Return from Barney's Birthday

Dec 2, 2005
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well, just got back and i must say it's been one to remember, (for all the wrong reasons)the CL site has only been open 1 year, that's probably the reason i never got any replies about staying there. we were the only van on it. no hardstandings, a good 200yrd walk to the tap and chem waste points, the meal at the pub we went to was SxxxE, brought out what i didn't order and it was cold. and to top it all off, got bogged down this afternoon as we were leaving, car wouldn't pull the van out, so i had to drive it out on the mover, so i'll never go back there. in fact it has opened my eyes for future breaks, never go on a CL that has no hardstandings. i'm going to try and enjoy whats left of my birthday, bring on the VODKA. so until the next time, TO TAR ROBAR. Barney.
Mar 14, 2005
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So to hear of the disaster that befell your birthday bash. However loke the song says "Always look on the bright side of life" and after a Vodka or two you may even see the funny side. I wont wind you up by saying a 4x4 would have got you out no trouble. Perhaps this might start another feud on this forum. Keep your chin up mate and look forward to the next one.
Mar 14, 2005
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So to hear of the disaster that befell your birthday bash. However loke the song says "Always look on the bright side of life" and after a Vodka or two you may even see the funny side. I wont wind you up by saying a 4x4 would have got you out no trouble. Perhaps this might start another feud on this forum. Keep your chin up mate and look forward to the next one.
First word should have read "sorry" - typing error
Mar 14, 2005
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So to hear of the disaster that befell your birthday bash. However loke the song says "Always look on the bright side of life" and after a Vodka or two you may even see the funny side. I wont wind you up by saying a 4x4 would have got you out no trouble. Perhaps this might start another feud on this forum. Keep your chin up mate and look forward to the next one.
Should also have read "like the song ...." - another typing error
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry to hear your tale of woe,but to be fair to CL owners you will not find many who do have hardstandings.The cost to them would be prohibitive.If you don't like all singing ,all dancing Club Sites have you tried the Club no-facilities sites? You'll get hard-standing on some of those.

The next thing is.....another Barney has popped up ( see General topics Fri.3rd Feb.titled Barney.)Any comments??
Jan 21, 2014
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I am suprised you expected hardstandings on a CL. The majority would be a field, water tap and chemical emptying point.

Still that's no excuse for the awful meal - did you complain?
Jan 1, 2006
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Sorry to read of your problems at a CL. My wife and I are keen caravaners and we also have a CL we do not have hard standings but the soil type is sand now I will not say it is not possible to get stuck on this type of soil, but you would have to try very hard. and that would be in summer when the sand is dry. So before you try your next CL visit ask what the soil type is and how free draining is it? if it is clay or heavy loam keep clear but sandy and free draining you should be ok. but if you prefer your vodka then thats a different tail
Dec 2, 2005
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i think i have been to more CL's with hardstanding than no hardstandings to tell you the truth, most in and around the lake district (thats where i'm from by the way) are hardstandings probably because of the weather we get up here. but at the end of the day it's my own fault i should have asked if it was hardstanding. anyway i'm now looking forward to my next trip out to another local CL at kirkby-in-furness where we often go and its only 20 mins from home. it has a newly built toilet and shower block (not that we use them when we have them in the van) its a CL and CS site so with it having 10 pitches you can mostly always get booked on, fantastic views of the duddon estuary, oh and i nearly forgot, every pitch is hardstanding. ha ha.


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