One thing springs to mind Nigel. TV. It seems most of us have televisions on board and all or certainly every one I speak to, have had a problem with signals wether using fitted arial, site signal or dish. I appreciate you have had items on satelite dishes but it seems that no-one is solving what must be a very big problem with poor signals. My question is are there arials / devices on the market that we can retro fit or installed on new vans by manufacturers. In addition, with the inevitable digital tv take over in most areas over the coming years, is there a possibility of looking at freeview digiboxes or tv's with integral freeview.
I've certainly noticed differences between my freeview ( a cheap one ) and the more expensive LCD tv with freeview. I'm sure this topic would be of interest to a high proportion of your readers.
I've certainly noticed differences between my freeview ( a cheap one ) and the more expensive LCD tv with freeview. I'm sure this topic would be of interest to a high proportion of your readers.