PC Brigade - Again

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Jan 19, 2008
For the attention of Lord B. to explain in detail - how do you account for a caravan of camels? I have never seen a camel which resembles a caravan or alternatively a caravan that resembled a camel. Incidentally Sir as Plotter has forwarded to you my personal e-mail address it would be great to hear from you if you so wished to contact me - I know you have an aversion to the Welsh but as it is Christmas remeber the saying " peace in our time and good will to all men".
Yes he did Colyn ap Brydgynd but ask him to send it again please because I've lost it :O(
Jan 19, 2008
For the attention of Lord B. to explain in detail - how do you account for a caravan of camels? I have never seen a camel which resembles a caravan or alternatively a caravan that resembled a camel. Incidentally Sir as Plotter has forwarded to you my personal e-mail address it would be great to hear from you if you so wished to contact me - I know you have an aversion to the Welsh but as it is Christmas remeber the saying " peace in our time and good will to all men".
It doesn't matter Colyn, I've found it :O)
Mar 16, 2005
"It never escaped me Lutz, I had a relative by marriage who was a Christian Lebanese :O) and while you broach that subject you cannot tell me that country has lived in harmony between the faiths. The governments of Europe should have learned a lesson from the years of turmoil and bloodshed from that war torn country. The French are just beginning to learn the folly of their ways. Regrettably we will be next"


Easy opt out there, the doom and gloom brigade scenario!

Actually that line of thought just adds to the problem,afterall much easier to quote historic events of the past, rather than come up with a solution not based on nazism!

Sir, the "them and us" brigade are indeed the main problem.They see everything in straight forward black and white!

Have you not forgotten Ireland? or is that somehow different!
Jan 19, 2008
Quote "Have you not forgotten Ireland? or is that somehow different"!

Exactly, problems based on religion and bigotry. But that was Ireland or rather Northern Ireland in later years. I'm talking about England, my Englishness, my culture and customs and how we are losing it to accommodate those who believe we should change to their customs and religion. I don't know whether my neighbours are of Irish Catholic descent and neither do I care. Why? Because I'm not expected to change and they have basically the same culture and customs as we do.

Quote "much easier to quote historic events of the past, rather than come up with a solution not based on nazism"!

gio where do I advocate Nazism and the final solution? Are you hallucinating again? All I am saying is that Muslims and Christians will never assimilate.

If you know better, which I'm sure you think you do, why not put your ideas forward to help towards peace and harmony, in this country of my forefathers, to the government because they need some good press at the moment.

Just think also, when your ideas come to fruition I will be able to tell all and sundry that I had correspondence with world famous gio, the saviour of mankind, through a caravan forum :O)
Mar 16, 2005
"gio where do I advocate Nazism and the final solution? Are you hallucinating again? All I am saying is that Muslims and Christians will never assimilate.

If you know better, which I'm sure you think you do, why not put your ideas forward to help towards peace and harmony, in this country of my forefathers, to the government because they need some good press at the moment.

Just think also, when your ideas come to fruition I will be able to tell all and sundry that I had correspondence with world famous gio, the saviour of mankind, through a caravan forum :O)"

Actually you advacate nothing but doom and gloom.And thats the point, you bring nothing to the table, you have decided that is that, nothing else to do but wait for the events to unfold!

And now you ask me, to come up with the answers! sorry my friend you seem to know the ins and outs, you have decided that doom awaits us all!

As for the country of your forefathers statement! yet more of the same "them and us" mentallity!Its no more your country than 3rd generation indians,or caribean africans.

And untill people like you can get your head around this mere fact, then ofcorse the problems stay in place

I am affraid to say its people with your mentality that if not causing the situation, actually add to it with your sub consious bias.

So instead of answering a question with a question, why not tell all.

How do you think this situation can be resolved,or is it just a case of moaning,and blaming others!!!!!
Jul 11, 2005
Sorry I am with H.W. on this one, and I dont think I am the only one.

Remedy, repatriation.

I get fed up with listening to do gooders and shortsighted people.

Our way of life is under threat that has stood the test of time.

I just dont want our country to end up a Muslim state.

Jan 19, 2008
Gio, I can understand your mentality on the subject. Why? It is simple, as a person of Italian descent you will never ever have the feelings for this country as I or others of the indigenous population do. It is our motherland we are talking about. When you understand that fact maybe you will understand our passion to maintain our customs/culture and not change it to please others who come here for a better life. If they don't like our way of life they should feel free to leave, just as they were free to come here in the first place :O)

You mention third generation Afro Caribbeans and Indians Gio, well for your information the Afro Caribbeans integrated into society from day one and so have most of the Indians. I'm sorry to shoot your fox Gio, because like a lot of others, you play the race card when through your misinformed judgement or blind hatred of the truth it is not a race issue at all.

Now go back to the drawing board and try again me ol' codger ;O)

By the way, playing the nazism card against an Englishman is a bit cheeky coming from an Italian :O) hehheh!
Mar 14, 2005
No job+no English+no attempt at integration = BFH.

(for those not familiar with English, BFH = Bus Fare Home)
Mar 16, 2005
Now there lies your problem, windyness. you assume that you are more british than others! or others will never understand the true meaning of being british! rather a bigoted approach is it not?

What do you base that on? my name! If that was true then i would assume you were a real lord! rather a foolish statement to make.

No i am English, but have a love of Italy. and i have said that before so your assumptions are indeed a waste of time and unfounded. but my question from before still holds true, so maybe you would like to answer it, rather than keep going around in circles.
Jan 19, 2008
Quote "Now there lies your problem, windyness. you assume that you are more british than others"!

I am English gio, repeat after me ING... LISH but that doesn't mean I'm not British. By that I'm no more British than any other British subject but I am at least their equal.

The reason, not only because of your name, I adjudged you to be of Italian descent is because what you have posted in the past. Also what gives weight to my understanding that you are is your grammar and spelling.
Mar 16, 2005

my grammer ans spelling! if i was Italian or german ect, my grammer and speeeling would be much better,so again you assumption is nil and void, just like my inclination.

So how about answering my original question.
Jan 19, 2007
Hi All

Surely the main point of the origin of this thread was that the PC brigade had infultrated the local council and that it was the PC brigade and NOT the immigrants that were winging about the Sally Anns.After all, the representatives of the Muslim and Jewish communities living within the UK have backed the Archbishop of Canterbury in trying too get both national and local government to allow ALL religions including the Christians to have religious freedom. Its not the immigrants its the PC brigade that are the problem!!!


Mar 14, 2005
Denise you have hit the nail fair and square on the head. Why on earth should the so called do gooders who think they know best and are holier than thou be in a position to tell the rank and file citizen what they can or cannot do. This law was brought in during Mr. Blair's days as PM and has earned his wife a hell of a lot of fees in her legal practice. I believe that it was originated from the EU government but it appears now that both France and Italy have taken a stance against immigration and are getting away with flouting the EU law.

I am fed up with the likes of the PC brigade and the greens, who are in my opinion both in the minority, telling the majority what we can or cannot do - it is time we stood up against these head bangers and tell them straight to sod off to a remote island and leave us to lead a similar life we had before they came on the scene. As things are at the moment I can sympathise with both the UKIP and BNP political parties as it seems that the three main parties are not doing any thing to get us out of this mess - all they are doing is digging us further into the mire.
Nov 30, 2007
Colin do we know this is true Sally army asked not to sing carols in town.If so I am going to write to papers as well.

cheers Mick.


Nov 12, 2009
As I mentioned, three posts into this thread, I have never yet met an immigrant or descendent of an immigrant of Asian or any other extraction who objects to Christmas celebrations.

The practitioners of patronising liberalism do not belong to any single political party, nor are they always elected representatives. As often as not they are town hall beuracrats, and the only option open to us is to dicover who they are, publicly name and shame them and hopefully get them sacked. (yeah, right- as if...)

These hand wringers do the immigrant community no favours by merely causing the indigeinous population of these overcrowded islands to resent them. It is widely acknowledged that Multi Culturalism is a failed social experiment that is rapidly becoming discredited,shown by the rise in home grown terrorism for instance.

The present Government have so far given
Jul 11, 2005
Denise you have hit the nail fair and square on the head. Why on earth should the so called do gooders who think they know best and are holier than thou be in a position to tell the rank and file citizen what they can or cannot do. This law was brought in during Mr. Blair's days as PM and has earned his wife a hell of a lot of fees in her legal practice. I believe that it was originated from the EU government but it appears now that both France and Italy have taken a stance against immigration and are getting away with flouting the EU law.

I am fed up with the likes of the PC brigade and the greens, who are in my opinion both in the minority, telling the majority what we can or cannot do - it is time we stood up against these head bangers and tell them straight to sod off to a remote island and leave us to lead a similar life we had before they came on the scene. As things are at the moment I can sympathise with both the UKIP and BNP political parties as it seems that the three main parties are not doing any thing to get us out of this mess - all they are doing is digging us further into the mire.
Well said Colin, fancy a job.

Jul 3, 2006
Are the so called PC brigade actually racist activists trying to stir up racial unrest by banning the Sally army, Happy Christmas signs etc?
Mar 14, 2005
Mike Ace - you mentioned in a previous posting that the Gazette would be making further enquiries into whether the local council had stopped the Salvation Army from playing in town. I have not seen or heard any further report on this matter - any news?


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