Mar 26, 2008
2 and a 1/2 years!

It would seem that the Methode Champignon style of management is still being practiced at Harmarket Towers!
Jun 20, 2005
There's a very loose rumour that Hezza is travelling "top dog" class on the World trip of the Queen Mary 2. He doesn't want any pundits nor mods that may interfere with his cruise.

Now I think I know where the new systems cash has gone.

best stick with gary's web site . It's more fun and efficient.




Apologies for not keeping up, but actually been working.

I can only answer Legsmaniacs comments by stating he is probably right. I have never worked the sort of forums of which he is obviously an expert.

I regret to say i have only worked with technology as it has developed for the last 35 years, so probably still in the steam age, and why not!! However, during those years I have discovered that re-packaging information does not necessarily actually change the information. Invariably the fastest way to communicate information was by direct word either oral or verbal and visual distractions usually were not required. Of course service industries always try to package their products in a form that they feel will maximise the interest from customers, so the outer packaging and advertising are designed to attract attention, even if the contents are the same as previously offered. This is not necessarily a complaint against it, as it is the commercial way. But to quote the President-Elect, "a pig with lipstick is still a pig' if I have got that quotation right.

Legsmaniac has his interest in that particular field and therefore has a vested interest in promoting it, and why not? However, I doubt if it will actually make any difference to the information being presented whether it has flashing lights, or not. The English written language has been the most widely accepted method of communication for a thousand years or more, which is a little longer than the few years computers have been around.

I am not trying to be a Luddite, but do not knock what we know works. I would like to hope that what I have written here is understandable without the need for an 'emoticon', flashy light or picture to explain the meaning. If not, then we as a nation do have serious problems.
Jan 31, 2008
I understand what you're saying, SL and fair points too. But it's not the packaging the site needs to be changed for but the facilities. The Moderating tools being the major one, a better search engine being the other. The packaging just happens to come with it.

As for emotes, they can be turned off on any forum if so wished but instead of that, you have your own choice whether or not to use them and whilst you feel there's no need for them, others feel they can help in trying to put across their expressions better. I'm fairly sure that the majority of members would want them and/or find them useful.


Mar 14, 2005
I think this forum is fine as it is, it perhaps could be improved but it's not too bad in my opinion.

I think if they did decide to upgrade the website, then they would almost certainly get a reputable IT company in to do it.



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