
Sep 15, 2010
Was thinking of going to Scotland at end of May but following the forum on the irritating midges up there we thought of going into Norfolk, but as we've never been round that area before can anyone recommend the best part to head for, and also any site recommendations. Thanks in advance!
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Norfolk is a lovely place to be there are good club site in the area, Blakeney is a lovely place for the day NT if you are a member [free parking] plenty of walks dog go too and good bird watching, Don't mean female!!!
Sheringham is a lovely town Market on Wed and The big one on Sat best to go by bus as parking is hell.
Cromer is nice as well fish+Chip in cromer shop called Mary Jane it lovely, You can take dogs on beach but not the family area,
And Wells next the sea oh what a beach to die for mile of it a very old place that hasn't change with the time,
We love it and go back every year you will enjoy it, Trevor 123
Apr 1, 2010
Can second the psot above, we live in Suffolk but go into Norfok a lot some very good CC CL's too Many wonderfu places to visit just over the border into Suffolk too. Sandringham in Norfolk is a lovely place to visit too. Club Site there and CL's nearby
Jul 1, 2009
can third that north nolfolk hunstanton wells ect also try suothwold not nolfolk but down the road very un spoilt
Mar 14, 2005
Agree with all of the above. We go to Norfolk mutiple times each year and love it. Usually stay on Broadlands CC site between Wroxham and Potter Heigham. This year due to cost we are staying on CL's. The Broads are great, but you need to hire a boat or take a boat trip to see the best of them. We love Cromer, very dog friendly. Seacroft and Incleboro Fields CC sites are both lovely. We prefer North East Norfolk from Wells around to Great Yarmouth, but plenty to do where ever you go, and lots of campsites to choose from
Sep 15, 2010
Thanks everyone for your feedback on Norfolk - it's certainly given us food for thought! Wasn't too sure about the area as we've never been before, but from comments posted it sounds to be worth a try. Looking forward to it!
Mar 14, 2005
Hi The good news is that the weather is better in Norfolk and Suffolk during the early and later summer we still get rain but not as much as other area like Yorkshire ect, Enjoy it let us know how you got on later in the year,
Apr 1, 2010
Actually adding to Trevor 123 comments yes this part of Easy Anglia is the driest and sunniest and sometimes warmest in the UK now you do not get those cold East Coast winds so much these days. We here on the Norfolk/Suffolk/Cambs border too has the same good weather we have ony had quarter inch of snow up to now this winter and not as cold as some parts of the country. Aldburgh and Southwold in Suffolk are lovely. So is the area around the medieval town of Lavenham and Bury St Edmunds.
Oct 9, 2010
We went to Wells N the S about 6 weeks ago. Only on day trip to pick up a visiting relative. We took our 3 dogs and though we could give them a walk before lunch and one after. What a rip off for parking, we couldn't find anywhere where we could stop for a short time without paying a King's ransome to park. Is there anywhere in the Norfolk area that is motorist 'parking' friendly.
Have not been in that area for many a year, and now the wife is not keen to go back
Jan 21, 2014
OmOnWeelz said:
What a rip off for parking, we couldn't find anywhere where we could stop for a short time without paying a King's ransome to park. Is there anywhere in the Norfolk area that is motorist 'parking' friendly.

Norfolk is no more expensive for parking than in other parts of the country - you just have to know where to go!
Apart from those in the towns, the majority of the coastal car parks are free at this time of the year, those that charge excessively, you don't have to use them, there are plenty of others!
The most expensive place for parking IMO, is the Lakes - what a rip off, £4.00 to *** into a shop - I think not!!
Aug 25, 2010
So long as you don't want to park on the waterfront or near to the beach there is plenty of free parking in Wells. The driveway to Holkham beach is very expensive to park on so for there I tend to go by bike which I suppose does restrict it for dog walkers and those with small children. Last summer I noticed several people apparently car sharing or at least ensuring high occupancy of their vehicles which helps to reduce the congestion on the narrow roads in N Norfolk.

As a previous poster mentioned Suffolk is quite good as well with the club sites at Kessingland being good for the coast and the CCC site at Polstead being in an ideal location for exploring the Stour valley and the historic 'wool towns' in the area. Think Lovejoy and Constable for an idea of what it is like.
Jan 19, 2008
If you go to Sandringham and have a dog be careful regarding the mystery dog deaths. Lizzie as asked for an inquiry into the reason so many dogs have become ill and six have died. Whether it is the same disease I don't know but there have been dogs dying/falling ill in the Sherwood forest area and this includes Clumber Park.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi if you go to Sandringham about the problem with dogs it now been clear up it only to do with the leave and other fungel problem on the ground round Oct,
Parking round Norfolk+Suffolk I fine it is't that bad for the price, in West Runton near Cromer you can park all day for £2.50p near the beach/toilet/cafe ect and Wells next the sea was £3.50 for the day,Last year price.
If you go to yorks in the town you can pay £10 for the day
Go on enjoy yourself, Trevor123
Mar 14, 2005
I can concur re all the sites mentioned.
Incleborough the car can be left on site much of the time. Loads of walks from the site. nearbye train and buses to. walk to Sheringham and cromer to, beach path to Overstrand or Weybourne.
Norfolk Green Coast Hopper bus in this area just reported huge passenger numbers for the last year(See EDP24 www)
Walks from Broadlands away from the busy access road if you look at OS map for the Broads. River walks to, without the need for a boat.Hickling Wildlife Trust and Horsey Mere (NT) worth a visit. Good cycling area to. Park and ride or/and buses to Norwich, History and Shopping here.
For a great 5van site try the Shieling at Cley (CC)
Walks, birds, coastal paths and pubs in abundance. Car redundant again.
The Norfolk coast is good from Hunstanton to Winterton, then Gt Yarmouth for the fair and hot dogs etc.
Pretty villages inland and on the coast. Thornham, the Burnhams, Blakeney, Morston to name a few.


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