Taking the M26 towards the M20 with lorries blocking both lanes an M3 driver tried to go up the in side of the overtaking lorry finding gap to small to force his way out he dropped back behind myself and two other cars as we past the two lorries just before the M20 the M3 accelerated very rapidly up the inside before 3 of us could move over partially using the hard shoulder to avoid the car in front of me and sweeping out into the overtaking lane past a Volvo in front of us. After joining the M20 I moved to the overtaking lane and the middle lane was to full to move into, I then found the view of two guys in the windscreen of a car behind me, I couldn't see the front or bonnet of the car. Rather worried by this dangerous tail gating with no room to move over to the left I felt forced to touch the brake pedal. It was to dangerous to brake as the car could only have been about a metre from the rear of my People carrier. Knowing my car well I knew the brake lights would come on by just touching the break pedal and I hoped that the idiot would back off which he did and then pulled back as close again. This happened three or four times with still no way to pull over into the middle lane as the car pulled back so I could only see from the wipers upwards in my rear view mirror and only see the rear wings in my side mirrors I felt forced to take the option of putting my foot down as the cars in front including the M3 sped off into the distance leaving my lane clear and a space to pull into on the left some distance ahead. I accelerated in my diesel beast and was able to fit into the gap and let the idiot who had followed just as close to my rear for over a mile pass as I took the first option to move to the left into the only space available to get out of his way.
Mr Tailgater starts to pass me thankfully but finding the M3 was now out of sight he suddenly dropped back and pulled in behind me. Thinking that I had a complete psycho behind me I started to move into the inside lane and then as I checked my mirror my close friends lit up like a preety blue Xmas tree with blue lights flashing from various parts of the car. I carefuly parked on the hard shoulder wheels turned to the left and watched as a young (they all look young to me) police officer donned tie and hat and jogged to my passenger window. I got a big smaile and cheery good afternoon and was asked to slide across and slip ot my passenger door as he complimented me on my safe parking. The two cheery officers smiled and joked as I had the details explained to me, they asked how many point I had in my 32 years of driving. Never had any, well that was fine they said."3 little one can't really hurt you then". They proceeded to take my details and were quite quick as they had correctly guessed that I was on my way to catch a Dover ferry. Knowing better than to antagonise the police I waited until they were finishing up to ask if they considered their way of driving so close behind me dangerous and provocative. "We don't understand what you're saying" they chorused smiling to one another. As they wrote down that my car was Black I corrected them that the car was dark Blue and asked If they were "Playing Snooker" and asked why they had let the Black M3 get away. "Now now sir, you shouldn't listen to silly press stories they said laughing and any way we do loads of Beemers and haven't done one of those for a long time" pointing to my car!I made my ferry and paid my fine a week or two later.
With more and more friends amd colleagues picking up points from speed cameras and mobile money box's I have invested in a Garmin I3 satnav and download speed trap software updates from www.pocketgps.co.uk monthly. Regular mobile speeding trap areas have alerts as well. As a long distance business driver doing over 70000 miles a year, the little satnavs regular boinging has trained me to keep a closer check on my speed to avoid drifting over the speed limit which is so easy to do in modern cars.
If a car had pulled out in front of me on the M20 I would have had an unmarked Police Volvo through the tailgate of my car without a doubt. I just love Kent Police and have a lot of respect for them

and I can pass on their cheery smiling parting words."Tell your friends that we'll get you on the M20 as there are quite a few of us" as they waved me away and tapped their nice shiny blue grey Volvo!