This one crops up time and time again. Personnaly I have no beef with generators, providing the owner uses it intelligently and owns a decent one. The cheap gennys are cheap for a reason, enticing no doubt, but best avoided for caravanning. I agree with John L on several points, but would add that there are several ways to help your volts consumption. Trade in your old portable TV, buy an nice new LCD, save on both weight and power. Solar panels could be used, they don't produce much power, but over a day can top up a fategued battery. Keep bottled water on board for drinking. You can be sure of the quality of water and reduce your pumps on time. Bigger or second leisure battery and an inverter if you need 240v.
So there are other ways to help avoid the genny. But if it's still what you want, get the best you can afford, CL's are supposed to be relaxing, so even though I may not be bothered, someone might be.