PC Rally 2014

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Jun 20, 2005
Please will someone remind me why we travel the long way round via the hospital by Barnstaple rather than the direct route turn off near South Molton :S
Jul 15, 2008
.........I can't help you there Dusty as I always go the A399 direct route. :)
There are some quarries that way so the route is used by heavy vehicles and I have never had a problem with a caravan.
Feb 3, 2008
Dustydog said:
Please will someone remind me why we travel the long way round via the hospital by Barnstaple rather than the direct route turn off near South Molton :S

Because Stowford say so in their brochure:

"For those who are towing a caravan, we do not recommend the A399 route to Combe Martin from the North Devon Link Road. For those who choose to take this route or who do so in error, be careful to avoid the signs to ‘Stowford’ on the left hand side, near the Exmoor Zoological Park"

The map shows several short steep hills and some sharp corners, so I guess that's why. We did the journey one time without the van attached and thought it may be hairy with the van in tow,


Mar 17, 2007
Have a great time everyone. Good luck in the quiz. Remember to raise a glass to absent Woosies.
Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
Please will someone remind me why we travel the long way round via the hospital by Barnstaple rather than the direct route turn off near South Molton :S

Went home that way last time we were at Stowford, no real problems, but we were following a tractor most of the way, and very busy with queue's getting onto the link road at the roundabout, journey time in the end about the same.
Jun 20, 2005
Thanks Kev and Bill
I know the area very well as Mum lives near Barnstaple. Last time I followed the "official " route which took me past the hospital. It added 35 minutes to the journey because of the queues of people visiting. Only two cars at a time got through the green lights. I'm going Bill and Kev's way along the A399.
Safe tugging to all those going to Stowfolot.
See you all next week. B)


Nov 12, 2009
Gagakev said:
Hey Parksy make sure you leave some Ale in the pumps for the rest of us ;)
You know I wouldn't drink all of the ale without leaving you some Kev, I hope they've ordered plenty though :silly:

Mel said:
Have a great time everyone. Good luck in the quiz. Remember to raise a glass to absent Woosies.
Let's see....... How many Woosies are missing, not forgetting their kids, dogs, friends and relatives. :lol:
We'll do our best to raise a glass for all of them but it might take a couple of nights :blink:
Feb 4, 2014
Parksy said:
Gagakev said:
Hey Parksy make sure you leave some Ale in the pumps for the rest of us ;)
You know I wouldn't drink all of the ale without leaving you some Kev, I hope they've ordered plenty though :silly:

Mel said:
Have a great time everyone. Good luck in the quiz. Remember to raise a glass to absent Woosies.
Let's see....... How many Woosies are missing, not forgetting their kids, dogs, friends and relatives. :lol:
We'll do our best to raise a glass for all of them but it might take a couple of nights :blink:

Don't forget to raise a glass on behalf of Echo and me! We'll be languishing at home, grounded by my gammy knee and associated driving prohibition!


Mar 17, 2007
Parksy said:
Gagakev said:
Hey Parksy make sure you leave some Ale in the pumps for the rest of us ;)
You know I wouldn't drink all of the ale without leaving you some Kev, I hope they've ordered plenty though :silly:

Mel said:
Have a great time everyone. Good luck in the quiz. Remember to raise a glass to absent Woosies.
Let's see....... How many Woosies are missing, not forgetting their kids, dogs, friends and relatives. :lol:
We'll do our best to raise a glass for all of them but it might take a couple of nights :blink:

Parksy, as you know I am a woman of faith. And I have total faith in your glass raising ability (not to mention your ale swallowing ability, your staggering back to the van ability and your hangover recovery ability ). I am confident that no Woosie will be neglected, no matter how long it takes.
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Parksy said:
Gagakev said:
Hey Parksy make sure you leave some Ale in the pumps for the rest of us ;)
You know I wouldn't drink all of the ale without leaving you some Kev, I hope they've ordered plenty though :silly:

Mel said:
Have a great time everyone. Good luck in the quiz. Remember to raise a glass to absent Woosies.
Let's see....... How many Woosies are missing, not forgetting their kids, dogs, friends and relatives. :lol:
We'll do our best to raise a glass for all of them but it might take a couple of nights :blink:

Parksy, as you know I am a woman of faith. And I have total faith in your glass raising ability (not to mention your ale swallowing ability, your staggering back to the van ability and your hangover recovery ability ). I am confident that no Woosie will be neglected, no matter how long it takes.

Dont know if i'm looking forward to this rally anymore, I was looking forward to a couple or three pints a night
but the pints seem to have changed into gallons, I'm sitting next to Parksy, drinking the same drink as him and when he is not looking I will swop my full glass for his near empty one.




Nov 12, 2009
You'll be with us in spirit Cynthia and we'll look forward to meeting you and Echo in September when your leg has healed.
I'll try my best to justify your faith in my ale supping capabilities Mel and by the time we've raised a glass to all of our absent friends it will be nearly time to meet up with them again :cheer:
Kev, you'll be happy to know that I've cut down on the booze so no need to worry, Dustydog has been slimming so he also has to limit his intake and Gabsgrandad is only jealous because he's not coming this time.
I never stagger as much as the young guy in the video, I've got my trusty walking stick and with the way that I walk it's hard to spot the difference anyway.
I just hope that the weather picks up a bit, it's looking a bit gloomy here in the Midlands today but if we have to get wet on the outside at Stowford we might as well get wet on the inside too :p
Apr 20, 2009
Just like to pass on my gratitude to all at PCv for such a lovely weekend at the rally, full on entertainment with plenty of activities, oh and we had sunshine as well,
Well done to all the organisers and helpers at Haymarket yet another successful Rally.
Feb 3, 2008
Gagakev said:
Just like to pass on my gratitude to all at PCv for such a lovely weekend at the rally, full on entertainment with plenty of activities, oh and we had sunshine as well,
Well done to all the organisers and helpers at Haymarket yet another successful Rally.

I second the above gratitudes :cheer:
Nov 12, 2013
Morning all!

Many thanks for your comments and I am glad you had a super bank holiday weekend. It was a busy one for the Practical Caravan team, but a good one! If you have any photos from the Reader Rally that you'd like to share, we'd love to see them.


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