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Nov 6, 2005
My brother had a pacemaker fitted. I know he was well schooled in what to avoid. But nevertheless, it’s good to improve recognition.

The hardest thing to avoid is a security wand which some places use as an alternative to the "doorway" type - it took me hours to get into Farnborough Airshow as the "doorway" type alarm was set off by my pacemaker and I refused to let them wand directly onto it - even offered to strip to get round the impasse but eventually a security manager saw sense.
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Jun 20, 2005
My now departed mum had two pacemakers over her last 15 years.
The blurb given out was very comprehensive with a massive list of situations to avoid including if I recall Magalev trains.
Not sure about induction loop hearing systems. Generally as Prof points out , but then I assume the patient knows, there are a number of things to avoid. Loudspeakers with large magnets?.
On her death the pacemaker had to be removed prior to cremation.Radioactive they told me.
Nov 11, 2009
My now departed mum had two pacemakers over her last 15 years.
The blurb given out was very comprehensive with a massive list of situations to avoid including if I recall Magalev trains.
Not sure about induction loop hearing systems. Generally as Prof points out , but then I assume the patient knows, there are a number of things to avoid. Loudspeakers with large magnets?.
On her death the pacemaker had to be removed prior to cremation.Radioactive they told me.
I guess even with the more modern lithium batteries removal would be necessary too. So no standing at the front when attending festivals then.πŸ“’
May 7, 2012
The hardest thing to avoid is a security wand which some places use as an alternative to the "doorway" type - it took me hours to get into Farnborough Airshow as the "doorway" type alarm was set off by my pacemaker and I refused to let them wand directly onto it - even offered to strip to get round the impasse but eventually a security manager saw sense.
That sounds a problem. Would your doctor give you a letter confirming this so you can produce it when needed.
Nov 6, 2005
That sounds a problem. Would your doctor give you a letter confirming this so you can produce it when needed.
Judging by the "jobsworth" dealing with me, probably no difference - I don't travel abroad these days so it's the only time it was an issue for me so far.

There is another restriction for pacemaker users is that they can't have routine MRI scans - we can have routine CT scans bit most of us can't tell the difference! Apparently the pacemaker can be shut down and then an MRI carried out but only in serious circumstances.


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