Paying the price part II

Mar 14, 2005
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I recently booked a weekend away to Blackpool South CC site so me and the better half can go and see the illuminations with our friends and two children in September. The price band for this time of the month is in the 'Value price band' but because its in the illuminations period we have to pay the 'Peak price band'. Now Im not tight but I refuse to be sucked in to line the pockets of somebody who decides to put the price up because of an outside influence, needless to say we have cancelled the booking and will never go there in the future.
Mar 14, 2005
I think what you have encountered is fairly standard practice also in the hotel industry. It's usual for hotel prices to go up temporarily during special events such as nearby exhibitions, sports events, etc. Just wait and see how the prices of campsites around London will explode during the Olympics!! (There's already been a thread in this subject)
Mar 14, 2005
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unfortunately it looks like londons exploded already,hope there is no great loss of life,and my heart goes out to all involved
Mar 14, 2005
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Agree with Klarky - stunned after the good news of yesterday.

Just watched via the TV coverage, a guy being kept alive by chest massage on a trolley as he came out of an ambulance.

Does put some of the nonsense into context - doesn't it
Mar 27, 2005
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Hi All

Would have to agree with Lutz 'seasonal' pricing affects most industries.

I have a hobby I have to run as a business that is seasonally governed (No I'm not a Father Christmas although there is a passing resemblance)

I don't charge more for the same service as such but to make use of me at certain times of the year my minimum fee rises (dramatically). In business its known as 'maximising earnings potencial'


I to send thoughts to London (My wife goes there on business regularly, not today thank god).
Apr 4, 2005
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I'm sure that many of us planning caravan holidays will today be thankful that we still can, and our hearts go out to all those affected by today's dreadful events. It just shows how life can change in an instant and when I am enjoying our break, I will think about those being affected for life, through no fault of their own, but who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes - we are off to the Land Rover event at Billing next week - we go early to make sure we pitch up with the same families we have met over the years at this fantastic event.

Emails have been flying about as the time gets nearer. Then stunned emails on what happened. Not sure I am in a holiday mood anymore.

We will go of course - not going to let the buggers change my way of life.
Mar 14, 2005
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My thoughts entirely Clive. We were getting a bit stressed with packing the van for our week away in the peak district, have we got this have you packed that etc. Then on the news London and the mayhem, Puts it all into perspective doesn't it? So what if we've not packed something, does it really matter?

I think all of us will have thoughts for those involved, the injured, those that have lost loved ones, but also the magnificent emergency personell who appear to have been prepared & have coped admirably. I also have my own thoughts on the lowlife that committed these atrocities and what should happen to them if they are ever caught, but maybe I shouldn't put them into print!! Lets hope there is no stupid retaliation against Muslims in general.


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