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Aug 29, 2006
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Why should politicians get such huge wages and wage rises? Do they think they deserve it because of the self sacrifice they have undergone to look after our interests? Bol@*&*@s.

Give them the same wage as say the average school teacher or nurse. Then hopefully we will only get politicians who genuinely believe in what they do and not what they can get out of it!!!!
May 21, 2008
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Your sentiment's are right.

But if we found any politicians who had genuine beliefs then there would not be enough to run the country.

Pay on results and they'd all be bankrupt.

Mar 14, 2005
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why should politicians get the salaries they get.

If we went to a dictatorship you would sharp find out, and if we talked like this in that kind of government we would stand the chance of being at worst shot.

what we should be looking at is the comparison between say "pop" stars. footballers. fat cats who do nothing and receive vast payouts usually from someones pension fund etc.etc.etc. I could write a book on the inadequacies of our society, but in one sentence does "market forces" really work
May 12, 2006
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Ewan "Why should politicians get such huge wages and wage rises? Do they think they deserve it because of the self sacrifice they have undergone to look after our interests? Bol@*&*@s".

When did you last ask your MP that question ?? It's really no good just on the Forum, unless of course Mrs Beckett is your MP.
Aug 29, 2006
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Yes you are right. We do all moan but not at the right people. Perhaps with the amount of publicity the online petition to the PM has received and the arrival of such sites as "write to", more people will begin to contact their MPs etc. and maybe they will begin to listen to their constituents .......but then again perhaps they will continue to ignore us.

Shiraz, I agree that there are many worse places to be in this world than Britain, but the point is we are not in a dictatorship. This is supposed to be a democracy but I think many of the people believe they are not being 'listened' to. It does not appear to be the will of the majority that counts.
Dec 16, 2003
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I received an Email from the Numpty at 10 Downing Street this morning with his load of drivel in response to the road charging petition.

So I've sent a reply with a few home truths and it's going in the mail as well as his inbox might get a littel full ;-)

I have also sent copy to my MP and local Councillor to.

As Blair is so concerned that we get the full picture I have invited him to a meeting so he can get the full picture on a few things.

I think I may have long wait for his RSVP.
Feb 15, 2006
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Tony and co wont be happy until they can drive and fly to where ever they want with no hold ups and no delays.

Do they not realise that if we have to pay to drive in rush hour more than any other time average joe wont bother going to work as we all know rush hour is when everybody starts and finishes work.

I remember when Labour was the working class party the it was called NEW Labour another word Conservatives the rich mans party since labour came to power the country has been a shambles Not enough police,fireman and ambulance crew,Hospitals closing all over the country doctors and nurses losing there jobs,Public transport rubbish and then theres immagration people from all over the world just walking straight into the country and given anything they want (houses money furniture and cars),full prisons with peados walking free from court I could go on and on and on and on.

They now realise that they have got there sums drastically wrong (brown and blair) so who do they take it out on yep thats right the motorist not only do we as caravaners use large size cars and 4x4s pay more in road tax and pulling the van use more fuel paying more fuel tax BUT now we have to pay per mile GOOD ALL BLAIR the workers prime minister.

And as for brown Ha!

Is it any wounder that 25% British nationals are now ex pats.

Anyway thats my rant out of the way i hope you all enjoy the coming season and hopefully we may well meet some of you on our travels.
Dec 16, 2003
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Carefuly worded reply was sent to the PM at 10.31 am this morning.

In essence it questions Labours facts and figures on a number of things and also a cover up that is still in the hands of at least two legal teams and the story is with two broad sheet papers and being held due to awaited court case/s.

We have very good reason to doubt Blair if he said the his name was Tony and he was married to a woman called Cherie Blair!

How he expects people to believe his response is beyond me.
Jul 16, 2006
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I had my reply from Tony tonight. What a crock of ****. They are full of what they are going to do but have no clear defined plan as to how they are going to do it. Its ok saying they are going to put money into public transport but why should we pay to improve something that we used to own but is now in private hands? Thats going to make Richard Branson richer and the rest of us poorer. Also Stagecoach have just posted record profits. Are we to expect clean buses and rail coaches? Will there be enough security on each vehicle to ensure we aren't bothered by drunks,druggies and the "nutter" on the bus? No ofcourse there won't. The polititians will introduce this stealth tax no matter if every person on the electoral role signs against it. I know what I personally would do if I could. I would erect a sign saying "WILL THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE THE ISLAND PLEASE TURN OUT THE LIGHT"

My Rant,

Jul 16, 2006
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Frank, i agree with a lot of what you have said in the past but i must differ with you on this one. If we had no party politics then yes it may work, but we haven't. People vote for parties, not individuals. Mandelson proved this when re elected after having to resign for the 2nd time after getting rumbled for his dishonesty. He famously stated "this proves i am a fighter not a quitter". Actually it proved you could put a black bin liner up for election in his constitutency, lob a red rosette on it, call it Labour and it would romp home.

We have 2 choices for government and if they both have the same ideas (despite what they say in public) then we have no choice. The majority of people would like to leave the EU, Labour and Tory (or the Lib Dems for that matter) do not, so we are stuck with it.

If i said to my MP that i and many others would not vote for him unless he objected to the road pricing scheme he would smile and say "oh dear, so my majority will only be 10,000 this time"

If we could scrap party politics we may have a chance, but it won't be in my lifetime ( and i'm only 44!!)
You have to vote for the right lizard or the wrong lizard might get in.

Jul 16, 2006
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It all comes down to the fact that all parties have lost the understanding that they should be government FOR the people rather than TO the people.

They bleet about having a wider view on issues, but the outcome is always get Joe (and Joshepine for PC) public to pay more.

Welcome to the dictatrix of the UK. !!!

Perhaps I should run for Parliament?

I believe we should be doing some positive things to reduce congestion, by making the alternatives better and more attractive.


Cap or reduce house price rises so that people can afford to live closer to their work.

Properly integrate public transport - add more routes to cover the whole country, even replace the railway track that Dr Beeching closed down add more! Put conductors back on busses to improve peoples feeling of safety. Longer or double-decker trains to carry more passengers.


Stagger work and school times to spread the load on the roads. Make home working more practical.

Introduce local business centres set up in corner houses or the odd floor in a block of flats, with modern communications and other essential business facilities where people who still need to 'go out' to work but do not need to be in a central office. They can still have access to work colleagues via tele-conferencing etc. Many small offices with central common facilities shared by many companies.

Keep local post offices, as handy centres for all sorts of things as they used to be, support local small shops by keeping rents and rates low. Encourage regulated franchising of brands to keep costs low so they can become more competitive with the big supermarkets.

Shall I go on?
Now thats telling them. Run for office. I'd vote for you.

Jul 16, 2006
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I received an Email from the Numpty at 10 Downing Street this morning with his load of drivel in response to the road charging petition.

So I've sent a reply with a few home truths and it's going in the mail as well as his inbox might get a littel full ;-)

I have also sent copy to my MP and local Councillor to.

As Blair is so concerned that we get the full picture I have invited him to a meeting so he can get the full picture on a few things.

I think I may have long wait for his RSVP.
I did that too Cris. I think we will be lucky if we dont get another standard reply let alone a meeting.
