Response speed

Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry, should have included this in the last posting. The new site is very very slow to respond - back to as bad as if not worse than dial-up. I am on the end of several miles of very very old copper in rural Somerset and perhaps the delay is due to the overwhelming popularity of the new site. Perhaps like engines it needs running in ? All my other contact sites are running at what passes for normal speed round here. Could it be that the very annoying continually updating advert about debt is taking up all the bandwidth ? Currently using the site is VERY hard work.


Mar 14, 2005
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I have to agree, the forum is very slow at the moment.
I wonder if there is too much going on in the background?
Aug 4, 2010
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The speed is something we are going to be looking at, we are pleasantly surprised at the constant amount of people using the site at any one point, (we have 24 users at this moment, 17 of them logged in.)
For technical reasons far to boring to go into a logged in user causes more strain on the servers than a non logged in user, (caching for those who want to know.) We are monitoring it though, hence me posting this now!
We will be looking at this and a few other issues from now on so don't panic :)


Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you Austin for the reply and reasoning.
I think that it may not have been known to you guys just how busy this forum is, and has been for a very long time.
We never had the number of users visible in the past,so no one knew who was on line and who was not.
Hopefully you now realise how much of an improvement the new site is, and why so much frustration was endured on the old forum.

I am sure that more tweaks wil be needed to get it just right, and patience will be required for the time being.


Nov 12, 2009
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austin said:
The speed is something we are going to be looking at, we are pleasantly surprised at the constant amount of people using the site at any one point, (we have 24 users at this moment, 17 of them logged in
We will be looking at this and a few other issues from now on so don't panic :)
This new site shows every sign of being very successful and this is testament to the hard work put in by the tekkies who have made it all possible.
The site would be even busier if those members who happen to have had my email address and have contacted me about various difficulties knew how to log in to the website. I've tried to help them but can we have some clear instructions for a fail safe method of logging in for non technically minded potential forum users please?
I've long held the view that Practical Caravan forum is one of the premier touring caravan related forums (and websites now) on the UK internet. The more users who clck on Google or Yahoo to navigate to this site the further up the search engine rankings it will be so if we can capitalise on our already loyal and knowledgeable clientelle and then expand some more everything will be hunky dory.
So can we tell them all how to get with in easy to see and easy to understand step by step instructions please?
Aug 12, 2007
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Parksy - Moderator said:
So can we tell them all how to get with in easy to see and easy to understand step by step instructions please?

You'd have thought that would have been the first thing done, possibly even on the old site before it changed over!

And it's not really part of the Moderators' job, is it?
Jun 14, 2009
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Damian-Moderator said:
I have to agree, the forum is very slow at the moment.
I wonder if there is too much going on in the background?

I think they need to upgrade from the Sinclair ZX81 they are currently using as a server!!! I am posting this reply at 06:30, so the server can not be that swamped so early in the day. You need to get more hamsters running on the exercise wheel!!!!
Jun 20, 2005
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It took me 24 hours to get logged in. I nearly e-mailed Parksy but by some miracle I was allowed entry. Now I can't remember how I did it , so I didn't log off! Hey Presto . switched back on this morning and I am already logged in!
Is this correct?? Am I exposing myself to a security breach? Or am I one of the 24 "non logouts " causing the go slow?
I think , and I only think that on this system I used my original password as the username and my original usename as the password, thankyou boffins for teling me that!

I further note that a number of regulars have set up new accounts which then stops them using their original IDs. No doubt John , Austin et al will get these teething problems resolved.
I think it is up to us to tell them asap of all problems we experience. Afterall we , as end users , are here help these guys. LOL but true.

Dec 11, 2009
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Just managed to log on to the new site for the first time, not sure who I am though! I thought I was chrisbee. Assuming there aren't 2 of us I think Parksy is right, there needs to be easier set up/log on for us techno-idiots
Aug 4, 2010
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Registration instructions are at the top of John Duncan's post in the welcome to the forums post

John Duncan said:
The operation of the Forums is a bit different to what you've all been used to. For starters, if you haven’t yet logged in, you’ll find you need to do so with your USERNAME and password, not your email address as previously. Many of you did not have a unique user name and we’ve had to create one for you. If you find that you’re unable to log in, you should click on the link
to ask for a new one. You’ll be sent a one-time login, where you’ll be able to change your password and username to something more memorable (provided the username doesn’t exist already)

I can look at adding this to the registration page in some way if you think it would help.
As for the speed and logged in users, it makes no difference if you log out at the end of the session, it's only when using the site as a logged in user that more strain is put on the server. It's something I going to be looking at today and hopefully we can get something out quickly that will at least help the problem.
Any other problems that are cropping up please post them in this forum as this is the one we will be monitoring, we will then create an issue queue and prioritise and fixes and changes will come along on a regular basis. We will not be leaving the site alone!
Aug 12, 2007
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Austin, it's good to hear that you'll be continuing to work on fixes etc, thank you. With regard to the new log-in process.....the trouble is, people would have to trawl through forums and posts to find JD's info (copied by you above), and they probably wouldn't know it was there in the first place and that they had to look for it. It really needs to be in a prominent position, as some kind of sticky perhaps, in the place where visitors will look first. At the top of this Home Page, maybe?


Nov 12, 2009
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austin said:
Registration instructions are at the top of John Duncan's post in the welcome to the forums post
As Sue mentioned those who are trying to log on for the first time wouldn't necessarily see John's post. From what I've been told via emails members try two or three times to log in and because they didn't choose a unique username previously they are rejected. They don't always understand computer terminology because it's not something that they studied at school back in the 1950s or 60s :0) so the error messages are meaningless gobbledegook.
After a couple of tries most give up in frustration, they don't bother to browse through to find John's post.
austin said:
I can look at adding this to the registration page in some way if you think it would help.

It certainly would Austin, I can try to give some idea to those who happen to have my email address and have been in touch but many of our members have no point of contact so they might give up and use another forum instead.


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