Photo Card driving license may be invalid.

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Nov 6, 2005
Whilst the original posting is of useful information, some of the subsequent replies are not.

Keep the personal insults out of the forum please.

As for reminders, I hope the relevant authorities do send out such reminders as I do not have a diary that goes 10 or more years ahead, and I would probably lose it anyway.
Passports expire after 10 years, with no reminder - what a scandal !!



If yours and the Mails article gets people talking about the subject it can only be good as more people will be made aware of the ten year limit.

I checked my UK license due to your post and so have my family.

Some of the comments here are way out of order.

When I read the mail article it all seemed pretty clear and very valid!
May 18, 2006
Thanks Sadie.

I checked my UK license due to your post and so have my family.

Mine runs out in 2 years time - which I was not aware of.

Any information like this that is brought to peoples attention is good news as far as I am concerned.

Aug 10, 2008
So this is what you call the mountain made from a molehill!

Its bad enough when someone takes a daily news read as being bang on the nail, but when, it is repeated that reminders are being sent out,and so only the dead, or stupid would forget to renew!

Stupid would also apply to those who forget to tell the dvla that they had moved.

Then we have those who didn't know [nothing wrong with that]but hang on a minute how does this topic help you?

After all if its time for renewal,you will be sent a reminder! if its not time,and your renewal is 5 or 6 years down the road,then what difference did this topic make?you will have forgotten by then anyway,so you will have to hope they still do the reminders!

After all,if you checked your photo card when you got it,like all good citizens,you would have seen the dateline,and as you have forgotten that already. Then you will forget the info in this thread too..LOL,LOL,LOL.

So i say thanks.....for nothing. Well not for nothing,because now i know doctors and dentist are as stupid as the rest of us.

I think that's what was meant surely.......
Mar 14, 2005
Over successive years our freedoms have been reduced, and now people are being fined for their children dropping a piece of potato crisp on the ground, too much dirt in a garden waste refuse bin, etc

We are faced with a barrage of legislative procedures that seek to prosecute or load us with fixed penalties. Virtually every day someone in government finds a new offence that grabs more and more money from us if we transgress.

Of course we should be law abiding, and thus avoid such penalties, but with so much existing and new legislation and powers to enforce penalties, it is hardly surprising that we some times forget or overlook things especially where there is a number of years between the need to act. I seriously doubt that we can go out of house in the morning without transgressing some law or regulation.

Yes the DLVA should be posting out reminders about the photo-card licence, but there is no harm in bringing it everyone's notice, well in advance. It is quite likely that we may forget this thread, but it will be not such a great surprise to us when the DVLA letter pops onto the hall floor.

Shady, do not be disheartened by the few who have derided your thread. Some of us who are getting older need reminders,

Now where am I..


My reminder will go to our UK home base, the post has just hi-lighted the issue. So for those of us that live or spend a long time overseas it is a prompt to be more vigilent.

Not everyone who is responsible for company vehicles or drivers is a driver themself. No doubt such an article is a reminder to them to check or remind staff that they need to act and get the license changed when the reminder comes.
Jul 19, 2005
It is in part because of the need to renew each 10 years that I have held on to my paper licence even though I was tempted to change at one stage in order to remove an out of date speeding fine.

However for some to say that you should expect anything with a photograph incorporated to have to be renewed on a regular basis is not necessarily so. The photo id for use with railway season tickets carries no obligation for regular update and I regularly serve customers that have 15-20 year old photos on their id card. On the other hand no one would let you use one for any real id check.

Mar 13, 2007
hi all

like alun I still have my green paper licence and would not change it for anything it's only got 3 groups A.D.E with no ristrictions and valid untill 70yo in 10 years time

why change it?????

Mar 26, 2008
I seem to rememeber that you must/are advised to have a newer driving license if you drive abroad as it has extra info for overseas.

Photo license card is also more acceptable to many overseas police and will ease the way for you if you have to produce it at the road side.

If you do venture abroad with an original green paper license, you may experience difficulties and could possibly be breaking some rules as it does not have enough info!

I'm told that if you lose your passport but have a photo card license when abroad it is easier to get home than without it.
Feb 3, 2005
If you move house (and remember to tell the DVLA!!!)you will get a photo card licence whether you like it or not - because they don't issue the old paper ones anymore - but at least they are free and, as Sadie says, they are useful when travelling abroad, and are often taken as ID.

Of course, those who obtained their photo licence when aged over 60 don't need to worry about the 10 year expiry date because yours will expire at 70 anyway. And then you will need to obtain a B+E licence (or whatever they call it now) to drive a larger outfit.

Thank you Sadie for your original post. I don't know why some people act as they do to what is obviously intended as helpful information. Surely this forum exists to help the less experienced gain knowledge and advice, and we've all got something to learn.

Mar 13, 2007
keithj wrote "Of course, those who obtained their photo licence when aged over 60 don't need to worry about the 10 year expiry date because yours will expire at 70 anyway. And then you will need to obtain a B+E licence (or whatever they call it now) to drive a larger outfit."

This is exactly the reason I hold on to my old paper one when it has to be changed the whole group of entitlement changes to the newer ones and and some are lost forever (unless a new test is taken)some of the more obscure groups no longer exist on the photo licence and have to be applied for (and a extra fee paid)therefore to regain all the classes and groups that I have on the paper one would be quite expensive and complicated.

Feb 3, 2005
Colin - when we moved house last year, in order to register the new address I had to apply for a new photocard licence. This was free of charge and seems to include all the B+E entitlements plus a full motorcycle licence obtained when I was 16. (I am not sure how/if it affects "obscure groups", but I don't want to drive steam rollers etc.)

When I get to 70 I will lose the B+E bits - I am not sure that hanging on to the old style licence would have been any difference as that expires at 70 also. But you don't have a choice when you move house anyway.

Apr 13, 2005
Thank you for the reminder sadie, i must admit i had completely forgotten about the impending expiry of my licence (2 years left)and after asking both my parents and 3 of my friends non of them where even aware that the licence had an expiry date attached to it, my wife who has 35 care workers working for her and all of whom drive sent a memo out to all of them and found that 2 had been driving on expired licences, she now has 2 care workers less untill they get updated licences but at least they have not been prosecuted.

Sadie dont even give the muppets who like to dish out theire self opinionated clapptrap any time, I have seen a big and i mean big change in the attitude of posters on this forum recently, it used to be so tolerant and helpfull (ive been posting for a very long time)but recently we have attacks on posters for not being completely and totally profficient in english we have postings ridiculing people about theire ability to reverse the caravan just becouse they dare to drive a jaguar we have had postings complaining of children, barbeques, windbreaks, dogs,chatting after 10,daring to have an alchoholic drink at any time of day,and now as you have found daring to try and help others.

The forum needs a good clear up of the moaners and groaners and some others that want to stay should lighten up and accept everyone for what they are and not what they think they should be.
Jul 9, 2006
First of all, it is only the photocard part of your licence that expires. This is purely because the photo is likely to need updating after 10 years. Your driving licence expires at age 70 so the only offence you may commit is failing to renew your photocard, not driving otherwise with your licence because it is still valid. Secondly, the DVLA put a reminder on the licence, which is its expiry date, which is no different to your insurance etc. As for not knowing this, it appears most people at some point in the 10 years will have to produce their licence for some reason or other (e.g hire car), so to say you don't know seems a poor excuse. Hope this helps!
Apr 13, 2005
Sorry forbes but it does not say "expiry" or "expires" any where on the front of the licence, what it says is "B4" you then have to look on the back to see that in extremely small print "B4" is the expiry date.

This thread was started to warn people of this expiry and the fact it is extremely hard to see the small print. lets be honest about this did you really scrytinis your licence photo card to the point where you say a valid from and valid to date ? or did you do the same as most people and scrutinise the paper counter part ( which is in fact your licence( not the photo card)?.

Poor excuse ? i don't think so, lack of information when issued ? yes i think it is.
Apr 13, 2005
forgot to add above that i have never had to look at my licence in the past eight years of having the photo card and on the 3 or 4 occasions ive hired a car not once has the person who did the hiring asked me to quote anything from the licence or adviced me that it expires in so many years.
Jul 3, 2008
It is actually the photgraph on your d/l that needs updating every ten years and is not to be enforced by the police only to give the advice on behalf of the DVLA. full details at the DVLA web site and I believe the post office( if you still have one where you live
Mar 26, 2008
Glad to hear that some have found this of interest.

I'm told that if you are worried about losing categories when changing your license you can take it to a local regional DVLA office rather than just send it off. They verify the categories and you do not lose them, and they send the license via their internel post system. A copy of your original is also an aid I'm told.
Apr 13, 2005
my daughter has just got her first driving licence and the dvla downloaded her photo from the passport office since we all have the new bio-metric passports, wouldnt you think the dvla would automatically update your photo card every 10 years using you updated passport photo, they have all the info they need anyway.

It seems to me its just another money making exercise from the government in reality.
Mar 13, 2007
hi all

"Colin - when we moved house last year, in order to register the new address I had to apply for a new photocard licence. This was free of charge and seems to include all the B+E entitlements plus a full motorcycle licence obtained when I was 16. (I am not sure how/if it affects "obscure groups", but I don't want to drive steam rollers etc.)

When I get to 70 I will lose the B+E bits - I am not sure that hanging on to the old style licence would have been any difference as that expires at 70 also. But you don't have a choice when you move house anyway."

Please excuse my ignorance as I have never had one of the photo licences issued but exactly which groups are on them.

I found the comments above very interesting keithj as the groupe B+E and B1+E are the caravan bits so how do the old fogies use their vans after 70.

also what about the C+E C1+E D+E and D1+E groups who gets them on the photo type licence, the reason I ask is because last year our depot organised a fishing match with another depot down south and hired a 18 seater bus to go in (15 anglers plus tackle) when it arrived it was found that no one had an entitlement on their licence (so no insurance) in order to drive it exept myself who had the paper one with no restrictions on groups, so I got the job of driving it.

while on the subject I would also like to thank sadie for bringing the expiry date of the photo type licence to our attention, (and a thank you also from the guys at work)I brought the subjet up at work the other day and only one of the guys knew about it, after checking theirs the others found out that 2 of them had expired and 3 were due to expire this year or early next year.


Feb 3, 2005

I don't understand all the groups and entitlements, I'll have to leave it to someone else to explain them.

What I do understand (and I could be wong) is that until you get to 70 the new licence should cover everything that the old one did. BUT - when you get to 70, and your licence expires, you have to apply for a new one, and then you are in the same boat as all those who passed their test after 1997, ie. you are not qualified to drive the larger outfits (over 3,500kg gross train weight??).

The "old fogeys" that you refer to are either not driving a "larger" outfit, or have passed a further test (seems unlikely?) .....or they are not licensed!

Apr 13, 2005
(quote) KeithJ

25 Sep 2008 11:53 AM Colin

I don't understand all the groups and entitlements, I'll have to leave it to someone else to explain them.

What I do understand (and I could be wong) is that until you get to 70 the new licence should cover everything that the old one did. BUT - when you get to 70, and your licence expires, you have to apply for a new one, and then you are in the same boat as all those who passed their test after 1997, ie. you are not qualified to drive the larger outfits (over 3,500kg gross train weight??).

The "old fogeys" that you refer to are either not driving a "larger" outfit, or have passed a further test (seems unlikely?) .....or they are not licensed!

Keith(un quote)

does it not state that only those that passed a driving test after 1997 need to do the B+E test ?. all us that passed our test's before this date get automatic entitlement to B+E catagories and since your licence is only being re-newed at year 70 and you are not passing a new driving test then in the eyes of the law you still passed your test before 1997 so they cant possibly remove your entitlement unless you become medically restricted, if they did then surely this is an abuse of your rights.

I dont know becouse ive never had to check but my dads now 72 and he is still driving with B+E entitlement but he has never changed from the old green style licence, if thats the reason then its a biased and probably illegal ruling anyway against the photo card licence holders.


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