
Mar 14, 2005
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Hoping to start caravanning soon, and finding the learning curve a bit steep. Three questions to ask the forum please:

- are caravans allowed to park in lay-bys overnight if, for instance, we are just too tired to go on?

- how often would the loo need emptying? (2 people, average usage!)

- do any of the Clubs or magazines produce a basic packing list to remind you of the essentials needed?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Jenny, welcome to the world of no airport delays, just pure relaxation! Most Highway Authorities are pretty snooty about 'vanners parking up overnight in lay-bys in the UK, it's OK in France at their many excellent "Aires", for normal usage most casette loos will last 2 adults about a day, depending on how much you flush it, the CC has an excellent check list on their web site and PC often features articles for new 'vanners - check their back issues. Have fun!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Jenny don't know of any magazine list, but I have devised my own which I can send you if you email me on We are 2 adults 2 children 14 & 12 and 2 dogs so some things you may find irrelevant, but might give you some pointers

Happy vanning

Mar 14, 2005
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I am fairly certain that you cannot park up in lay bys although I may be wrong on this. I have often seen outfits parked up in lay bys and unless some official monitors the amount of time you have spent there, who would know if you are sleeping or not? Having said that, I would strongly urge that you do not do it, you make yourself very vulnerable to the undesirable elements of society, besides you would probably only have to travel a few miles to find a CL or larger camp site. Join the Caravan Club and use their directory to plan your route and stop off points. You will also find useful info on what to pack and essential safety checks in the directory before you embark. With regard to the loo, with average usage for two people our toilet cassette lasts us almost a week, but we do take advantage of site toilet blocks only using our loo for nighttime use. Make sure you put two litres of water mixed with Thetford solution in the loo before you use it. This helps to reduce unpleasant smells by chemically breaking down your waste products.
Mar 14, 2005
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Layby - must have lights on as "part of highway" and Police may ask what's up.

Loo. Lasts 2 adults on fields with no facilities 2 days - remember Elsan also make 'loo juice'.

Lists. website, start at 'Practical help' and find a lot of useful stuff.

Peter T
Mar 14, 2005
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Jenny, I would advise that you NEVER park up in a layby overnight, too dangerous.

Join Caravan Club and use a CL instead if you can't complete your trip. I would also advise against using a French Aire for the same reason. I had Belgian car run into the back of my outfit in the small hours, both occupants were in the back of their car and had kicked off their handbrake in what must have been moment of passion!

Subject of Loo capacity, this will depend on various issues such as the frequency of use etc.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have a family of five and we always use the 'van toilet. It lasts two days for two adults and three kids (11,12,13).



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