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Connected car to caravan ...and bingo .. it worked!
Super dooper full colour picture of my rear view(!)
However, I did suffer from low signal strangth as we were travelling. This manifested itself as the picture coming and going/changing to black & white & noise. I've ordered a high gain aerial, which (hopefully) will resolve the problem.
If I was asked to recommend: I would now go for a smaller screen (5 Inch) and a hard wired system instead of wireless. But overall a very useful device, particularly when reversing; but it would not be suitable for replacing mirrors.
Connected car to caravan ...and bingo .. it worked!
Super dooper full colour picture of my rear view(!)
However, I did suffer from low signal strangth as we were travelling. This manifested itself as the picture coming and going/changing to black & white & noise. I've ordered a high gain aerial, which (hopefully) will resolve the problem.
If I was asked to recommend: I would now go for a smaller screen (5 Inch) and a hard wired system instead of wireless. But overall a very useful device, particularly when reversing; but it would not be suitable for replacing mirrors.