OK, 'fess up..........

Jun 16, 2008
.....which one of you took the cream!?

Made me laugh, actually, because I can remember our kids sitting happlily in the rows, stuffing themselves silly with berries (yes, it was theft, guilty as charged yer honour) We werem't advanced enough to take the sugar & cream though ;) Perhaps a little table would also have been useful?...

(from the BBC News site)

A fruit farm has stopped doing "pick your own" strawberries because customers are eating too much of the fruit without paying.

Hacker's Fruit Farm, near Cambridge, had offered pickers the chance to select their own strawberries for the last 40 years.

Mark Spight, who runs the farm, said he was annoyed at the number of people not paying for the strawberries.

One family were caught dipping the berries in cream as they picked them.

Mr Spight said he used to get angry watching people gorging themselves then only taking a handful of fruit to be paid for.

He said some people were eating up to £15 worth of strawberries and would come to the checkout covered in juice.
Aug 25, 2006
My dads been doing that for decades.

They don`t bother weighing his baskets of fruit, they just weigh him in and out instead.

They make more that "weigh"
Jun 16, 2008
According to the full report, the (somewhat ironically named owner) also complained about 'unruly behaviour' by patrons.

(sigh) it's a sign of the times, I suppose - violence on the strawberry fields ;) Probably only a matter of time until the first fatal shooting or stabbing as rival gangs of Hoodies fight for control of the strawberry trade....

I wish I could win the lottery and leave this country to go down the pan without me!
Mar 26, 2008
Some years ago we went on holiday as a bif family group to Devon and stopped near Kingsbridge at a Starberry pick your own. My Husbands kid brother has always had eyes bigger than his belly and we all warned him to read the farmers signs that said do not eat any strawberries until they have been washed. What ever they had been spayed with was not pleasant when digested. As we returned back to our camp site young brother in-law who was about 21 then could be seen turning all colours and going very pale by my father in-law in the rear veiw mirror.

When asked if he had ignored all of us and eaten the strawberries he denied it but then screamed out "stop the car". The evidence was soon on the grass verge ad he was rollng around in pain and was ill for several days and had to go to hospital for a check up.

None of us have ever dared to eat pick you own before it has had a very very good wash since.

The rest of us enjoyed the very very well washed strawberries, some of the best I ever remember having with clotted cream.
Jul 18, 2006
My dads been doing that for decades.

They don`t bother weighing his baskets of fruit, they just weigh him in and out instead.

They make more that "weigh"
That reminds me of the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams where part of the story says :

"....Like the fact that the fabulously beautiful planet, Bethsillamin, is now so worried about the cumulative erosion caused by ten million visiting tourists a year, that any net imbalance between the amount you eat and the amount you excrete whilst on the planet, is surgically removed from your bodyweight when you leave. So every time you go to the lavatory there, it's vitally important to get a receipt."



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