Mar 14, 2005
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Just returned from Broadway,fantastic site in the cotswolds but have now noticed that the information leaflet that the wardens gives you about the site,,eg where the toilet blocks are,tv reception,"NOW CLEARLY SAYS NO BALL GAMES ON SITE!".A moral victory for caravan club members who wish to have there caravans old or new,expensive or cheap undamaged by children who parents let them play out with ball types such a cricket balls,footballs,rugby balls.ONLY SOFT BALL ARE NOW THE ACCEPTABLE FORM ON CLUB SITES!!!!Will this make you still go to caravan club sites as this rule is being inforced and was pointed out on arrival on friday of this week to me.regards boing boing
Dec 1, 2005
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We are off to Broadway tomorrow.

Thank goodness at last the CC have stopped ball games, I am not a party pooper but our van is our pride and joy and we worked hard to get it, don't want it damaged by kids and their balls!

Lolly x
Jan 19, 2008
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I totally agree with it. It's also nice to see others with children agreeing with it. Why should they stop their children playing with balls for irresponsible parents children to damage their caravan. I suppose if you take a pride in your caravan it shows you must take a pride in your home and children. Need I go on anymore to get my point across ;O)
Jun 5, 2005
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I totally agree with it. It's also nice to see others with children agreeing with it. Why should they stop their children playing with balls for irresponsible parents children to damage their caravan. I suppose if you take a pride in your caravan it shows you must take a pride in your home and children. Need I go on anymore to get my point across ;O)
Why not make those with children pay a high deposit , this to be returned when leaving the site , less the cost of any damage caused by their children?
Jan 19, 2008
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I totally agree with it. It's also nice to see others with children agreeing with it. Why should they stop their children playing with balls for irresponsible parents children to damage their caravan. I suppose if you take a pride in your caravan it shows you must take a pride in your home and children. Need I go on anymore to get my point across ;O)
A damaged panel would cost hundreds Tony. Can you see parents agreeing to pay that for their children to play ball. I think it would only lead to more confrontation between Wardens who would have to implement it and those who would have to pay. Unfortunately it's one of those problems that don't have an happy conclusion for all :O(
Apr 11, 2005
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That is a bit fun as we just come back form a C,C sit and three they had a park where they had put new look things for the kids to play on and with them was a net for play basketball and that was new looking.

May 31, 2007
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Sorry, but I just find that unacceptable. No ball games ON SITE is a step too far. Broadway is a soulless desert of tarmac and gravel. In an attempt to squeeze as many pitches as possible on site they have left no open space for children to play. Instead of this sad child hostile rule, they should be opening up some play space.

What do you expect children to do?
Jan 19, 2008
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"What do you expect children to do?"

The answer is quite simple - go to a site that allows ball games. Those who don't care if their kids damage others caravans surely wouldn't mind if others kids damaged their caravan, would they?
Apr 21, 2007
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all caravan sites should have a good play area for the kids to play in and (not out of site out of mind in the furthest away part of the site)some cc sites play areas are a bit of a joke getting, i would never let my kids run around annoying anyone or bouncing balls about caravans but come on what do you want them to do sit and watch tv or play on the computer.

WERE YOU NEVER A KID or had kids of your own

i thought going caravaning was for relaxing and enjoying yourself but this never seems to happen with us as i am always on edge wondering if my kids are making too much noise for the caravaners next to us. so most of the time we trail the kids to the shops so we are not disturbing anyone and i hate shopping more than anyone.
Apr 21, 2007
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"What do you expect children to do?"

The answer is quite simple - go to a site that allows ball games. Those who don't care if their kids damage others caravans surely wouldn't mind if others kids damaged their caravan, would they?
i would hate it if a ball had to hit my caravan our caravan is our pride and joy but i still want my kids to enjoy being away in the caravan to encourage them to caravan when older.
May 31, 2007
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"The answer is quite simple - go to a site that allows ball games."

Oh get real.

Lets take the Cotswolds for example. There are two sites very close to each other, one with a huge playing field one with none, you would be happy for Moreton-in-Marsh to become family only, and Broadway to become adult Only, that would be fair wouldn't it. Might stop Moreton being permanently fully booked. No I bet you're not too keen on that. Strange how those who hate children, want to limit where they can go, but insist that they themselves, have the right go anywhere they like.

So my reply to you would be, "If you don't like children, go to Adult Only sites"

"Those who don't care if their kids damage others caravans surely wouldn't mind if others kids damaged their caravan, would they?"

I don't believe I said either of these things. All I was asking for was the provision of facilities instead of issuing of bans, but of course it's cheaper and easier to ban something, than provide the necessary resources to allow it.
Aug 4, 2004
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Brilliant! Best news I have had all month. I might just start going back to Broadway. They should do the same with some commercial sites.
Jan 3, 2007
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Its sad really that ball games have been banned at ALL Caravan Club sites.

However, this rule has only come about because some parents seem to think their "little and not so little darlings" could do just as they please around other caravans because they were on holiday.

Unfortunately, as is usually the case, these are in a minority but as with most things the majority have had to suffer. So if you were a parent that allowed your children to play football, cricket close to caravans you were to blame. You know who you are!

Anyway what is wrong with the ball games being played in a dedicated area, safer for everyone. There is also nothing in the rules that says parents can't play with their children rather than just send them off to play, especially if they are too young to leave the visinity of the caravan.
Jan 19, 2008
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"WERE YOU NEVER A KID or had kids of your own"

Yes Jane, 3 children and 6 grandchildren and all of them doing nicely and we are proud of them thank you :O)

Unfortunately while bringing up my children there were more pressing things to pay for in our lives than buying a caravan. When I retired I had the funds through my lump sum payout to buy a new caravan. I will not be able to afford to do this again so I'm doing my best to look after it. While looking after it I don't expect to look after others unruly kids, as I said, I've brought mine up. We've all seen them or heard the parents say "oh my little Tommy is no problem at all, he soon makes friends and as soon as we arrive he's gone and we don't see him for hours". No they don't and that's the problem. I have had those words actually said to me, believe it or not.

If sites want to pay for a dedicated play area fair enough, I don't mind subsidising it, after all I already pay for facilities I don't use but please don't blame people who want to look after their property.

This thread has been discussed many, many times and I recall one jerk trying to justify his kids playing ball saying "well, why do you have insurance". That is the attitude of the selfish minority.

What I do find amazing in these forums is that everyones child is an angel, just like everyone picks up their dogs dumps.

Whose kids are these unruly ones, they have to belong to someone or are they from the travellers camp down the road? Whose dogs keeps dumping on the walks because everyone seems to clean up.

Jane says "i would hate it if a ball had to hit my caravan our caravan is our pride and joy but i still want my kids to enjoy being away in the caravan to encourage them to caravan when older"

so if a ball damaged my van I should be satisfied in the fact that I'm encouraging the children to enjoy themselves and later in life to take up caravanning.

From George quote....

"Strange how those who hate children, want to limit where they can go, but insist that they themselves, have the right go anywhere they like".

To sum up if anyone dare to post anything negative about children they are automatically child-haters, how sad and deluded some are.

If anyone dare to post anything negative about dogs they are automatically dog-haters.

As I said before, I have had 3 children, 6 grandchildren and have 3 dogs so I do talk from a little experience. ;O)
May 31, 2007
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Don't you just love selective quoting, you pick up on the one word you don't like, but ignore the rest of sentence, the rest of the post, and the actual point.
Jan 19, 2008
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Don't you just love selective quoting, you pick up on the one word you don't like, but ignore the rest of sentence, the rest of the post, and the actual point.
I did quote the complete sentence "Strange how those who hate children, want to limit where they can go, but insist that they themselves, have the right go anywhere they like".

That is why you put a full stop at the end so what is your point george?
Dec 16, 2003
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To be clear, the CC has not banned ball games - it has only prohibited the playing of ball games other than in designated areas, which seems fair enough to me.

Granted, not all sites have such areas, but no doubt it is now more likely that new sites will include some provision.

I think it is fair to say that if anyone thinks it is OK to play ball games near caravans, then they think it's acceptable for the ball to hit someone else's caravan - as, eventually, it must.
Mar 14, 2005
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I don't see why people would want thier kids to play ball games around caravans, surely everyone must realise that it would inevitably mean a car or caravan being damaged at some point. Our two who are now both in early teens have always been told that ball games can only be played in designated areas away from peoples property. The caravan club has the right policy to ban ball games if the site has no space like Broadway, other CC sites like West Ayton allow ball games on designated fields.
Apr 21, 2007
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"WERE YOU NEVER A KID or had kids of your own"

Yes Jane, 3 children and 6 grandchildren and all of them doing nicely and we are proud of them thank you :O)

Unfortunately while bringing up my children there were more pressing things to pay for in our lives than buying a caravan. When I retired I had the funds through my lump sum payout to buy a new caravan. I will not be able to afford to do this again so I'm doing my best to look after it. While looking after it I don't expect to look after others unruly kids, as I said, I've brought mine up. We've all seen them or heard the parents say "oh my little Tommy is no problem at all, he soon makes friends and as soon as we arrive he's gone and we don't see him for hours". No they don't and that's the problem. I have had those words actually said to me, believe it or not.

If sites want to pay for a dedicated play area fair enough, I don't mind subsidising it, after all I already pay for facilities I don't use but please don't blame people who want to look after their property.

This thread has been discussed many, many times and I recall one jerk trying to justify his kids playing ball saying "well, why do you have insurance". That is the attitude of the selfish minority.

What I do find amazing in these forums is that everyones child is an angel, just like everyone picks up their dogs dumps.

Whose kids are these unruly ones, they have to belong to someone or are they from the travellers camp down the road? Whose dogs keeps dumping on the walks because everyone seems to clean up.

Jane says "i would hate it if a ball had to hit my caravan our caravan is our pride and joy but i still want my kids to enjoy being away in the caravan to encourage them to caravan when older"

so if a ball damaged my van I should be satisfied in the fact that I'm encouraging the children to enjoy themselves and later in life to take up caravanning.

From George quote....

"Strange how those who hate children, want to limit where they can go, but insist that they themselves, have the right go anywhere they like".

To sum up if anyone dare to post anything negative about children they are automatically child-haters, how sad and deluded some are.

If anyone dare to post anything negative about dogs they are automatically dog-haters.

As I said before, I have had 3 children, 6 grandchildren and have 3 dogs so I do talk from a little experience. ;O)
please don't blame people who want to look after their property.

i never blamed anyone for looking after their property and i would be the first to stop my child or anyone else who was playing with any kind of ball uncontrolable.

and no if a child should hit your caravan you should feel satisfied that you were encouraging them to caravaning but the point i was trying to make was caravaning is about enjoying outdoors and playing the odd game or two instead of playing inside all the time.

i have noticed lately on going to cc sites that unless you are sited next to someone in the same situation as yourself ie kids you are never made all that welcome anyway. i was always told to mind my manners and be polite and welcoming to everyone. on my last trip away the site was 90% full of older caravaners and i only seen another 4 kids that weekend on site have all the kids been chased indoors because they are not allowed outside to play incase they upset someone.
Aug 28, 2005
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"WERE YOU NEVER A KID or had kids of your own"

Yes Jane, 3 children and 6 grandchildren and all of them doing nicely and we are proud of them thank you :O)

Unfortunately while bringing up my children there were more pressing things to pay for in our lives than buying a caravan. When I retired I had the funds through my lump sum payout to buy a new caravan. I will not be able to afford to do this again so I'm doing my best to look after it. While looking after it I don't expect to look after others unruly kids, as I said, I've brought mine up. We've all seen them or heard the parents say "oh my little Tommy is no problem at all, he soon makes friends and as soon as we arrive he's gone and we don't see him for hours". No they don't and that's the problem. I have had those words actually said to me, believe it or not.

If sites want to pay for a dedicated play area fair enough, I don't mind subsidising it, after all I already pay for facilities I don't use but please don't blame people who want to look after their property.

This thread has been discussed many, many times and I recall one jerk trying to justify his kids playing ball saying "well, why do you have insurance". That is the attitude of the selfish minority.

What I do find amazing in these forums is that everyones child is an angel, just like everyone picks up their dogs dumps.

Whose kids are these unruly ones, they have to belong to someone or are they from the travellers camp down the road? Whose dogs keeps dumping on the walks because everyone seems to clean up.

Jane says "i would hate it if a ball had to hit my caravan our caravan is our pride and joy but i still want my kids to enjoy being away in the caravan to encourage them to caravan when older"

so if a ball damaged my van I should be satisfied in the fact that I'm encouraging the children to enjoy themselves and later in life to take up caravanning.

From George quote....

"Strange how those who hate children, want to limit where they can go, but insist that they themselves, have the right go anywhere they like".

To sum up if anyone dare to post anything negative about children they are automatically child-haters, how sad and deluded some are.

If anyone dare to post anything negative about dogs they are automatically dog-haters.

As I said before, I have had 3 children, 6 grandchildren and have 3 dogs so I do talk from a little experience. ;O)
That was well written L B , i endorse every thing you said ,my wifes cousin says the very same thing ,i quote ,we love going to that site we dont see the grand children all day ,if it was me i would be wondering where they were
Jan 19, 2008
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Designated play areas wont please all Richard. Some parents might have to actually have to get up off their jacksies and go and watch and supervise their children. It means putting the cans down and abandoning the barbie.

Please notice George, I said some parents :O)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if anyone dare have the temerity to say anything negative about children some see it has a personal attack on their own little cherubs which is not so.
Feb 3, 2006
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I am 100% supportive of banning ball games around caravan pitches. I think dedicated areas should be part of a large number of sites, but not necessarily all of them. Just like you don't get a loo block everywhere as not everyone wants one.

How about converting the dog walks that most sites have into children's adventure playgrounds ? hehehe as his windyness would say !
Jan 12, 2007
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Lost count of the number of times this has been raised recently be it directly or through other topics digressing into this issue!.

Have to say I totally agree with the banning of ball games outwith designated areas - but this is not being enforced. It wasn't at the CC Yellowcraig site at the weekend, the CC Blair Drummond Site the weekend before that, or at Rowntree Park at Easter.

I have an 18 month old daughter and when she is older she won't be allowed to play with anything in the vacinity of the van that could damage our own or any other individuals property.

I accept there will always be an element of noise when kids are around (one of the reasons why we used to use adult only sites where available!) but there are plenty of activities that can be enjoyed near the caravan that will not cause damage or impact the enjoyment of others.

However, it has to be said that behaviour of some adults on site is far worse than anything I have ever witnessed from kids.
Jan 19, 2008
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Thank you SPG for acting as a responsible parent. I'm sure the vast majority of people on sites don't mind noise from children, I certainly don't. The problem lies where activities, whether it's kids OR adults, are likely to cause damage to others property. In all honesty I've only been to one adult site but that was for its canal side location, not to get away from kids. I agree with you about the adults too but usually that is noise, starting late evening and getting louder the more blathered they get :O(
May 31, 2007
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Just out of curiosity, does this ban of ALL ball games include Swingball?

And please note, I never said nor implied that playing ballgames anywhere, where damage to property could occur, was acceptable.


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