I thought I should update people on what's been happening. We basically looked into two options:
1. Register and insure the caravan in the UK or
2. Sort out the number plate and Dutch insurance issues.
To cut a long and dull story short Option 2 has won the day, at least in the short term. Insuring the caravan here is still an option which we'll look into doing in the longer term but we'd need to register the caravan here first and with it currently being in my father-in-law's name that'll take time we don't have.
Option 2 had a couple of problems we had to sort out. Firstly, the Dutch insurance company said we would not be insured if we did not display the Dutch number plate. After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, the DVLA finally confirmed to us that there is no law preventing us from displaying both plates in this country. The other stumbling block was that the Dutch insurance company initially told us that we could not tow using a non-Dutch registered car. They later changed their minds. So that's it - for the time being we will display both plates while towing in the UK (and just the Dutch plates whilst in Europe).
We realise that we run the risk of being stopped by the police, but we'll run the risk. If it's a real problem we'll look again at option 1.
Thanks again to all who read and replied to this thread.