Pictures post at right angles

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Nov 11, 2009
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On occasions when I post a photo it will load sideways. Even when I go back into my phones photo album and edit it to rotate 90 degrees it still loads into my post as sideways. Other members have also had this problem which seems random in nature.

Could the web team look at including a “rotate “ button in edit mode. Other forums and sites such as CC, Autotrader, eBay, freecycle etc have such a feature that allows a photo to be rotated.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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I'll see if I can find a way to pass this onto the web developers. Seems like a useful feature.

FWIW: This is a fairly common problem and at the risk of boring you its because digital images in themselves have no way of indicating which way up they should be. So, tags have to be added to the image file (metadata) to indicate the orientation. Cameras and other devices usually do this as they have built in sensors to indiacte portrait or landscape. Trouble is some software used to display or edit the image may either strip these tags out when you save or export them or not bother to use them.

You can wake up now :)


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Apr 9, 2019
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Thanks Sam, for looping me into the issues. We're not likely to add that feature ourselves, but we'll share the feedback with the developers of Xenforo, just in case they decide to implement it down the road.

On our side, we'd need to have a specially designed add-on that allows for rotating images, but those tend to add more things to break, so we're trying our very best to keep add-ons to a minimum.

Definitely not ruling out any options, but no immediate plans for this. I hope that extra context is helpful.
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Jun 16, 2020
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I agree that a number of people seem to have the problem, though it is not something I have encountered. However, what I do find is that if someone loads a thumbnail picture. Very often, just the first picture in a series will not fully open unless I open it I'm a new window.

Also. It would be most useful if the software automatically resized pictures. Having to do it on an iPad requires extra software and is a faff to do.

Nov 11, 2009
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I agree that a number of people seem to have the problem, though it is not something I have encountered. However, what I do find is that if someone loads a thumbnail picture. Very often, just the first picture in a series will not fully open unless I open it I'm a new window.

Also. It would be most useful if the software automatically resized pictures. Having to do it on an iPad requires extra software and is a faff to do.

I agree re the pictures that are uploaded as thumbnails. I too often find the first one only half opens.
Wrt IPad I find if the picture is in Apple Photos I get a choice of using the Library, Peoplev/Places or Albums. Then when I select the photo it asks me to Choose but shows the actual picture size. When I click the picture size I am presented with a number of upload sizes from full right down to thumbnails. So I normally look to upload at 1 mb or less. Doesn’t need additional software to resize.
Jun 16, 2020
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I have looked before and just done another search. One says I need to export. But I don't have that option. Most searches say a 3rd part app is needed, How to Geek says this.


I don't have a problem doing it. Just time consuming.

When I select a hoto it just opens it. I can edit, but not the size, I can share but no option there either.

Nov 11, 2009
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I have looked before and just done another search. One says I need to export. But I don't have that option. Most searches say a 3rd part app is needed, How to Geek says this.

View attachment 3582

I don't have a problem doing it. Just time consuming.

When I select a hoto it just opens it. I can edit, but not the size, I can share but no option there either.

Are you using Apple Photos for your source library? If you are then I’m really puzzled as my MAC, IPhone and IPad plus wife’s iphone. all perform as in my above post.
Jun 16, 2020
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Are you using Apple Photos for your source library? If you are then I’m really puzzled as my MAC, IPhone and IPad plus wife’s iphone. all perform as in my above post.

Yes, Apple photos iOS 15.5. I also have Amazon photos but haven't tried that. All the searches I do seem to say it can't be done. Some say to email yourself with the pics and it will do it then. But that also seems to have disappeared unless you try to mail too many, and then it asks if you want to shrink them.

I also hate the way the camera defaults to ‘live’ pictures even when it's been left turned off.

Jun 16, 2020
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Here’s what I am describing straight from Photos.

View attachment 3583
I have had that before in the past, but only when trying to email a picture. I wish I did. But all the searches I do, including the apple forums, say it can't be done.

If I am doing something wrong I don't know what it is.

I have just downloaded another 3rd party app. Image resiser which is slicker than the last one as you don't have to watch an add. But there is no batch mode.

Nov 11, 2009
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I have had that before in the past, but only when trying to email a picture. I wish I did. But all the searches I do, including the apple forums, say it can't be done.

If I am doing something wrong I don't know what it is.

I have just downloaded another 3rd party app. Image resiser which is slicker than the last one as you don't have to watch an add. But there is no batch mode.

Just goes to show that you cannot believe everything that you read on forums 😱, or techno geek sites.
Jun 16, 2020
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Just goes to show that you cannot believe everything that you read on forums 😱, or techno geek sites.

Have you tried searching? I don't disbelieve you as it makes perfect sense to allow resising. But I can't find any that at it can be done, but they all say you used to be able to. I imagine you are using 15.5

Jun 16, 2020
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Also, can't find it on the Apple user guide.

However, the user guide for the mac does have export!

I am trying hard to put a link to the Mac user guide. But each time is goes to the iPad. But if you search Mac Monteray. This shows it has the export.


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Jun 16, 2020
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However, this user guide for the mac does have export!

I am trying hard to put a link to the Mac user guide. But each time is goes to the iPad. But if you search Mac Monteray. This shows it has the export.

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Nov 11, 2009
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Have you tried searching? I don't disbelieve you as it makes perfect sense to allow resising. But I can't find any that at it can be done, but they all say you used to be able to. I imagine you are using 15.5

Why do I need to search as when I choose a photo from Photos to upload into a Forum post I can resize it.? The photo I posted in #10 is a genuine screen shot which I saved into Photos then uploaded into post #10. I’ve been able to do it through a number of iterations of IOS and MAC OS Monterey. I am using IOS 15.5 at present.
Jun 16, 2020
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Why do I need to search as when I choose a photo from Photos to upload into a Forum post I can resize it.? The photo I posted in #10 is a genuine screen shot which I saved into Photos then uploaded into post #10. I’ve been able to do it through a number of iterations of IOS and MAC OS Monterey. I am using IOS 15.5 at present.

You could do with publishing/sharing that as it is not contained in the the Apple user guide and there are many who would love to know.

As you have the iPad and a Mac, I wonder if there is integration.. I will bring it up in the Apple store at some stage. In the mean time I will ask my son and his son in law both have macs and iPads and know their stuff.

Nov 11, 2009
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You could do with publishing/sharing that as it is not contained in the the Apple user guide and there are many who would love to know.

As you have the iPad and a Mac, I wonder if there is integration.. I will bring it up in the Apple store at some stage. In the mean time I will ask my son and his son in law both have macs and iPads and know their stuff.

I thought I had shared what I have in post #6. Theres not much more to it, interesting to see what your “ family experts who know their stuff” come up with, but it won’t change how I upload posts without having to use a separate resizing app.
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Jun 16, 2020
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I don't believe it should change how you do things, good luck to you. This is what my grandson in law said. At first he thought I meant resize as in crop not quality. Clearly cropping works fine.


Nov 11, 2009
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I don't believe it should change how you do things, good luck to you. This is what my grandson in law said. At first he thought I meant resize as in crop not quality. Clearly cropping works fine.

View attachment 3587


Could you be looking in the wrong area. Photos doesn’t have a resize option but don’t forget there is an interaction between Photos and the Forum upload software as that is where the photograph from Photos is uploaded to. In that respect it is similar to uploading high resolution photos from Photos to album producers like Photobox, or Mixbook. They allow high resolution to be reduced if required to speed up the upload.
Nov 11, 2009
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Exactly, that is all I have been saying, nothing more, nothing less. But the Apple Mac does.

Otherwise, on this forum, which does not auto reduce, we get this:

View attachment 3589

I never actually said that Photos has a resizing option you have inferred that. This Forum does not auto reduce, but it does give you the option to reduce your selected photo in order to upload it. I’m sure I am not the only one to have found this feature.

My post at #6 was referring to your apparent problems in #5 in uploading photos to the Forum. It’s quite obvious if the photograph has to be taken from my Library for uploading to a post there’s an interaction between the two sets of software. Why you don’t see the selection menu as per my post #10 when using an IPad or iPhone is a puzzle.

On a MAC the resizing option is not within the Photos editing software all you can do wrt size is crop. To resize , you have to open your photograph into the Preview app change it, save it back to Photos or elsewhere like Desktop before selecting it fir uploading, whilst taking care to preserve the original if it’s important to you.
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Jul 18, 2017
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I click on "Insert image", open the box and then from Internet Explorer I drag the picture across and it is always the correct way up. Perhaps the problem is only with machines not using Windows?
Nov 11, 2009
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I click on "Insert image", open the box and then from Internet Explorer I drag the picture across and it is always the correct way up. Perhaps the problem is only with machines not using Windows?
But do you have to resize a photo to get within the Forum upload size limit. If so how do you do it?
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