Retirement Update

Sep 29, 2016
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Sorry for raising this again, but I just wanted to say that today is my last day at work as an employee.

woopee and all that, gonna have a few beers now and plan (or not plan) for being part of whatever the future brings :whistle:
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Jun 20, 2005
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Anseo said:
Sorry for raising this again, but I just wanted to say that today is my last day at work as an employee.

woopee and all that, gonna have a few beers now and plan (or not plan) for being part of whatever the future brings :whistle:

Join the ranks of us happy bunnies! Congratulations John. More time for Pressie and caravanning :cheer:
Oct 12, 2013
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Congrats , so does that mean Happy Birthday to you as it is to me too , but I'm only 4o today so thats another 2o years for me to go ! :(
Jun 20, 2005
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Craigyoung said:
Congrats , so does that mean Happy Birthday to you as it is to me too , but I'm only 4o today so thats another 2o years for me to go ! :(
That explains why you are still in short trousers Craig :p Happy 40th :cheer:
A Taurus like me :kiss:


Nov 12, 2009
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Don't apologise for sharing good news, congratulations :cheer:
I hope that you will enjoy many happy years of active retirement.
Sep 29, 2016
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Craigyoung said:
Congrats , so does that mean Happy Birthday to you as it is to me too , but I'm only 4o today so thats another 2o years for me to go ! :(

Happy Birthday Craig, and many dozens more I wish. :)


Mar 17, 2007
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Congratulations John. Momentous Day, although the enormity of it may not sink in or a few weeks. Enjoy.

Happy birthday Craig. 40 is the new 30

Nov 16, 2015
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Yes congratulations to you both, . John You will not have enough time to do all those jobs now. 5 years into retirement and only done a quarter of them. Enjoy.
Oct 20, 2015
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Huge congratulations Anseo, wishing you very many years of happy and fulfilling retirement! -(I only dream it will exist one day for me!)
And very Happy Birthday to you Craig- 40 is the new 18!
Oct 12, 2013
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Thingy said:
This is actually a vary difficult period for them both. With all that time on their hands, they will begin to feel the need to tinker with things that arent actually broken. Resist chaps, get drunk instead.

Congrats by the way.

You may find this of some use

I don't know about the other birthday boy but I'm nowhere near that kind of them mobility status yet ....

as you can see on a daily basis !! B)
May 24, 2014
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I don't know about the other birthday boy but I'm nowhere near that kind of them mobility status yet ....

Fair one, just keep it on file, wont be long now youre past 40 :p :p :p :p :p

It seems like only yesterday I thought like that.
Feb 23, 2018
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Dustydog said:
Craigyoung said:
Congrats , so does that mean Happy Birthday to you as it is to me too , but I'm only 4o today so thats another 2o years for me to go ! :(
That explains why you are still in short trousers Craig :p Happy 40th :cheer:
A Taurus like me :kiss:

Happy Birthday, Craig... I turn 38 this week!

@Anseo - Congrats on the new job.
Mar 8, 2009
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Congrats Anseo, join the club, I've had 23 years of it -- mind you I was only a 'boy' when I started, don't think I've knocked any of those good intention jobs off yet.! - But there's always tomorrow.
As the saying goes - 'Never do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow'
Nov 16, 2015
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Gabsgrandad said:
Congrats Anseo, join the club, I've had 23 years of it -- mind you I was only a 'boy' when I started, don't think I've knocked any of those good intention jobs off yet.! - But there's always tomorrow.
As the saying goes - 'Never do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow'

GGD, Elaine says I have to do our kitchen before I even look at one of your bikes for sale, don't sell them.
Jul 18, 2017
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Congratulations on your retirement :) get on and enjoy everything you have always wanted to do.
There seems to be 2 generations on this forum the over 60s/retired folk,and us lot around the 40 mark(I'm 44 this July) one thing that always comes up in our work conversations is you wait till you've got the time and the money (retirement)but not the body to do stuff,so I intend to get towards 55-60 and take some longer time off to do stuff while my kids have grown up and I'm fit and able,then if I can be bothered/need to go back to part time work.What would our older contributors advise your younger self to have done differently/earlier?
Nov 16, 2015
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Brasso, I am 67,, but think I am only 50, Silly ******, I have worked overerseas, Mostly West Africa for most of my working live, as an Helicopter engineer, Very active, due to climbing around the helis. apart from a few bouts of Malaria and Self inflicted alcohol overdosing, nothing wrong, retirment came, relaxed a lot, put on a few pound, Got them off again, keep active, in any way you can, Mow the lawn in the Morning , take the dogs to the pub at lunch time, to keep up to,date with local news, from Friends in the pubs,
In my case I want to join a local wall climbing club as I miss climbing up the helis.

But most of all argue with the wife until she says" Take me for lunch then". And always try and smile at everything.
Jul 18, 2017
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I asked "what would you do different "because my father worked and built his business up,sold it,bought a motorhome travelled for 2yrs then keeled over all before 63yrs old!on the other hand my father in law is 70 this year and still working because he doesn't have any interests and says he's too old to do anything!Both have/had enough money to do anything they want,only one ran out of time,The other is saving for a rainy day he may not see.
I don't want to be like either,I'd like to have a happy medium.
P.s my mums having a fabulous time spending my fathers money :)
Jun 20, 2005
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Brasso530 said:
I asked "what would you do different "because my father worked and built his business up,sold it,bought a motorhome travelled for 2yrs then keeled over all before 63yrs old!on the other hand my father in law is 70 this year and still working because he doesn't have any interests and says he's too old to do anything!Both have/had enough money to do anything they want,only one ran out of time,The other is saving for a rainy day he may not see.
I don't want to be like either,I'd like to have a happy medium.
P.s my mums having a fabulous time spending my fathers money :)
Step one. Get a full medical atyour GP .Tell em longevity isn’t in the genes. Go from there.
Jul 18, 2017
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Had the full medical,fit as a butchers dog.Thinking a possibility is maybe a club warden for a few years with winters in warm weather,ease us into retirement?
Nov 16, 2015
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Brasso530 said:
Had the full medical,fit as a butchers dog.Thinking a possibility is maybe a club warden for a few years with winters in warm weather,ease us into retirement?

Whatever you do just enjoy it, wet dry sunny or not try and keep smiling.
May 7, 2012
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Congratulations on your retirement. As long as you have a decent pension then life should be great and you wonder how you ever had time ti fit work in.
I did retire slightly early in late April of that year rather than September which left me free for the Summer which was a good decision. It was one of my colleagues who suggested that as retiring then meant you had plenty to do to overcome the shock of the change of routine rather than winter when there was less on offer with long dark nights and I can say that was excellent advice.
Jun 10, 2021
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Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I just worked my last day as an employee just a month ago and was incredibly happy. It's so good that now you can live for your pleasure and not think about the financial situation, since I used the services of amazing in advance, which allowed me to be confident in the future and live in your pleasure. I can imagine with what delight you celebrated your last day as an employee, as I made a big celebration about this! As it turned out, the pension is not as scary as everyone imagines it xoxo
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