PC Brigade - Again

Mar 14, 2005
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I have been informed today that the powers that be in our local council have refused the Salvation Army the right to play Christmas carols on the street in Bridgend in case it offends the immigrants.

If any immigrant comes to this country they should realise that we are a Christian society and that they should respect this. Why should we end up as the minority in our own country. If the immigrant is not satisfied with the ways we live and our beliefs then they can always return to their native country and respect their religion, laws, etc.
May 7, 2007
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Here here, well said Colin,

I also heared on GMTV last week that they were thinking of stopping nativity plays in our schools because it upset the immigrants. Bloody cheek.

Graham (Ponty)


Nov 12, 2009
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Perhaps you shold write to your local newspaper, or organise a petition in support of the Salvation Army. Better still, find out who on the council have decided to ban carols and name them.

I'm no fan of mass immigration as many will know, and I live in an area with a high immigrant population but I have to say that I have never yet met or heard of a member of the immigrant community, of any faith or persuasion, who has any objection to Christmas or anything associated with it.We exchange Christmas cards with several Sikhs and Hindus and the only Muslim in our immediate area puts up lights for his children, who he regards as British. There are too many 'hand wringers' who are prepared to be 'offended' on behalf of other people in positions of influence, while most immigrants think that we are mad.
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps those that want to ban symbols of Christian faith are afraid that they would otherwise have to put up with those of other religions, i.e. the all or nothing principle. Quite why they then prefer to have nothing beats me. Why should people of other faiths be offended by signs of Christianity so long as they are allowed to celebrate their own religion, too. To take it to extremes, one could say that all churches should be demolished because they could offend people of other beliefs. I have no problem with having a mosque just up the road.
Mar 14, 2005
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Not very PC I know but I'm guessing it's how many of feel about the immigrant situation.

Immigrants Poem

I cross ocean, poor and broke.

Take bus, see employment folk.

Nice man treat me good in there.

Say I need to see welfare.

Welfare say, 'You come no more, we send cash right to your door.'

Welfare cheques - they make you wealthy! NHS - it keep you healthy!

By and by, I got plenty money.

Thanks to you, British dummy!

Write to friends in motherland.

Tell them 'come fast as you can.'

They come in turbans and Ford trucks.

I buy big house with welfare bucks!

They come here, we live together.

More welfare cheques, it gets better!

Fourteen families, they moving in,

but neighbour's patience wearing thin.

Finally, white guy moves away.

Now I buy his house,then I say,

'Find more aliens for house to rent.'

And in the yard I put a tent.

Everything is very good,

and soon we own the neighbourhood.

We have hobby, it's called breeding.Welfare pay for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist? Wife need pills? We get free! We got no bills!

Britain crazy! They pay all year, To keep welfare running here.

We think UK darn good place.

Too darn good for the white man race!

If they no like us, they can scram. Got lots of room in Pakistan!

Mar 14, 2005
Your post is quite funny, Gooner, but it doesn't quite touch the subject in question. The topic was not about immigrants but about our attitude towards people of other religious faiths. The two are not the same.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm sorry Lutz but I beg to differ.

Colin, in his original post mentions immigrants 3 times, and whilst I take your point & indeed respect your viewpoint, I still think my post is relevant to the original posting.

My point is made in the poem - i.e. - some (not all of course) immigrants feel they have a right to have everything provided (welfare;NHS;housing etc) and the British citizens are supposed to respect their ways, religous beliefs & culture and adjust our way of life to accomodate them, or if we don't like it we can move to their country!

Anyway my intention was to inject a little hunour into the subject, and as you said 'it is quite funny'
Mar 14, 2005
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I may not have made myself totally clear in my original posting - I have no objection to any person entering this country - it is at present a free society. What I ask of the immigrant is that when they enter this country they respect our way of life and beliefs. If they have different cultures than us well so be it - live and let live as all men are equal no matter what creed, colour or religion. However I would request that any foreign person when entering the UK respect the UK laws, find them selves employment and intergrate into society in general.
May 7, 2007
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Hi Colin,

Your quote: I have been informed today that the powers that be in our local council have refused the Salvation Army the right to play Christmas carols on the street in Bridgend in case it offends the immigrants. Un quote.

Has been forwarded to the Editor of the Glamorgan Gazette, and they are looking into it.


Graham (Ponty)
Jul 25, 2007
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The poem copied here by Gooner has been in circulation since at least the early 1970's.

It seems that little has changed in over 30 years !!!

Jun 20, 2005
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I was going to name my dogs Mo-----d but after what happened in the Sudan I've changed my mind. The other year Birmingham City Council scrapped all the Happy Christmas signs replacing them with Happy Winterville so as not to upset those from non UK parts. What a load of c--p and an insult to us who believe in Jesus and Father Christmas. If we reciprocated in their country we would be shot. Makes me puke all this PC junk.


Sep 13, 2006
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It is nice to know there are others who still believe in Father Christmas as an adult.

I must admit my belief was tested last year when he left the brandy and mince pie and I had to finish it off.

I am right back on board now though, yesterday he gave me a plastic toy at the garden centre and a dice game at the supermarket.

How does he get around all these places - amazing!

Off to bed early tonight - do not want to get on his naughty list.
Mar 14, 2005
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My brothers and I have proof that Father Christmas lives - we stayed awake one night to see him and as he approached the bedroom he stood on a loose floor board on the landing and said "Damn these boards" - we started to giggle and he heard us so left the presents for us on the landing so as not to come into our bedroom when we were awake. Take my word he is alive and well. How he manages to get around though on Christmas Eve I still have not fathomed it out.
Aug 29, 2006
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Here we go again

we are expected to remove any sign of religion while they freely express theirs.

The woman wear those sheets with a slit so they can see, which they do as part of their religion, and we say nothing.If we do we are being racist.

Its time we started using the " are you being racist" comments.

We should do as the French- your in our country do as we do or leave.
Mar 14, 2005
Whether women wear headscarves or not is none of my business. If they feel happier that way, so be it. Conversely, whenever I've been abroad, no-one has expected me to wear anything I wouldn't wear back home. For me it's a matter of mutual respect.
Jan 19, 2008
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I'm sorry Lutz but your reasoning is as sexist as most muslims males.

It's ok for you to walk around in a muslim country as you dress at home but try doing that if you are a female.

Why do female t.v. reporters in muslim countries have to cover their heads? They aren't allowed to dress as they do at home.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm sorry but my wife was with me and she didn't have to wear a headscarf, either. I know there are a few countries that are more conservative and fundamentalistic, but they are the exception, even in the Arab world, rather than the rule.
Jul 25, 2007
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WILL stated above - "The woman wear those sheets with a slit so they can see, which they do as part of their religion, and we say nothing.If we do we are being racist."

Actually WILL the wearing of a garment which fully covers the head is not a religious thing. It is actually a part of Arabic culture.

There is a difference between the two unfortunately there are some in this country who would have us believe otherwise as it suits their needs better.

Mar 16, 2005
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"I'd just like to point out that, for example, Turks or Pakistani's aren't Arabs or part of Arabic culture."

I would like to piont out that, that is only true if one likes to draw lines on a atlas. Arabs are normadic by nature and for that reason there culture and ideals do span as far as turkey and pakistan too. just like here in the uk where we are called multi cultural.
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps it may have escaped some that there are quite a considerable number of Christian Arabs, particularly in Lebanon. Not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Arabs.
Mar 14, 2005
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For the attention of Lord B. to explain in detail - how do you account for a caravan of camels? I have never seen a camel which resembles a caravan or alternatively a caravan that resembled a camel. Incidentally Sir as Plotter has forwarded to you my personal e-mail address it would be great to hear from you if you so wished to contact me - I know you have an aversion to the Welsh but as it is Christmas remeber the saying " peace in our time and good will to all men".
Jan 19, 2008
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It never escaped me Lutz, I had a relative by marriage who was a Christian Lebanese :O) and while you broach that subject you cannot tell me that country has lived in harmony between the faiths. The governments of Europe should have learned a lesson from the years of turmoil and bloodshed from that war torn country. The French are just beginning to learn the folly of their ways. Regrettably we will be next.


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