Photo Card driving license may be invalid.

Mar 26, 2008
Thousands of motorists are at risk of being fined up to £1,000 because they are unwittingly driving without a valid licence. They risk prosecution after failing to spot the extremely small print on their photocard licence which says it automatically expires after 10 years and has to be renewed - even though drivers are licensed to drive until the age of 70. Motoring organisations blamed the Government for the fiasco and said 'most' drivers believed their licences were for life.

That's from the Mail today.

Please read @
Nov 6, 2005
Photocard licences clearly show their expiry date. Like passports it's 10 years which is a reasonable limit for documents with a photo on - they obviously won't last for ever.

I don't believe ANYONE thought that photocard licences were indefinite when they were introduced.
Mar 26, 2008
Well bully for you John.

It seems very many people do not know.

It was passed to me today from a company where nearly 250 staff had no idea about the expiry!

I deduce from the email that plenty of others also have no idea.

Mail article and AA and RAC seem to think that many could be caught out!


Possibly due to the fact the old paper licences were usually valid until you were 70 years of age. Of course Governments always want to make the system change so you have to make repeat payments to them.

However on the back side it does state the validity date of the classes of vehicles you are allowed to drive, and this is still the age 70.
Jul 3, 2006
How long is the paper part of your licence valid?, liceneces these days have 2 parts, photocard and paper, true the photocard part may become invalid but surely the paper part remains valid as before? I expect it is typical of half truth cr*p the Mail prints, there is little point in the photocard part of the licence as in most cases where you are reuired to produce your licence, both parts are needed.
Mar 26, 2008
I don't think the paper counterpart has expiry dates on it Garfield.

The photo card has dates, and as far as I can find there is no reminder being sent out. So it seems we need to be vigilant as to when our Licenses need renewing.
Jun 2, 2005
My Photocard Expires on 10th October. I got a letter and form from the DVLA at the beginning of September. Basically i've had to get a new Photo, check the current details, sign the form - include 17.50 payment and then send back both paper and photocard parts.

You only have to fill out the form in any detail if anything has changed.

So if your address details are up todate then you will get a letter - incidently if they aren't then that's also a fineable offence - so if you have moved id get the details updated if i was you.
Mar 22, 2008
The main purpose of the paper counterpart of your licence is to record any provisional entitlements to drive you may have, and also any endorsements. At a guess, i would say it is cheaper and easier to write endorsements on a piece of paper than to have to make a new plastic card every time someone gets points put on their licence.

Therefore the purpose of producing both parts of your licence, is so these details can be checked.

With regards to the 10 year expiry of the photocard, the offence you would commit if you continued to drive after the expiry date would be Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence. Similar situations usually arise with people who have been disqualified from driving by a court. Many do not realise that once the disqualification period is up, they must apply for a new licence before they drive again, or they commit the same offence as above.

With regards to the prosecution of people in the expired photocard scenario, our local Police Force has received instructions from DVLA that initially, (not sure how long but i'll check, prob a few months) no-one will be prosecuted. It will be a case of giving words of advice to that person to renew their licence ASAP. I assume every other Force in the country will have received the same advice.

I'm not sure, but DVLA may run a publicity campaign, as this will eventually affect every driver.

So try not to worry!

Jul 25, 2007
I can hardly believe the attitude of some people.

An example:

Shady Sadie says .... "as I can find there is no reminder being sent out"

and why would there be ??

Having a Driving Licence is a PRIVILEGE not a right and with privileges come RESPONSIBILITY but that has become a dirty word hasn't it !!!

Instead of complaining that the Government has not sent a reminder how about taking responsibility yourself and making sure that your licence is up to date instead of blaming others for the fact that you just didn't bother !

Its the same story with the Vehicle Excise Licence too ..... it is not up to DVLA to remind the registered keeper to re tax their vehicle .... that is the duty of the registered keeper.

Or the person who complains, whines and moans when they are prosecuted for having no insurance and tries to blame the Insurance Company for not sending a reminder.

Its all the same thing .... try taking RESPONSIBILITY !

I am not aiming my comments at any individual on this thread but at ALL those people who are ready to blame everyone else instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY.
Mar 26, 2008
I recieved the email mentioned away from home on a caravan site. There are a few Brits here and no one was aware of the ten year limit. All agreed that with ageing it made sense.

As for Meister's comments and rude upper case pointed remarks.

Please note. I payed for tuition, payed to pass driving tests and earned my rights to hold a driving license as I guess most others here did. Do I assume that Meister and may be some others just had theirs gifted to them?

As for being responsible, we get reminders for TV licenses and all sorts of other things.

Why should we get reminders for car or caravan insurance renewal?

Why should councils bother to send reminders for council tax's, we know they have to be paid so why even bother having a bill.

Surely we should all skip down to the town hall and beg them to take our money for the wonderful services they give!

No bills and no reminders would save a small fortune in operating costs for business in both private and public sector.

Talking responsibility, surely we should all know how much we have and spend, what sort of sad individual would not know how much money they have incoming and out going?

Having now done away with the expense of statements for banking and credit cards they will be able to pay us for banking!

I'm sorry now that I bothered posting about the driving license and even more sorry that we are not all as perfect as Meister.

So stuff any one who gets fined or is in an accident and ends up uninsured as they were not as perfect as Meister. The Meister's of this world can pass critiques on others but don't have the manners to accept the passing on of vital information. I have to ask, if Meister is so clever how come he's a caravanner? Surely one so smart would be rich beyond our wildest dreams and have private jets at his beck and call to fly him to one of his many exotic holiday homes :-}
Aug 28, 2005
I recieved the email mentioned away from home on a caravan site. There are a few Brits here and no one was aware of the ten year limit. All agreed that with ageing it made sense.

As for Meister's comments and rude upper case pointed remarks.

Please note. I payed for tuition, payed to pass driving tests and earned my rights to hold a driving license as I guess most others here did. Do I assume that Meister and may be some others just had theirs gifted to them?

As for being responsible, we get reminders for TV licenses and all sorts of other things.

Why should we get reminders for car or caravan insurance renewal?

Why should councils bother to send reminders for council tax's, we know they have to be paid so why even bother having a bill.

Surely we should all skip down to the town hall and beg them to take our money for the wonderful services they give!

No bills and no reminders would save a small fortune in operating costs for business in both private and public sector.

Talking responsibility, surely we should all know how much we have and spend, what sort of sad individual would not know how much money they have incoming and out going?

Having now done away with the expense of statements for banking and credit cards they will be able to pay us for banking!

I'm sorry now that I bothered posting about the driving license and even more sorry that we are not all as perfect as Meister.

So stuff any one who gets fined or is in an accident and ends up uninsured as they were not as perfect as Meister. The Meister's of this world can pass critiques on others but don't have the manners to accept the passing on of vital information. I have to ask, if Meister is so clever how come he's a caravanner? Surely one so smart would be rich beyond our wildest dreams and have private jets at his beck and call to fly him to one of his many exotic holiday homes :-}
well said sadie luv ya
Aug 10, 2008
Well what a long winded response that was!I recall in the not too distance past, you "shady" remarking how we are ALL responsible for our own actions! [not on this thread}

But do you not read the threads in front of you, before you go off on one?

In case you missed it The DVLA do indeed send out reminders!

In case you missed that too . The DVLA do indeed send out reminders!

So to sum it up,The DVLA send out reminders.

So could you get the mail to give some statistics,on the numbers who have been fined for forgetting to renew?or is it just the usual scaremongering,in which case why were you still not happy shady,once certain parties clarified the situation .!!!!!!
Nov 6, 2005
People will be complaining next that their local supermarket hasn't sent them a reminder that food they bough is approaching it's "use by" date!

Most people have access to PCs - cetainly all that use forums - shouldn't they be setting their own reminders of important future events?
Jun 14, 2007
I just had a quick glance at this post but i think its safe to assume that any person that has any common sense should realise that a photo id will in all probability have to be renewed and change every few years due to our changing appearence, and anybody who thinks it will do until they are 70 is very very simple minded to say the least. luke
May 5, 2005
Well I don't mind thanking Sadie for letting me know about it

its much appreciated.Its much better to be helped than prosecuted
Mar 26, 2008
We'v had a few great weeks away caravanning and have found some friendly fellow caravanners.

I never thought to check on their choice of daily paper. I couldn't care less what they read! Mail, Times, Sun or Independent, what difference does it make if people are friendly.

My first post here was just a basic cut down copy and paste from a clients email as I checked in-box.

The company is quite large and well known in finance and passed the information on the basis that companies check and remind staff re the validity of the photo license.

I guess any of the staff there will hang their heads in shame following Meister's take on them and others!

I just assumed that the info may help some fellow caravanners as other Brits with us are not as smart as Meister. The Doctor and his Dentist wife, Accountant and Nursery teacher, retired Church Minister and Charity Exec Wife and a Plumber and his Personal Banker partner all send apologies to Meister and we all bow to his superior planning.

Now that I've read the mail article myself I note that of the 16136 who should have renewed their licences 4570 have not. I bet old meister has his nickers in a twist over that and god forbid that any are fellow Gaurdian readers like him ;-)

28.321765% of those that should have renewed their licenses have not according to DVLA I read. So sending out remiders does

appear to be a requirement. Assuming that reminders were sent,

if 28.321765% have not renewed their licenses how many would have failed to comply if no reminder had been sent? Well all the sun and mail readers maybe, or maybe not the mail readers as they would have seen about it in the paper ;-)

We've now learnt not only about photo cards but also that Meister is perfect. I'm not, and have a Secretary and a PA to run around and do what's needed, my photo license will need renewing in May 2017. Maybe Meister could remimd me lest I or them forget!

Until then maybe we'll be lucky enough to meet other nice caravanners,unlike a few here!

"I am not aiming my comments at any individual on this thread but at ALL those people who are ready to blame everyone else instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY" for their rudeness :)
Mar 26, 2008
We'v had a few great weeks away caravanning and have found some friendly fellow caravanners.

I never thought to check on their choice of daily paper. I couldn't care less what they read! Mail, Times, Sun or Independent, what difference does it make if people are friendly.

My first post here was just a basic cut down copy and paste from a clients email as I checked in-box.

The company is quite large and well known in finance and passed the information on the basis that companies check and remind staff re the validity of the photo license.

I guess any of the staff there will hang their heads in shame following Meister's take on them and others!

I just assumed that the info may help some fellow caravanners as other Brits with us are not as smart as Meister. The Doctor and his Dentist wife, Accountant and Nursery teacher, retired Church Minister and Charity Exec Wife and a Plumber and his Personal Banker partner all send apologies to Meister and we all bow to his superior planning.

Now that I've read the mail article myself I note that of the 16136 who should have renewed their licences 4570 have not. I bet old meister has his nickers in a twist over that and god forbid that any are fellow Gaurdian readers like him ;-)

28.321765% of those that should have renewed their licenses have not according to DVLA I read. So sending out remiders does

appear to be a requirement. Assuming that reminders were sent,

if 28.321765% have not renewed their licenses how many would have failed to comply if no reminder had been sent? Well all the sun and mail readers maybe, or maybe not the mail readers as they would have seen about it in the paper ;-)

We've now learnt not only about photo cards but also that Meister is perfect. I'm not, and have a Secretary and a PA to run around and do what's needed, my photo license will need renewing in May 2017. Maybe Meister could remimd me lest I or them forget!

Until then maybe we'll be lucky enough to meet other nice caravanners,unlike a few here!

"I am not aiming my comments at any individual on this thread but at ALL those people who are ready to blame everyone else instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY" for their rudeness :)
After a bottle of Super Tuscan quite frankly I don't give a

Sh?te about what Meister thinks - Hic ;O)


Mar 14, 2005
Whilst the original posting is of useful information, some of the subsequent replies are not.

Keep the personal insults out of the forum please.

As for reminders, I hope the relevant authorities do send out such reminders as I do not have a diary that goes 10 or more years ahead, and I would probably lose it anyway.
Mar 26, 2008
"Whilst the original posting is of useful information, some of the subsequent replies are not"

Nothing gets past you Damian ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Shadie,

I feel I have missed the boat on this one, but better late than never, thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Ten years ago when the new licences will have scrutinised their brand new licence when they got them, and may well have noted that it needed renewing in 10 years hence, but how many can honestly say they have recently checked their licence, or have remembered it will need to be renewed?

I know I hadn't until your post highlighted the issue.

Yes we all need to take responsibility for keeping things up to date, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a reminder.

Shadie, why not open another bottle, and toast the DAL.. no DLA no no - blow it ! Cheers!
Jul 25, 2007
So 28.321765% failed to renew did they ? ............. well I suppose that means 71.678235 DID renew but best not speak about them eh for fear of upsetting the others lol.


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