I received the latest Towsure catalogue today. I was browsing the pages and I came upon an item which made me laugh, in fact, I'm still laughing about it. We've had a very interesting adult discussion about it at work.
What I would like to know is, would you wear this item? Personally, even if I were on hols in Scotland in the midge season, it would be a no no, even though it's the deluxe model.
In the catalogue the innovative item in question is on page 191 Item code M84. You can also find this item on the Towsure web page if you do a search on item M84 and you will see it in all its glory. There is a slightly cheaper version but you may as well go for the de-luxe, never mind the cost.
I'd be interested to hear your comments, sink drainers come to mind................ In fact, I can already picutre certain people modelling it, Lol where are you love? Brian put that Yorkie bar down and take a look.
Maybe the mag could do a feature on it, now that would definately make me rush out and buy a copy.
What I would like to know is, would you wear this item? Personally, even if I were on hols in Scotland in the midge season, it would be a no no, even though it's the deluxe model.
In the catalogue the innovative item in question is on page 191 Item code M84. You can also find this item on the Towsure web page if you do a search on item M84 and you will see it in all its glory. There is a slightly cheaper version but you may as well go for the de-luxe, never mind the cost.
I'd be interested to hear your comments, sink drainers come to mind................ In fact, I can already picutre certain people modelling it, Lol where are you love? Brian put that Yorkie bar down and take a look.
Maybe the mag could do a feature on it, now that would definately make me rush out and buy a copy.