Readers revolt

Jul 26, 2005
Come on Haymarket - we buy your mags and they arn't cheap so you must be making a tidy profit.

So please spend some of our hard earned cash on a new forum as this one is obviously knackered, or to quote an in vouge phrase "not fit for purpose" !!
Jul 15, 2005

The SQL warning message that was popping up when you tried to post or reply to a topic was basically saying that the allocated space for the forum was full. Or at least that's the standard interpretation of a SQL INSERT failure.

If you fill the hard drive on your PC at home, it's not the fault of the supplier, and you would need to do one or more of the following:

1. Delete a whole load of old stuff

2. Buy a new, bigger disk drive

Since the message numbers have stayed the the same, and the process of buying and adding a new drive takes time, I'm guessing that the techies have increased the amount of table storage space available to the forum.

But eventually this will fill up again, so maybe the techies should be allowed to delete the oldest postings?

Jun 23, 2006
I to am a revolting reader.

I understand Robs summsry to be correct.

There are some very picturesque "Server Farms" in the city not to far from Haymarket.

I understand they offer top class security and can be a lot cheaper than running your own techies staff and servers.

So sack the techies farm out the servers and get with the latest gear and trends if they can't solve the constant problems!


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