nights away

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Mar 17, 2007
Bazn said:
Getting nights away is one of our biggest concerns before we commit to purchasing an outfit - we both work full time (but getting away early on Fridays wouldn't be too much of an issue).

Our challenge is that all 3 of our boys play youth football for a grassroots club and I coach the U14s team. Meaning weekends are spent training and driving to matches meaning no time for getting away.

We're thinking about postponing making a purchase until I stop coaching the team (2 more seasons) but I feel the kids would be missing out on some fantastic breaks as they all love camping. I'm trying to figure out if our long summer holiday and the combined half-terms we have to take off would make it worthwhile and we ramp up how many days we can get out as/when we can...

I am definitely very jealous of you guys that can up sticks when you want and get maximum use of your caravans.

Not everyone can manage most weekends, in fact lots of working people can manage much fewer nights than this. If you consider having a great holiday with the kids three or four times a year, justifies the cost ( and I think it does) then go for it. Don’t know if you have camped at October half term; it is too cold for most folks, but perfectly comfy in a van. Would suggest that you start cheap and cheerful if you are unsure.
Nov 11, 2009
Nice thing about going away at weekends when your working is that even a short distance away and I completely forgot about any work issues. You can’t think about work when you are hammering pegs in or setting up the caravan before a nice supper.
Jul 18, 2017
Hi Bazn,I took some convincing to by a caravan originally,now I'm the most enthusiastic,constantly looking for a break :) I work full time(20 days +bank hols) my wife works in a school,we generally get just over 30nights away a year.Caravans are well insulated and can be used all year round,a lot depends on what you want a caravan for?cheap holidays?or just to be able to get away for a few nights every 6wks(school holidays)?or both.Its not a cheap hobby,but it is cheaper holidays overall.
P.s Deciding to buy one is the easy bit,it's when you start looking at layout the fun starts.Hope this helps,and keep us informed/ask away.
Jun 16, 2010
hi all just come back 16 nights alderstead heath and widdicome farm gala week great time im thinking going to dorset then putting the van to bed cheers .tom B) :cheer:
Sep 5, 2016
If the weather picks up this month we will be away again, so far we have managed forty nights away this year,
Jul 18, 2017
I'm with you Craig,it would have to be snowing for me not to go when I've booked something.My problem now is that I've got 2 kids with Saturday jobs and I work every other Saturday,so I have to plan carefully from now on.
Oct 12, 2013
We are up to 33ish nights thats (including france) so far this year , that's away every 5th w'end & bank holidays !
Got next weekend to go , busy in the middle of November when we should be away next time and then it'll be second week in December away again and that'll be it for this year then back out in January again B)
Sep 5, 2016
Can't see any point going away really this time of year when it's likely to be throwing it down ,freezing or snowing sat on some caravan site and paying £24.00 a night for the priviledge, but everyone to their own,
Aug 8, 2016
I don't know I think there's something special about being all cosy in your caravan while the elements close in. Lovely, calm, chill time!!
Nov 16, 2015
jallin said:
I don't know I think there's something special about being all cosy in your caravan while the elements close in. Lovely, calm, chill time!!

Where we chose our winter pitches, the pub is always close by, good food and good beer and wine, a good area for walking the dogs, but I must admit it's not nice going away in the rain and storms, I love the snow as do our dogs, . Very seldom book more than a week ahead.
Feb 17, 2018
Picked up our Caravan end of july, we are on a site in Tallylin wales for seven nights.
Since we picked up Van we have had 20 nights away, looking forward to many more.
The wet weather just makes it more challenging, we will hopefully get a few more in before Christmas this year.
Oct 12, 2013
Well done , 2o already !
I'm glad you are enjoying it . I can't wait to get away nxt weekend . Pulling it out off storage Sunday to give it a clean before we go away .
Nov 16, 2015
GrizzlyBathplug said:
Picked up our Caravan end of july, we are on a site in Tallylin wales for seven nights.
Since we picked up Van we have had 20 nights away, looking forward to many more.
The wet weather just makes it more challenging, we will hopefully get a few more in before Christmas this year.

Glad your enjoying it Grizzly, We don't know when we will get out again, the builders come in today to rip out the kitchen floor, and ceiling, and the upstairs bathroom, floor. Then dehumidifier, see how long that takes then the refit, hope its not as long as Thingys epic with the water leak. Plus a couple of hospital appointments for us both.
Oh, well, life goes on.
Nov 11, 2009
EH52ARH said:
GrizzlyBathplug said:
Picked up our Caravan end of july, we are on a site in Tallylin wales for seven nights.
Since we picked up Van we have had 20 nights away, looking forward to many more.
The wet weather just makes it more challenging, we will hopefully get a few more in before Christmas this year.

Glad your enjoying it Grizzly, We don't know when we will get out again, the builders come in today to rip out the kitchen floor, and ceiling, and the upstairs bathroom, floor. Then dehumidifier, see how long that takes then the refit, hope its not as long as Thingys epic with the water leak. Plus a couple of hospital appointments for us both.
Oh, well, life goes on.

Hope the repairs go well. In early 2018 just before we planned to put our house on the market I noticed a small bubble on the emulsion low down on the breakfast room wall. I pressed it and away it came and other bits came away too. Strange I thought as you don’t get damp that far within the house! Then I looked in the laundry room which had a lower floor being ex garage and saw the vertical edge of the floor slab was soaking. The insurers found a leak in a mains cold water pipe that was in the floor slab. Damp checks showed widespread areas affected downstairs. There were two large industrial fans and dehumidifiers. The noise was pretty awful. It took two months before their damp checks were okay to proceed. They did a really good job in sorting it out and getting us back to normal. But very pleased to have sold the house 12 months later and the new one has no water pipes or heating pipes in the floor slab.
Mar 14, 2005
A caravan is usually a big investment for most people, New caravans especially tend to have quite significant depreciation Second hand caravans aren't as bad but generally they to do loose value over time, so it makes sense to use them as much as possible. Congratulations to those who do get away frequently, but its not always so easy for all caravanners.

Its strictly a matter of personal choice about when or how often to get away in a caravan. What is important is the user enjoys the experience and allows them to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. There should be no competition to see who can get the most nights away, it may be interesting but its not important.

If it floats your boat to try and get a nights away record fine, but don't make others feel inadequate if they can't manage to be as frequent as yourself.


Nov 12, 2009
I enjoy reading about the touring experiences of fellow forumites and wouldn't begrudge anyone who enjoys all year round trips to take every opportunity to go and to tell us about it.
Personally we tend to hibernate a little bit during the colder months when I take my chance to get into my slightly neglected back garden with the pruning shears and also to catch up on domestic jobs and to allow our joint pension savings coffers to be replenished ready for the better weather and brighter skies.
Our caravan is stored inside a farm building where any maintenance or modifications can be done without getting wet, and we enjoy planning the next years major trips and reading all about yours.
Sep 5, 2016
Parky, well said I would love to have covered storage to work on the caravan but I have to put up with my storage yard being only five minutes from home with 24/7 access,
Jul 15, 2008
ProfJohnL said:
If it floats your boat to try and get a nights away record fine, but don't make others feel inadequate if they can't manage to be as frequent as yourself.

.......if a reader feels inadequate after reading a post on a forum then there is very little the poster can do about it.

I find all posts useful as Parksy has said.
Posting about numbers of nights spent in a caravan gives quite an insight into a persons experiences.
Quite often information is given as to a persons experience of winter and overseas caravanning and the areas visited.
This information all helps to build a picture of the poster.
The absence of posting about recent caravan use and nights away would lead the reader wondering if the poster was doing any caravanning at all!
Nov 11, 2009
Gafferbill said:
ProfJohnL said:
If it floats your boat to try and get a nights away record fine, but don't make others feel inadequate if they can't manage to be as frequent as yourself.

.......if a reader feels inadequate after reading a post on a forum then there is very little the poster can do about it.

I find all posts useful as Parksy has said.
Posting about numbers of nights spent in a caravan gives quite an insight into a persons experiences.
Quite often information is given as to a persons experience of winter and overseas caravanning and the areas visited.
This information all helps to build a picture of the poster.
The absence of posting about recent caravan use and nights away would lead the reader wondering if the poster was doing any caravanning at all!

Reading of others ability to hop away at short notice, or tour widely in UK or Europe has led to me suffering Severe Mood Dysregulation, or SMD. Which can only be controlled by decorating gardening or dog walking, and the treatment requires extensive access to a season pitch so I can transfer my angst to others. :whistle:
Feb 17, 2018
Hutch i hope all goes well, & does not take too much time.

Prof, i was not bloviating about the number of trips we are doing, just commenting, we are new to this, & try to get away as often as possible.

It has poured down with rain everyday bar 1 while we have been away, yet we have still enjoyed the peace & tranquility of this site. The roads in Tywyn leave a lot to be desired, but it is all part of the holiday experience, & work permitting, long may it contiue.
Jun 16, 2010
hi we have done nearly 90 days away this year and we are thinking going away to dorset for 12 days we have done well this year no doctors appts we are both in our 70s cheers all . B) :cheer:


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