Red Pennant Insurance

Mar 14, 2005
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A word of warning for the unwary.

Our Red Pennant motor/personal insurance policy is until 6th June. At that time we will be half way through a 4 week holiday in France, we do not want to renew our policy as we are leaving the van in France permanantly.We rang Red Pennant to tell them and were told that we were not covered for any part of the trip, including the last 2 weeks of our policy, as only COMPLETE trips are covered.

We asked if we could pay a top up to cover our last 2 weeks, but were told that we couldn't extend it till the end of our holiday, that we would have to pay another complete year!!

As you can imagine, we said no, and have now found a 4 week policy with another company for £30....a bit different to £200+

I felt very disappointed by this decision and would like to advise others to be aware.


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