Political Statement

Jan 19, 2008
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I was sent an email by an American friend. I have altered it so that it has a British perspective but it has the same meaning and impact as it does in the USA.

I was talking to a friend 's little girl, and she said she wanted to be Prime Minister some day.

Both of her parents, Labour supporters, were standing there, so I asked her, 'If you were to be the Prime Minister, what first thing you would do?'

She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'

'Wow - what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'You don't have to wait until you're Prime Minister to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull weeds, and sweep my garden, and I'll pay you £10. Then I'll take you over to the supermarket where the homeless person hangs out, and you can give him the £10 to use toward food or a new house.'

She thought that over for a few seconds 'cause she's only 6. And while her mother glared at me, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless man come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the £10?'

And I said, 'Welcome to the Conservative Party.'

Her parents still aren't talking to me. Even children understand.


Well, I enjoyed it ;!

My only gripe would be to take it a step further, where the little girl suggests to the homeless man that he might care to stand up and take himself off to do a few odd jobs.

When he refused (as homeless people are wont to do) the little girl could have come back and exclaimed, "That man is so lazy, he doesn't want to do anything except beg money from other people. I think that people like that should be put in special prisons and made to do some work"

Then you could say to the perceptive little mite, 'Welcome to the National Socialist party....'
Oct 6, 2008
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There endeth the sermon by Lord Brakewynde & Selwyn (hopefully) who - though being very sanctimonious - may realise that homelessness is not a pleasure, nor is it a choice - it is in fact an unfortunate circumstance of many people that does not desereve mockery


A good few of the younger homeless could join the armed forces and get fed and watered and have a roof over their heads!

Getting of their back sides and doing something to help them selves would be a good move for very many.
Jan 19, 2008
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The problem is Euro a lot of the younger homeless are foreigners who shouldn't be here in the first place. Would anyone expect to go to Australia with no home to go to?

Last week a friend and I was walking past All Saints church in High Town. Outside the doors was a girl selling the "Big Issue". While stood there she was using a stone to write graffiti on the walls of the church. When my friend started to berate her she made gestures saying "no English".

If she comes to these shores she should first of all show respect to our culture and state religion but then again why should she bother. The likes of Pete will see her right though.

Lets house our own homeless first and I don't mean the ones who refuse to work because when they aren't stoned or rat-arsed they are breeding more sprogs to leech off society. What wonderful role models.
Jun 11, 2012
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Wow your Lordship that was a bit harsh but true

I dont remember all this homelesness in our days .

A good question here is why are they homeless is it a question of cant work wont work dont want to work or just chucked out of home or made themselves homeless and as you say like in our town they always seem to find brass for that tin of dog food and a tin of beer .

Said my bit. Sir Roger


Lets house our own homeless first and I don't mean the ones who refuse to work because when they aren't stoned or rat-arsed they are breeding more sprogs to leech off society. What wonderful role models⇦br/>

Yes indeed! - but that's the royal family for you, leeches extraordinare.

In a properly ordered society they would be put to work scrubbing out public urinals.
Mar 13, 2007
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what a load of sanctimonious drivel you lot should know better, call yourselves mature adults with a knowlege of the world strewth, you have no idea what you are talking about.

my sister in law works for a charity that looks after the young homeless kids, most of these kids are under 18 and find themselves homeless through no fault of their own they have either been kicked out of childrens homes @16 or forced out by uncaring parents.

A lot of them had been abused or neglected and had to escape from their enviroment. While on the streets most of the girls had been raped or beaten more than once, and no-one gives a toss about there plight, especialy the police and councils.

Most have somehow slipped through the net that is supposed to help them. B.T.W the reason most have dogs is for a bit of protection you need it on the street, and nearly all the dogs kept were strays just like the kids.

Don't forget when you are on the street it is a catch 22 situation "no perminant address no job" because you need an address to get a job, no job no money so you can,t get an address"to apply for a job, if you have no home where do you wash or clean your clothes you can,t so no-one would give you a job if you could apply anyway so you are stuck.

I have never been homeless came close to it during the pit strike but managed with the help of family and friends some of these kids have no family or friends just themselves.

remember this phrase ""there but for the grace of god go I""

and for gods sake have a bit of compassion for their plight.

Jan 19, 2008
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OMG here goes ....

Col me ol' tyke, please re-read what I posted.

I didn't say there weren't needy types and those should be helped and that comes back to my mentioning of "Lets house our own homeless first".

What I don't agree with is giving money to junkies and alcoholics just so they can go and get "stoned or rat-arsed2 again. Neither should they be given money by the state in benefits. If the state needs to help them give them clothes and food, money definitely not.

It's only through charities clothing and feeding them that they are able to use their benefits and begging money to spend on more drugs or drink which only makes the situation worse.

They should be offered housing, and that is in a clinic of their choice, to help them get clean. Sadly most will go back to drugs because the alternative of getting up early and working for a living is anethma to them.

A lot of these people were born to parents who are also junkies/alcoholics where my "role model" comment came in.

During my work I've been to these homes where they are nothing more than drug dens and they live in squalor in council accomodation payed for by taxes. When in respiritory arrest we give them Narcan to bring them round. We then have to suffer threats and abuse because we have spoiled their trip after spending money on the drug not realising they were moments from death. They have probably got the money by illegal means in the first place but that doesn't matter to them. The protocols say that they should be taken to casualty because theres always a chance of going into respiritory arrest again but they ALWAYS refuse, usually hotfooting it expecting the police to arrive.

To my mind charity workers only exacerbate the situation with these people, not helping them at all. Let them be given a choice when handed their benefit money, either food/clothes or drink/drugs, not handed it to them on a plate.

We are always giving to cancer/heart/children charities but if it was a collection for the homeless I would refuse.


Colin (Yorks)

I understand everything you say - and share your concern.

However, the problem calls for a remedy that you would almost certainly recoil from, given your liberal credentials.

One has to ask *why* society is this state, why families have disintegrated, why so many parents are barely fit enough to look after a dog, never mind children, and why Britain is filled with an army of barely educated, pinch-faced, youths, living on the margins of society without hope, without pride, without compassion, and without identity.

I say 'identity' because this is one of the main keys to their prison.

Like it, or not, believe it, or not, we are not ruled by whichever Government happens to be occupying Westminster at any given moment. They are merely the figureheads for those who exercise *real* control - and, no matter whether the elected politicians are there to cynically line their pockets, or motivated by genuine conviction, not one of them can do anything that is contrary to the wishes of their true Masters.

Their masters have a long term plan that is now rapidly approaching fulfillment - and one of the keystones of that plan is the moral destruction of Britain.

It's almost impossible for anyone born in the last 30 or 40 years to realise what Britain was like before the societal destruction began. The memories of a fundamentally decent, safe, and cohesive society has been utterly eradicated by a flood tide of immorality and violence that has been deliberately unleashed as part of the plan to destroy this nation.

An extremely important facet of that plan was the destruction of conventional families - which, as our enemies know, has been the bedrock of any properly functioning society throughout history.

To achieve that goal, huge resources were employed to undermine marriage, to 'empower' women and to make divorce as easy as buying a newspaper.

It's rather like a large cooking pot - brought slowly to the boil, whilst gradually adding ever more loathesome ingredients designed to make the final brew as poisonous as possible.

As the years progressed, more toxins were thrown into it - abortion, the legalisation of perversion, uncontrolled immigration, the carefully organised removal of Christian teaching from schools, the legal humiliation of Father's, the fungoid growth of 'women's lib', grotesque laws designed to punish the innocent and set the wrongdoer free - tens of thousands of items of pernicious legislation, each one contributing to the death of a great nation that once shone like a beacon of freedom and justice in a dark world.

Now, the results of this evil social engineering are plainly to be seen - a foolish and stupefied society, effete and amoral - filled with violence and corruption, with millions of feral young Britons who instinctively realise the grim truth that they cannot voice - that their birthright has been stolen from them, that they have no heritage, no place in this country, no identity.

The media continually tells our young people, not to aspire to national strength and pride - but to glory in the latest mobile phone or 'limited edition' chocolate bar!

They have been depraved by an alien gutter culture, their minds stultified by 'reality' shows and puerile 'music'. They have, in short, been turned into little more than animals - and are led like beasts into the circus rings of daytime television to be exhibited and mocked by the hosts who despise them, and who are paid handsomely to humiliate them.

All of which is precisely what the true Masters of Britain want.

I can never see the feral gangs of baseball hatted young Britons without yearning for a society in which they could be freed from the heavy chains that have been placed upon them.

I long to see them taught that they *are* Britons, that they *do* have a wonderful heritage and culture, that they *are* the heirs of previous generations who struggled for freedom against those who now enslave them!

I said that you wouldn't like the remedy - but, in my opinion, only National Socialism could lift this squalid and degraded nation of of the mire into which now lies sprawled.

Personally, I'd rather see those legions of lost young Britons marching proudly in brown shirts, than huddled in doorways, lost in the miseries that have been inflicted upon them by their enemies.

Which is *precisely* what the enemies of Britain *don't* want to happen!
Jun 20, 2005
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I'm sick to the back teeth paying for all these cling ons and parasites. I could easily have been there but chose to work my socks off doing three jobs, day , evening and weekends, just to make ends meet. Ok I'm comfortable now but no thanks to my own efforts. The "homeless" can do voluntary work in return for a bed and meal. I cannot accept in our society it is true that we have gone back to Dickensian days.

So , not only am I now paying for British homeless, I also pay for these non English speaking persons , and worse I am now paying the fat cat Bankers who bollo**sed up the UK financial system.

Thus the corollary to all this heart break is why should I bother??? I may as well leave the UK for good ( I don't want to) or declare myself bankrupt and sponge off you guys!!




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