No car 12v feed to charge battery on 1993 Swift

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Apr 20, 2009
colin-yorkshire said:

I have had a long association with caravans but has now ended, this forum is the last bit of interest I had in the hobby. what is the point of having knowledge if it is not worth passing on, if the answer to just about every problem is take it to the dealer, my work is done,
good luck everyone and happy caravanning, at least with a boat you dont have to worry about flooding.

bye Colin,

Ah but it could sink Colin :lol: :lol:

Colin young man, hope you dont mean "my work is done" your knowledge has helped numerous people on this forum including me, without your simple explanations I would not have been able to complete my change over and save the cash. Keep posting buddy.

Ps only joking about the boat :)
Jun 20, 2005
This old dog is sticking to fixing toilets :p
Thanks to Colin and Bill I now know the technical difference between a habitation relay and a split charger.
I also now know why my ATC fires up when connected to the car with engine off.
I'd hate to see either Colin or Bill go. Keep posting with all your words of wisdom.This is what a forum's for :)
Feb 6, 2009
I'd hate to see either Colin or Bill go. Keep posting with all your words of wisdom.This is what a forum's for
I echo these wise words from Dustydog
Colin ,Bill and all the other experts are badly needed here
Please keep posting!

Happy Caravanning
Jul 15, 2008
..........I am not going anywhere. :)

I had to withdraw from this topic because with conflicting advice the OP was not really being helped IMO.
I know exactly what his problem is and can advise on the best way to solve it.

I could still help the OP if he wants to contact me by email......this can be arranged by the moderators.
Mar 13, 2007
Gafferbill said:
..........I am not going anywhere. :)

I had to withdraw from this topic because with conflicting advice the OP was not really being helped IMO.
I know exactly what his problem is and can advise on the best way to solve it.

I could still help the OP if he wants to contact me by email......this can be arranged by the moderators.

this is one of the problems with threads like this one and the reason it gets so frustrating, there is some entrenched ideas about what is what, and whether one should be doing it at all.
having a discussion about a problem, is one thing but the inevitable no it's not, without explaining why, so it also can be discussed, and dissected is futile the more this happens the more one sees no point in it.
you try and give the forum the benefit of ones experience, but the more one does the less it seems required,
I have got to the point now having no longer the pleasure owning a van, that despite the encouragement there is really no point in continuing. if people have a better understanding than I then so be it, let them say so and fully explain their reasons.

on this topic there is a clear problem it's not rocket science to understand, and several simple solutions, none of them involves a major rewiring of anything, a note for Bill putting a extra switched wire down pin 2 isn't it, B) as it defeats the caravans own switched relays, and they will be present in a 93 van,

but there you go, horses for courses, and all that.


Nov 12, 2009
Internet forums where we type at each other rather than discussing an issue over a pint are wide open to misinterpretation, the medium of text causes feathers to be ruffled and feelings to be hurt when genuine attempts to help appear to be rebuffed or contradicted.
I haven't been following this thread because I'd never be able to provide technical information that would be helpful in any way to the O.P., but all forum members are grateful for the helpful and valuable advice from long term experienced caravanners, whether they currently own a touring caravan or not.
Please don't allow a fairly minor difference of opinion to create bad blood gentlemen, the person seeking advice hasn't taken sides or rejected one method in favour of another and they could try both methods to see what works in their particular situation.
It's difficult to give technical advice on an abstract item, personally I'd find it impossible, and all well meant information and advice is very gratefully received. :) :)
Jul 15, 2008
Colin there are no switched relays present in a caravan of this vintage.....these caravans relied on two switched relay controlled wires being present in the tow car's wiring.

See this 1993 Swift wiring diagram..........Search the diagram and you will not find any relays fitted by Swift.

You will not find them on a caravan of 1993 vintage because they were fitted to the wiring of the tow car as in this wiring diagram.



The OP's solution to his problem is to fit a Habitation relay to his caravan as I have tried to indicate all along.

I did say the tow car wiring could also be modified by adding a second switched supply, and this is correct but I assumed this was a starter caravan and that the OP would not want to alter his car's wiring.
Jul 4, 2016
Hi all I have a 2014 bailey and a 2005 landcruiser got a 13 pin fitted to my car last week every thing works bar the fridge when I plug it in the light in van go on and of the fridge red light comes on took car back and everything is ok can someone help me heading of on holiday at the weekend


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