Just got back from a drive. Amazingly the lemmings are mostly now in the nearside lanes of the M4& A419. Why? Because the other lanes are snowbound. LOL
I expect that most contributors to this topic passed their driving tests, like me, a few decades ago! When I took my test in 1971 & passed first time, the volume of traffic was far lower, there weren't so many motorways, and those that were there were pretty empty, once you got away from major cities & towns.Hey you shouldnt be on the motorway with a tractor.
Seriously I agree with your comment about the twonk in the middle lane-thats what they usually are-not on this planet and without a clue whats happening around them. Frankly we need more police on motorways who can deal with such bad driving.
Or is it that driving in the nearside lane affects your social standing? Its almost as if these people get on the motorway into the middle lane and stick there on rails or in a trance!
While I agree to some extent with what you are saying, sometimes a driver who drives markedly slower than the speed limit on a road is being the selfish moron. By this I mean people who sit in the middle or outer lane doing less than 70mph on the motorway or people who drive below 60mph on single carriageway roads. How frustrating it is to have some 'old dear' dictate that you have to travel mile after mile at 45mph on a country road (where it is often dangerous and difficult to overtake) just because the old dear is in no hurry! I have always thought that vehicles/drivers who are not capable of driving at the the speed limits of roads should not be allowed to use the roads.One answer is to allow any speed any lane as they do in the USA.
Not likely to happen in the uk though which is a shame.
Having driven around Miami on busy highways which allow 70 mph it just works, I've found driving in the states very relaxing, they seem to drive generally slower and are much more considerate, they let you move from one lane to another and no moron beating the dashboard saying 'get out of my way, your not doing what I want you to do'.