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Jan 2, 2006
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Thank you SPG for acting as a responsible parent. I'm sure the vast majority of people on sites don't mind noise from children, I certainly don't. The problem lies where activities, whether it's kids OR adults, are likely to cause damage to others property. In all honesty I've only been to one adult site but that was for its canal side location, not to get away from kids. I agree with you about the adults too but usually that is noise, starting late evening and getting louder the more blathered they get :O(
'Blathered' is that a Clipstone expression.
Feb 26, 2007
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Just a very small point.......Blair Drummond is no longer a CC site.

It was taken back by the estate owner and is now an affiliated site (club members welcome )

Aug 9, 2005
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I should imagine it is all Balls,flying objects and no riding of bikes between caravans I hope.with these items around there is no chance to relax.after all thats what most of us go away for, and there must be lots of other games to play that do not involve the above items.
May 31, 2007
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You're not paying attention, I never said it was acceptable, I said they should be providing suitable play facilities, please read what I actually wrote, not what you imagined I wrote.

So back to you....
Jan 19, 2008
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George you're not paying attention, I never said YOU said it was acceptable. I simply asked what games YOU thought were acceptable. I'll give you a clue .... if you have good parenting skills, consideration for others and their property and above all else, common sense there would be no conflict because you wouldn't allow your children to play any games where it might impact on others finacially.

Please inwardly digest what I type.

Balls back in your court George ;O)
May 31, 2007
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Ok, if you insist, I have no problems with Swingball, or cycling round the site, or any SOFT (foam) ball, badmington even, but certainly not footballs, tennis balls, or frisbees.

And BeemerMal, exactly when did you last play Ludo, it's the most tediously dull bored (sic) game ever created, and none of your suggestions are healthy outdoor activities, so i think you need to try a bit harder.
May 31, 2007
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George you're not paying attention, I never said YOU said it was acceptable. I simply asked what games YOU thought were acceptable. I'll give you a clue .... if you have good parenting skills, consideration for others and their property and above all else, common sense there would be no conflict because you wouldn't allow your children to play any games where it might impact on others finacially.

Please inwardly digest what I type.

Balls back in your court George ;O)
"Forgive the pun but lets knock the ball back into your court George ..... what games do you suggest it is o.k. for kids to play around others caravans?"

"George you're not paying attention, I never said YOU said it was acceptable. I simply asked what games YOU thought were acceptable"

No sorry that's the same thing, I don't see the difference.
Jan 12, 2007
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Toys R Us ( or any other Toy store) is full of ideas for kids toys/activities that would not involve balls or flying objects.

Given what the Govt claims about child obesity it would seem most prefer such activities anyway.

For me the challenge as parent going forward is to ensure I get off my backside and go to a suitable play area with my daughter to ensure she has a balance between both areas of stimulation.
Jan 19, 2008
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⇦ applauding SPG clap! clap! clap! clap!

George I think Beemermals comment was supposed to be humorous, in other words he was just joking hence the lol at the end of his comment.

Ummmm ... you were joking weren't you Mal .. hehheh!
Jan 19, 2008
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I think we might be finding common ground now George. The sponge balls my grandkids have got I've no problem with, neither with badminton. The swingball I have my reservations about, simply because I don't know how secure they are on that chain. Cycling I have no problem with provided they stick to the roads and don't take shortcuts like I experienced at Clumber Park last year. The kids started riding their bikes between my car and caravan. Their parents had put their car, caravan and awning on their hardstanding then erected windbreaks on the grass between us and them right up to the edge of our hardstanding. This meant the kids had to cycle a few yards further to get around their parents encampment. I soon stopped it by parking my car diagonally. I might add that the parents didn't even stop them riding over our pitch inspite of being sat there watching.
Jan 3, 2007
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George....Take a chill suggestions, as LB suggested, were only a light hearted attempt to reduce the pressure on this subject...which has got a lot of people hot under the collar this year. (Maybe a good thing because nobody is getting hot in any other way this summer, another joke!)
Dec 16, 2003
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Swing ball is lethal - it's not the ball, it's the bats you have to watch out for.

Never mind the caravans, there's quite a few people needed emergency dental work after being caught in the mush by a swing ball racquet.
Dec 23, 2006
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Just out of curiosity, does this ban of ALL ball games include Swingball?

And please note, I never said nor implied that playing ballgames anywhere, where damage to property could occur, was acceptable.
It does at Grin Low CC Site.

Aug 4, 2004
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We tried rallies and it seemed a bit pointless spending time in a field with cow or sheep poo all over the place. The first rally we went on which was with the Lunar caravan club was a joke as there was more sheep dung than grass. In the evening at the get together in a hall nearby as newcomers we were lumped together with another lot of new comers and left to get on with it. The club played what I regarded as stupid games on the weekend as one of the games was to go looking for clues which were supposed to be pasted in the front of your caravan. Good opportunity for nosy parkers to peer into your caravan.

We had just popped out and on our way back saw this fellow staring into our caravan with his nose pressed against the window trying to see inside. I was not impressed and gave him a mouthful.

The next day they decided that they were going to see how far one could throw a wellington boot and this got them all excited. Needless to say we walked off in disgust. Did I mention that these games were for the adults. Dread to think what they organsied for the kids. Stand in a corner or tiddly winks?

Our next rally was with the CC and at Telford. This time I thought that I would take half a day off to get there early and get a reasonable pitch. On arrival went to the marshall and was directed to a stuck away pitch although there were plenty of other open pitches but they were resevered for friends coming later which in some cases was the next day. Some welcome! As it was raining we couldnt even watch TV in the evening that is how bad the pitch was and the wife was not amused. At least they did not play silly games but did hold a raffle for funds to which I have no objections. As the rest of the rallies were in fields with no hook up and due to the reserved pitches for friends never went on a another rally. It seems that you have to "buy" yourself into the cliche by offering drinks around. I don't mind offering drinks etc but not as a bargaining point to curry favour.

Our last few get togethers, not rallies, were with members of the ukcampsite forum and we thoroughly enjoyed these as it was first come first served, do what you want, no games except proper games like cricket, football, tug of war etc.

Rallies in open fields to me is not on and before any one has a go at me, I would like to mention that I have caravanned in some of the wildest parts of Africa where it was only our caravan and no others. In those days there was no battery in the caravan and everything was done by gas. Your nearest stockist would be a day's trip away. Worst of all you couldn't cool don your beers to a reasonable temperature which in hottest Africa is a major drawback! Almost ike a punishmen.

Hate rallies, love ukcampsite meets!


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