Pitch spacing

Apr 11, 2005
What is the rule on pitch spacing ??(fire regs etc....) 6metres or 6 ft ? is this a standard rule for all caravan sites everywhere, if so then i've just been to one where the gap was about a foot!!! in the early hours we heard a commotion and kids yelling "look fire!!!" it was promptly put out by someone who had the nouse to carry a fire extinguisher,none on the park in site ! if this chap hadnt been so quick thinking i'm sure this would've been pudding lane all over again!!!
Mar 27, 2005
I think we would all like to avoid sites like this. Not a CC club site I take it? I for one would like to see a forum page or two, one where we can post what in our opions are bad sites and why and one to post the good sites and why. Name and shame I say it works wonders.
Mar 14, 2005
The CCC rec distance between vans is 6 meters or 20ft,I certainly would not like anyone nearer than that.Denis.
Mar 14, 2005
It is normal to see at least 16 ft between outfits.

Every van should carry a 1.5Kg fire extinquisher a fire blanket and fire pail of water.

Good practice makes safe holidays and with the exception of the pitch size all of the above can be bought fairly cheaply

It would be my intention not to pitch where the 16ft space was not offered to me - IMHO
Apr 11, 2005
Needless to say it was a commercial site in north wales,

A park resort, it was absoulute chaos !!!! had a great time only because we went off site all day everyday !! will stick to cc sites from now on !
Apr 11, 2005
It is normal to see at least 16 ft between outfits.

Every van should carry a 1.5Kg fire extinquisher a fire blanket and fire pail of water.

Good practice makes safe holidays and with the exception of the pitch size all of the above can be bought fairly cheaply

It would be my intention not to pitch where the 16ft space was not offered to me - IMHO
I agree shiraz about the fire extinguishers, but some people seem to still have the brains of amoebas and they were prolific on this site!!


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