Mar 14, 2005
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Been down that route - there is bound to be another topic that could wind the enthusiasm up again. At the moment I am having more enjoyment in closing this site down and playing FREECELL.
Dec 16, 2003
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Lovely, Salt of the Earth, Honest, Law Abiding Honest folk with a healthy respect for others, their property and all aspects and rules of our society ;-)

It 's other people who get it wrong ;-)


Mar 14, 2005
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I'll be in appleby in Westmoreland from 8 June - 12 June inclusive.

If you'd like to meet me for a drink either alcoholic or not, I would love to introduce you to the travelling community.

On the Saturday and Sunday there will be approximately 40,000 gypsies in the area.

Jan 19, 2008
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Lisa, I know you were a member of the travelling community from your previous posts, but in the post you made above there is a difference between Gypsies and Irish Tinkers. I also know you have settled and made a different life for yourself and for that I have enormous respect for you. The Irish Tinkers drove our local Gypsies off the site next to the Ambulance Station and they trashed it. That is one thing you cannot deny, it's happening all over the country. I would even post the pics in this forum, ones I took just after they were evicted, but you wouldn't be able to see them. The Gypsies were next door to the station for about 10 years with 2 incidents. The Irish Tinkers made our lives hell on earth for two years, thats how long it took to evict them, at what cost God only knows. They had trashed the toilet/shower/laundry blocks so while eating our food in our rest room we suffered the ignomity of watching them deficate in the ditch 20 yards from the window. The Health Authority built ranch like fencing around the grass at the front of the station to keep them off. They couldn't believe the kindness of the authority, they soon broke the locks on the gates and put their horses on there. I realise how you must feel Lisa and have the need to defend them but its no good wearing blinkers and denying it happens. Once again Lisa I have the greatest respect for you and the last thing I wish is to hurt you in these posts. Huggss.


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Lord B

Thanks for your post. I do actually agree with you on your posting. I don't wear blinkers as I'm sure you know! (My horse does though when I'm driving it!).

My invitation is open to all actually as I have been doing Appleby for more years than I can remeber. It is a real eye opener for anyone who only sees the bad side of the travelling community. If anyone does decide to go see for themselves, it's probably best if they like horses though. There is a massive police presence too.

Lisa xxxx
Dec 16, 2003
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Lisa. In June I will be in LeMans for the 24 hour race.

I could have introduced you to the "travelers" near my home that have ruined acres of flood meadow and poluted it with their actions.

You can of couse still see the damage and hundreds of tons of filth and waste they dumped and kindly left behind.

Before I became self employed the business I managed supplied some goods to "travellers" on a regular basis. Over about a ten year period, despite being laid back happy smilling wellcoming people I and my staff and the company owners were intimidated, threatened, and had our "traveller" customers pushing tghrough the works and wandering about as if they were taking over.

NOT ONCE were any of them ever prepared to pay the regulart price for the goods we supplied and EVERY ONE of very many I remeber wanted to pay a lotless than the going price in CASH and avoid paying the VAT.

Despite my happy go lucky nature when faced by my bulk that they could not PUSH by they would often walk out and come in on mass. The elderly lady owner and ladies and men on the front line were rightfuly very scared many times and due to my "DIPLOMATIC" nature when dealing with customers and my size I wasted many hours dealing with "travellers" where a somple purchase could have been done in a few minutes.

The off licences shops and garages near to the site I mentioned near my home all experienced un provoked terrible intimidation, threats, attacks and theft from travellers from the site. Some staff having to leave the jobs and one shop closed down for a while due to the travellers actions and threats I understand.

The shop has now reopened but some of those that have moved on now keep coming back and started on the NEW manager and NEW staff in the shop and thay do not come from the village and did not know who these troublesome people were!
Jan 19, 2008
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ummmm .... no thanks to the horses. In the south of France I took the kids riding once, around the vineyards. I was the only adult and I'm sure if the horse they gave me to ride had a trunk it would have been called a mammoth.After awhile the frenchmen asked "gallup" and all the kids were up for it so me, not wanting to lose face had to agree. Off we went and how I never pooped myself I'll never know. The kids were loving it and squealing with delight as I was hanging on to the pommel for life. As the horse went down I was still someway out of the saddle but as I came down the horse was coming up. All I could hear was this sickening slapping sound. I now knew what an anvil must have felt like after being hit with a hammer repeatedly. Later on my horse was eating grass when the instructor asked if we want to gallop again, I declined, but off the kids went again. When I tried to get my horse to stop eating and to walk the b@@@@@@@@ bit my foot. Then it noticed the others had gone and off it took in a cloud of dust with me hanging on thinking my life had come to an end and my feet were trying to go higher than my head. How I survived I'll never know but from then on I vowed never to get on another horse. I walked away from that horse without giving it a second glance. I say walked, it was more of a waddle, bandy legged style. My poor nether regions were black and blue and for the rest of my holiday I had to refrain from my nuptuals :O(
Mar 28, 2005
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ummmm .... no thanks to the horses. In the south of France I took the kids riding once, around the vineyards. I was the only adult and I'm sure if the horse they gave me to ride had a trunk it would have been called a mammoth.After awhile the frenchmen asked "gallup" and all the kids were up for it so me, not wanting to lose face had to agree. Off we went and how I never pooped myself I'll never know. The kids were loving it and squealing with delight as I was hanging on to the pommel for life. As the horse went down I was still someway out of the saddle but as I came down the horse was coming up. All I could hear was this sickening slapping sound. I now knew what an anvil must have felt like after being hit with a hammer repeatedly. Later on my horse was eating grass when the instructor asked if we want to gallop again, I declined, but off the kids went again. When I tried to get my horse to stop eating and to walk the b@@@@@@@@ bit my foot. Then it noticed the others had gone and off it took in a cloud of dust with me hanging on thinking my life had come to an end and my feet were trying to go higher than my head. How I survived I'll never know but from then on I vowed never to get on another horse. I walked away from that horse without giving it a second glance. I say walked, it was more of a waddle, bandy legged style. My poor nether regions were black and blue and for the rest of my holiday I had to refrain from my nuptuals :O(
You should have seen a Doctor m'Lord and asked him to take away the pain but leave the swelling :eek:)
Jan 19, 2008
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You should have seen a Doctor m'Lord and asked him to take away the pain but leave the swelling :eek:)
Once the pics are up and running I'll post a pic of my black 'n' blue swollen nether regions ;O)


... before anyone has apoplexy I was just kidding lmaoooo


Mar 14, 2005
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ummmm .... no thanks to the horses. In the south of France I took the kids riding once, around the vineyards. I was the only adult and I'm sure if the horse they gave me to ride had a trunk it would have been called a mammoth.After awhile the frenchmen asked "gallup" and all the kids were up for it so me, not wanting to lose face had to agree. Off we went and how I never pooped myself I'll never know. The kids were loving it and squealing with delight as I was hanging on to the pommel for life. As the horse went down I was still someway out of the saddle but as I came down the horse was coming up. All I could hear was this sickening slapping sound. I now knew what an anvil must have felt like after being hit with a hammer repeatedly. Later on my horse was eating grass when the instructor asked if we want to gallop again, I declined, but off the kids went again. When I tried to get my horse to stop eating and to walk the b@@@@@@@@ bit my foot. Then it noticed the others had gone and off it took in a cloud of dust with me hanging on thinking my life had come to an end and my feet were trying to go higher than my head. How I survived I'll never know but from then on I vowed never to get on another horse. I walked away from that horse without giving it a second glance. I say walked, it was more of a waddle, bandy legged style. My poor nether regions were black and blue and for the rest of my holiday I had to refrain from my nuptuals :O(
Lord B

That's so funny, would have loved to have seen you gripping on for dear life.

By the way I'm impressed 'pommel'.

After all my years experience with horses, I got bitten by a police horse a couple of years ago. (On the finger, brought tears to my eyes, after the puncture episode, I'm starting to feel the police don't like me).

Dec 16, 2003
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Dec 16, 2003
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Sorry Lisa but the others and I and the place can not be seen for certain reasons. But the others are at full height apart from the guy sitting :)

All though slightly in front of the others it shows my size pretty fairly.

I can't help my size and how HM forces trained me ;-(

And you could see me in the yachting photo! Oh Yeah and my balding friends are younger than me and the other two quite grey haired and younger as well ;-)
Dec 16, 2003
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I think you believe that I'm pulling your leg.

I can assure you I'm not stood on anything and only ever wear flat shoes or I hit my head walking through to many doorways/

In the 70's when big heals were in fashion for young men I had a hell of a game getting fashionable shoes that helped me keep my head bruise free!

My son is taller than me and my daughters 6' amd about 5'11' or so and my wife is still around 5'10 or though she says she has shrunk :)
Dec 16, 2003
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I think you believe that I'm pulling your leg.

I can assure you I'm not stood on anything and only ever wear flat shoes or I hit my head walking through to many doorways/

In the 70's when big heals were in fashion for young men I had a hell of a game getting fashionable shoes that helped me keep my head bruise free!

My son is taller than me and my daughters 6' amd about 5'11' or so and my wife is still around 5'10 or though she says she has shrunk :)
Sorry - "Heels"


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi cris

Could we have a shot of your face or would that have implications for MI5?

I liked your comments about platform shoes, gosh, that takes me back.

Dec 16, 2003
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Lisa, being honest. No, and not MI5, but it would have unfortunate implications for me and others would not be happy!

I am self employed and do what I say but I have always had more than one legal string to my bow employment wise. Many I deal with amd meet would never believe that I spend my free time Caravanning and it is best kept that way.


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