Jun 7, 2009
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Question time is scheduled to go out tonight about 10.35. Being as it is prerecorded I wonder how much of the original audience/panel discussion will be true and how much will be cut out and will be laying on the cutting room floor.
Mar 14, 2005
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Many years ago the Free Wales Army and IRA were classed as illegal factions but are now recognised as Plaid Cymru and Sinn Fein therefore possibly in years to come the BNP could become an accepted alternative political party - who knows? As of yet there are many aspects of the BNP which leave a nasty taste in the mouth but they have the guts to stand up and say what many people in this country are thinking but afraid to open their mouth. It appears that the likes of Peter Hain and other politicians are afraid of what is being said by these people. Peter Hain was made unwelcome in South Africa with his views back in the 1970s. He eventually was forced to leave and he therefore came to this country. He should be one of the first to realise and accept that by stating an opinion can cause controversy.
Jan 19, 2008
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Why ask him on the programme along with a black Afro-American and Baroness Warsi, of Pakistani descent?

It's all to do with viewing figures and no doubt it will probably be the highest Question Time has ever had. All down to the publicity. This is pure oxygen to the BNP and Griffin must be gloating. Maybe they are hoping for him to leave himself wide open for charges of racism but I think he's too sneaky for that.

Colin is right, he does say a lot about what British peoples fears are and what other parties are even afraid to whisper, but although people have those fears I don't believe most would tolerate racism. The main fear is of religion which simply follows the pattern that religion is behind most problems/wars throughout history.

With a bit of tweaking and a change in the racist leadership/attitudes I'm sure the BNP could be a creditable party with Britain at it's heart but then again UKIP would be doing exactly the same thing.


Probably get busted for throwing a can of petrol on the fire but........

I would state that every human on this planet is racist. I would also venture to suggest that the greatest incidence of racism comes from those who purport to be the victims. I can make that statement based on personal experience in Africa, Middle East and Asia. What has happened is that many of us have felt that we can suppress those feelings as part of being civilised, and tolerate people from backgrounds different to what we are used to. However, many nationalities in this world are still unable to accept that precept, and this can lead to 'inverted racism'. However, I would also venture to suggest that our tolerance is a veneer and if push came to shove, it could be easily forgotten. If economic hardship was to really hit hard in this country, and I mean by people starving in the streets with their children, then I do believe they would direct anger at those they feel have been unfairly rewarded, whether that be based on money, or race. At that stage people would not give a damn about trying to separate the two. If you were unemployed and a certain nationality had taken all the work, your children were starving, then i suspect you would feel very aggrieved, and would probably take action. We have seen small instances of this already, although they are carefully reported to not show the true causes, as that would be tantamount to admitting that immigration was not a benefit.

If as the pundits tell us we will hit 70 million in about 40 years and that increase will be 2/3 rds due to immigration and births from immigrants, then I do believe that as Enoch sort of said, we will have 'rivers of blood' in the streets. He did not actually say those words but he has been identified with them. Certainly we will have conflict, along with the development of ghettos of various national/religious groups. We are already seeing that in inner cities and rural areas.

As for Griffin, he is a thug without a doubt but he will make statements that will hit hard with people. This is because the main political Parties have been terrified of even mentioning the subject of race and as a result we are further down the road to anarchy than we should be. He will not win elections, but may win a seat or two. As he has said, win or lose tonight, he has won.
Jan 31, 2007
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Probably get busted for throwing a can of petrol on the fire but........

I would state that every human on this planet is racist. I would also venture to suggest that the greatest incidence of racism comes from those who purport to be the victims. I can make that statement based on personal experience in Africa, Middle East and Asia. What has happened is that many of us have felt that we can suppress those feelings as part of being civilised, and tolerate people from backgrounds different to what we are used to. However, many nationalities in this world are still unable to accept that precept, and this can lead to 'inverted racism'. However, I would also venture to suggest that our tolerance is a veneer and if push came to shove, it could be easily forgotten. If economic hardship was to really hit hard in this country, and I mean by people starving in the streets with their children, then I do believe they would direct anger at those they feel have been unfairly rewarded, whether that be based on money, or race. At that stage people would not give a damn about trying to separate the two. If you were unemployed and a certain nationality had taken all the work, your children were starving, then i suspect you would feel very aggrieved, and would probably take action. We have seen small instances of this already, although they are carefully reported to not show the true causes, as that would be tantamount to admitting that immigration was not a benefit.

If as the pundits tell us we will hit 70 million in about 40 years and that increase will be 2/3 rds due to immigration and births from immigrants, then I do believe that as Enoch sort of said, we will have 'rivers of blood' in the streets. He did not actually say those words but he has been identified with them. Certainly we will have conflict, along with the development of ghettos of various national/religious groups. We are already seeing that in inner cities and rural areas.

As for Griffin, he is a thug without a doubt but he will make statements that will hit hard with people. This is because the main political Parties have been terrified of even mentioning the subject of race and as a result we are further down the road to anarchy than we should be. He will not win elections, but may win a seat or two. As he has said, win or lose tonight, he has won.
Well said Scotch lad. i wish i had written that as its exactly my sentiments. Glad somebody has the gonads to say it. thanks
Jan 19, 2008
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On the BBC news tonight I see the LSE students must have had a lot of free time this afternoon so decided on a little demonstration outside Broadcasting House.

Not too many of them and adults were conspicuous by their absence, probably because they were busy working for a living.

I think those carrying placards about the Iraq war must have been misinformed on why the demonstration.

To save money on the police presence they could have moved Question Time to Saturday and then hardly any would be demonstrating because the students would still be in bed :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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What a total waste of time of one hour's viewing. The programme was a complete farce from start to finish. As I have previously said there is a lot about BNP that leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. One topic discussed was freedom of speach - in my opinion Nick Griffin was not given the oppertunity to fully answer any point put to him. Every time he opened his mouth, whether you agree with him or not, he was interupted by one or another of the panel including David Dimbleby. Likewise the audiance appeared to be a very selective bunch as virtually every one was anti BNP - there was not one meber of the audiance who was pro BNP. It was definately not a fair representation in the audiance. The man was on a hiding to nothing from the word go. I think that from the last question raised I do think that it has been an early Christmas present for the BNP as it was so biased away from them and they will have both the disgruntled voter from the main stream parties and also the sympathy vote on the shambolick way he was treated.

Whether one agrees with his policies or not he has the right to be heard and state his views - after all we are a democratic society (when it suits us).

Before any comments are made on this posting I am not a BNP supporter - there are certain points that I may have a leaning to and also the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties also have good points worth considering - perhaps we should try a coalition parliament and see how that works.
Jan 19, 2008
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You are right Colin, 90% of the programme was taken up by the BNPs policies or what's wrong with them. Listening to the phone-ins on our local radio most seem to think the same. The audience were obviously well chosen, also a lot of students probably dragged straight from the demonstration outside the BBC studios.

The only ones who came out with any credibility was Sayeeda Warsi and Bonnie Greer followed closely by Chris Huhne.

For the other two tossers, oh dear, how embarrassing. I squirmed when they opened their mouths out of embarrassment for them. That plonker Straw still cannot accept that the rise of the BNP is due to his governments policies on uncapped immigration, their open borders, failure to deport offenders and crime in general where the criminal is seen as a failure of society and it's societys fault and their lack of compassion for the victims.

He still believes there's no need to put a restraint on immigration but anyone with a brain the size of a grain of rice knows that we cannot, in these small islands, accept two thirds of Africa's poor plus millions if unrestricted from the middle east and not forgetting anyone in the EU who wishes to enjoy the benefit handouts of our welfare system. Left to Labour William Blakes words of "a green and pleasant land" will have no meaning, it will be covered in concrete and caravans will be a thing of the past, nowhere to go.

Again they kept playing the race card when it has nothing to do with race or the colour of someones skin. It is all to do with mass immigration and those who are coming here, those of a different culture and religion who want to change ours and the kind of culture we live under.

It was interesting to know that Straws father was a concientious objector whilst his son has committed hundreds to their deaths in phoney wars. A pity he didn't pass on his concerns to his son.
May 25, 2008
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I have to agree with you 100% The BNP got ambushed on QT. 3 on the panel against 4 if you include Dimbly.

Almost every one who asked a question was against I don't think the make up of the audience was Londoners !! maybe it was that's why it was made up of the multi racial majority.

The programme was unfair to the BNP and I don't think it is the BBCs role to promote it's leftish views on the paying public.

ps I am a Tory not BNP. Thought Jack Straw floundered on his parties Immigration Policy, as for the Lib Dems I think they can see any London seats going out the window.

Lousy Broadcasting the BBC at it's worst.
Mar 10, 2006
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What a joke jack straw is. Who ever voted for him ought to have a radical rethink.

When a women of asian? decent tells him that the immigration policy is NOT working, and that says quote "you are in denial" reference jack straw.

This was his response from of man in the audience, of african? decent, who again stated (correctly) that the rise of the BMP was down the the established governments, failure to cap immigration.


I did not watch the programme as I suspected what would happen. The BBC was only interetsed in getting viewer ratings and by all accounts achieved that objective. They had obviously 'spiked' the audience because if they allowed Griffin to actually speak coherently, then their plans would not have worked.

However, if Griffin was not aware he would be hijacked then he was extremely naive. I suspect he knew what would happen and probably felt that any publicity would do him, and his Party good. His experience of media events is nothing compared to the others on that Panel, so it is not surprising he fumbled a lot. What the BBC did achieve was to elevate the BNP to a significant force for discussion which will return to haunt them, and as Maggie Thatcher once said about the IRA, 'if we starve them of the oxygen of publicity, they will fail'. The BBC ignited a bonfire of publicity

The main outcome of the whole charade was that immigration is now a hot topic for the election, and both Labour and the Tories better have some serious answers, if they wish to get anywhere.

The other point to ponder is that in the 20's Germany thought Hitler and his mob were a joke and even put him in jail. We all know how that one turned out. The UK is facing a similar situation as Germany did in that period of stagnation and unemployment, and although it will not be the Jews who feel the backlash this time, the Government, by their own incompetence has certainly created other potential targets.


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