Overseas Insurance and Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Nov 11, 2009
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I was comparing the on-line applications for car and personal insurance cover for a 3 week spell in France. What surprised me was that the Cravan Club just had a series of check boxes which were ideal for those who are fortunate enough not to have any health issues. Howver the C&CC seem to require applicants who have had any treatment or prescribed medication in the last two years to phone the Medical Screening service. That seems to me to be well over the top compared to most normal travel insurance applications. If I have read the C&CC conditions correctly I would have to contact their sceening department just to ensure that I complied with the policy conditions ( or it could be invalidated) and declare my two health issues of infected hair follicle ( antibiotic sorted it 18 months ago) and verruca from the local baths!!! Is this really what they mean in the policy wording?
Dec 14, 2006
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Strictly speaking, probably 'Yes' - and at least that would make sure that any 'complications' were covered! You never know you could have an exacerbation of the infected hair follicle, caused by excessive sun bathing, and have to be hair-lifted home!
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife had cancer of the bowel that was successfully operated on, the camping and caravan club insurers put up so many obstacles and cost that we opted for the caravan club insurance and have used it for now over ten years.
Nov 11, 2009
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That's interesting as you only have to look at the C&CC insurers requirments to see that they seem to want details screened of almost evry medical issue that had required treatment or investigation over a two year period. We travle widely abroad both with the van and solo, and for van trips have always used Caravan Club, and solo trips used anothet annual policy. So I have had quite a deal of experience applying for travel insurance and used some 6-7 companies and never come across the C&CC requirements for virtulayy 100% screening. Most other companies ask a series of questions relating to significant medical issues which then if required direct you to a screening.

I know it is arisk based industry but C&CC seem to bring the more detailed checks into play immediately.

I am pleased that you wife has made a good recovery and that you have both achieved lots of good holidays. From your experience I think that I will stay with the CC.
Mar 14, 2005
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I undeerstand your concern but feel you should have no worries about the CC Insurance which i have used for many years now with no problems despite having chronic medical conditions (although well under control).

Some years ago their medical screening was carried out by a third party and could be a bit aggressive, since it was very difficult to get to speak to a practioner rather than the front line screening team. Lately the work has been done in house and handled in a very reasonable way. Even more recently the checklist on the website has appeared and removes the need for direct contact from propbably the majority of applicants. If you are in any doubt then call the helpline and talk with them directly. Depending on the response you may then be able to tick all the boxes on the form in future years.

I think they are looking for changes or new conditions (which is not unreasonable); those like me who have condition/s well under control with few if any changes in drug type and dose over the years should have no problems.

I did, however, feel comfortable that my prescription types and doses were discussed with and recorded by CC, since it will now be straightforward to demonstrate there has been no change in these should problems arise in future.

What happens when we get to 80 remains to be seen, but a few more years before then.
Nov 11, 2009
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thankks I agree with you regarding the CC and found their checklist approach fine. In fact it mirrors most other insurers approach. It is the C&CC appraoch that seemed to be overly risk averse, and for no real benefit in what was being offered under the policies.
Jul 11, 2006
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If you have no joy try Essential Travel. Both my wife and I have minor pre-existing conditions and, whilst we had to be screened, they raised no objections.
Nov 11, 2009
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I have gone with my 'old favourite' the Caravan Club. Overall thier web based application is far less beaurocratic than the C&CC. for the CC they group your outfit/motor home into short menu groupings for weight, height and length, so no need to rememeber where you kept the precise details! And as I said at the beginning the medical questions are far less restrictive on initial application, although there is a need for screening in some cases but noot one that includes for minor issues that heva been daelt with in the last two years.

Other Clive


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