Thanks for the info so far, my fellow members. Most of which has confirmed that what I'm doing and have got, is close to what I have now..
I don't have a big pond, approx 1000 gallons and it's a nice uniform, rectangular shape. It gets half a days sunlight (afternoon) and is flourishing. The four chambered filter and UV are doing well, I know because the water is clear and the one plant that I keep is growing so fast I have to take out a black bin liner full of plants every couple of months. However, I think that may be part of the problem, clear water, a functioning filter and on top of that we live in a hard water area.
Over the years I have tried most of the suggestions, Barley (didn't seem to do much at all) chemicals (killed off my other plants too) and lilies (koi found them fun to dig up) so I'm looking for alternatives now.
How can I get my Ph down, I know koi do well in hard water but so does blanket weed and has anyone tried the electronic blanket weed killers?