Police Officers sledging on their riot shields

Mar 14, 2005
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Don't want to be a killjoy, Lisa, but were they on duty at the time? The van and uniforms would suggest that they were,and that some action should be taken against them.


Mar 14, 2005
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Don't want to be a killjoy, Lisa, but were they on duty at the time? The van and uniforms would suggest that they were,and that some action should be taken against them.
I'm afraid they were on duty emmo.

Lisa xx
Mar 14, 2005
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I've just read a bit more about this elsewhere, and apparently they were only there a few minutes, and their Chief has spoken to the men, suggesting that it was not a good exercise in PR.

It does show that some of them are human, though!


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi emmerson

Yes it does show they are human. Like little boys really. LOL!!

I have quite a few dealings with pc's in my work and we do have a bit of a laugh at times. I've had a few commissions for portrait work lately from the police.

Lisa xxx
Mar 26, 2008
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A friends daughter had an incident up country where she lives and her parents live near us.

Following the incident the young woman was visited by a uniformed "representative" of her local constabulary and was assaulted by that person in her own home. She called the Police as the person ran off and then called her parents and was obviously very distraught.

Her local police have been marvellous but as she called her parents the enquiry officers require a statement from her parents that Thames Valley Police have to take for the northern force.

The northern force are still waiting on TV Police to go and take the statement.

They've had no one free since the 2nd, now we know why!


Mar 14, 2005
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When you say a uniformed 'representative' do you mean a serving police officer? Just wondered why you used that term.

Mar 26, 2008
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I'm not sure of how the different uniformed law people differ.

It would not be wise to say who was involved and the person was uniformed and had a number, very senior internal investigation police are involved and it may not be a one off by the person.

Our friends daughter had a call from her police victim support lady this afternoon to arrange another meeting and to tell her that they are still waiting on local police to visit her parents.

Your post just struck a note Lisa that in over ten days they have had no one free yet officers are out sledging.

Uniformed officers may not be able to take a statement in such a case, I've no idea about what they can do.

But there is no doubt in my mind that somewhere else in the the Thames Valley area others would liked to have seen a police officer in the past day or two.


Nov 12, 2009
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Have you thought about writing to or e-mailing the police force (or service) concerned Sadie?

For all we know the one police officer who had a bit of a toboggan run may have just come off duty.
Mar 14, 2005
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Have you thought about writing to or e-mailing the police force (or service) concerned Sadie?

For all we know the one police officer who had a bit of a toboggan run may have just come off duty.
Parksy, they were on duty, and have been "spoken to" by a senior officer.
Jun 28, 2007
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dont know if this is to be taken as a bit of fun for the officers who , for all we know may have had been under immense pressure over the period due to the weather and a few minutes to ease the tension may just be a help to them to 'carry-on' serving the public.

Bit stupid though to get caught on camera.

That said it infuriates me when I go for the Friday night fish and chips and have to wait behind local plod while he's getting the stations tea. Leaving his chum sat in the patrol car keeping it warmed up and monitoring the radio in case they have a 'shout'.


May 25, 2009
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Does collecting fish & chips count as official police duty? Like, is the car insured? Its OK by me if the local nick doesn't have its own restuarant.

Its also OK if Plod acts like he is human sometimes .... provided he lets me be human sometimes too.

Jan 19, 2008
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We would often call at the chip shop while on duty in the ambulance. Control would have told us to RTS for our break and we would ask permission to get fish and chips but that was only if the premises were on the route. Even so it didn't guarantee us eating them because if a 999 call came in and we were the nearest vehicle or they hadn't another ambulance available we'd had our chips, no chips and wasted money. It was the chance you took.

I believe it might be a bit different in the last few years. Apparently if a crew is stood down on a break they cannot be disturbed. That again might have changed from the complaints of ambulances having to travel miles to a 999 when there's a crew on station having their break one mile away.
Dec 3, 2009
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My best friend (and daughter's God Mum) is a Policewoman. I'd like to put her side forward in response to the posts about having to wait behind offices in chip shop queues etc.

Like anyone else who works shifts (and yes, sometimes, she works 12 hr shifts), they are entitled to both lunch breaks and have the right to eat! In fact, they are encouraged by senior officers to make themselves more visible and my friend often spends her lunchtime eating in a local country park - she enjoys the quiet, the time away from the desk etc and is making herself visible. However, when she does this, she is constantly bombarded by us, the public, knocking on her car window (her own car, not a police vehicle on many occasions), by people starting the conversation by saying 'I know you are eating your lunch, but ...'

What better way to deter crime than to be visible in public places and I personally think that the police officers who went sledging are great - it shows the public, especially children who might be afraid to approach officers that they are human afterall.

No-one was hurt - at least they made it to work in the snow unlike much of the country!
Dec 30, 2009
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For all we know these guys may have been on break but still on duty, have none of you do gooders who begrudge those guys a bit of fun ever done anything against policy at your place of work?? not ever.

They were there minuits by all acounts, I for 1 had a laugh at it, but shold have madwe sure it wasnt being filmed, then none of the fuss.

Jan 19, 2008
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Just read it Sproket.

To be honest I didn't find anything wrong with it especially as they were there only minutes and none know the full story, like was they on a break.

No complaints from me and if I was younger and one of those PCs there's no doubt I would have been having a go :O)


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