Road Fund Licence

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Mar 14, 2005
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Forget the road tax. On the lunchtime news on BBC it was stated that stamp duty has risen by over 400% this last year as a result of the property boom. He is now raking in billions of pounds through this means of stealth tax. Unless of course you are a Labour supporter with millions of pounds made from the steel industry. Buy a
Feb 15, 2006
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I am now seriously thinking of selling my car and van because gord doesnt want my money i spend in tourist resorts he just cuts out the middle man and takes it out of my wages which i may add i might pack my job in to when road charges comes in as i have to travel miles at rush hours to get to and from it.

Some people dont go to work and get everything and some people who goto work get taxed and nothing i work to have nice things and try to give my family culture and memories that hopefully last a life time BUT the more i try and earn for this gord takes off me.

At work we have stuck together and got a pay rise of 9.7% after they offered 3.1% and I think this is what we need to do stick together and get rid of this lowsey government or all hitch our vans and head for the sun for good!

Few im glad thats out of the system.

Mar 14, 2005
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I took redundancy/early retirement two years ago at 59 years of age. I had a hand out for redundancy payment and my teacher's pension was kicking in at 60. Out of curiosity I went down the job centre to see what I may be entitled to as I had never been there before and never made a claim on them since starting work at 18. All I was offered was retraining which meant I had to attend courses for 4 days a week and work placement on the 5th. day. For this I would be entitled to
Nov 26, 2006
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What the job centre did not tell you (of course) is that if you wait 3 months you can then sign on for jobseekers allowance (unaffected by income or savings).

After 6 months this stops. Wait 6 months and sign on again.

Your entitlement is based on your contributions or 3 years ago, and a break in claiming entitles you to restart.

A bit late, but it is just possible you can still claim something - not huge amounts of money, but every little helps get something back that you have paid in for.

Of course you have to tell them you are looking for a job..

I took early retirement at 47 (smug!) and this made a useful little bonus until pension kicked in at 50.

Some people seem to be too proud to claim - more fool them, I say.
Apr 11, 2005
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Go to C,A,B, they have help me out lot in the past.

They can tell you what you can came and often or not they will have the fors as well and they alll so help you fill them out.

Of cores you have to tell them a bit about your self.

May 12, 2006
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Big Al " Remember The coal industry "

Maggie was the greenest PM this country has seen for a 100 years, and you can't dispute that it's fact !!!!!!!!!

Val & Frank
Nov 4, 2004
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To add to my previous comment,if the Government bring in pay as you go on the roads it will start to make Caravanning a much more expensive hobby.

At the moment we holiday in our vans so dont travel by air so save big time there on co2 emmisions.

Where will it stop?

If people stop driving he will lose tax revenue so he will have to take it from somewhere else?
Mar 14, 2005
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To add to my previous comment,if the Government bring in pay as you go on the roads it will start to make Caravanning a much more expensive hobby.

At the moment we holiday in our vans so dont travel by air so save big time there on co2 emmisions.

Where will it stop?

If people stop driving he will lose tax revenue so he will have to take it from somewhere else?
This is all now getting beyond a joke.

I drive a Nissan X-Trail 2.2 diesel. CO2 emissions around 200 g per km. A friend drives a 2.0 litre diesel Mondeo with CO2 emissions of around 150 g per km. Who is the greater polluter? Me? I don't think so. I covered 5,600 miles last year - he did over 20,000. You do the sums!

Let's keep it simple, if you use the fuel you pay the tax. Leave the annual vehicle tax alone, or scrap it all together.

Mind you, I've still to see how the extra tax is saving the planet. Please explain!
Mar 14, 2005
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In a previous budget Mr. Brown raised road fund tax for the less economical cars but vehicles registered before 2000 were exempt. My 1998 4x4 road tax therefore only went up by
Dec 16, 2003
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I've just had a brief read on the non event budget, robbed blind again but no doubt the winker's in the Labour party think they will have bought a few votes with the so called tax cut and hitting the Range Rover drivers.

Funny how action on us that is likened to a pelasurable act ends up in slow pain sometime in the not to distant future ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
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lets face it,this govrnment is a bloody joke.once again its the easy target,the motorist.there are a helluvalot more excessive pollutants than 4x4's,yet we get clobbered the most.well thats me finished when it goes up to
May 3, 2006
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Chelsea you are so right, although I do run a fairly modern towing vehicle Santa fe 2003 it is very econimical.

I also run an old cavalier turbo diesel 1994, it is well maintained and serviced but, probaly due to its old design emmits as much if not more than my Santa Fe.

However it still costs
Apr 26, 2005
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Not sure of the accuracy Brian as i only heard it on the radio but they said that vehicles that fall into the top tax bracket include Renault espace 2 litre and the Vauxhall Meriva. not what i would call rich peoples vehicles.

Les, do you really believe that the technology is not out here already for non oil powered vehicles?

Anyone that comes up with a design that you suggest would be either bought off or bumped off by MI5 or the petro chemical industry.;

Everyone needs to realise it makes so much money for governments it will continue until we have genaral strike or the oil runs out.
Mar 18, 2006
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hi all

if this so called increase on tax comes into play how many will part with their 4x4s and caravans, i for one will do.. i have a large van and need a 4x4 to tow it. (might get away with a large car but not looked into it yet, still new to caravanning ) i begrudge having to pay an increase when i drive a 2.0 td freelander and some cars are well above the engine size i have.. i wonder how much the politicians cars cost to run compared with mine, and they can afford it..

if it comes into play then i will sell both car and caravan and start holidaying abroad instead,let another country get my hard earned cash and not this bunch or robbing gits we call the government.. at least dick turpin wore a mask when he robbed folk..

Mar 16, 2005
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Les if you santa fe, is economical, then its co2 per km would

be low, therefore you would be ok. but i dare say its not, and

the vauxhaul cavalier, td, that does 50 plus mpg,would enmmit

far less co2 than the santa fe.

Its a simple equation, the higher your co2 rating the more fuel

you are burning per mile.

Thats how they work it out....
May 4, 2005
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Not sure of the accuracy Brian as i only heard it on the radio but they said that vehicles that fall into the top tax bracket include Renault espace 2 litre and the Vauxhall Meriva. not what i would call rich peoples vehicles.

Les, do you really believe that the technology is not out here already for non oil powered vehicles?

Anyone that comes up with a design that you suggest would be either bought off or bumped off by MI5 or the petro chemical industry.;

Everyone needs to realise it makes so much money for governments it will continue until we have genaral strike or the oil runs out.
Jan 2, 2006
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I dont think that my tug will be affected much if at all by GBs (that could be Gordon or Great Britain the results the same)but all this tax hike goes back to whether or not you believe that global warming exists as a bye product of our activity or is merely a means to whack up taxes,I know which I have my money on,not that much is left! :eek:)


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